About the Commission and its Report
Executive Summary
Chapter 1. The Need to Maintain an Intelligence Capability
Chapter 2. The Role of Intelligence
Chapter 3. The Need For Policy Guidance
Chapter 4. The Need for a Coordinated Response to Global Crime
Chapter 5. The Organizational Arrangements for the Intelligence Community
Chapter 6. The Central Intelligence Agency
Chapter 7. The Need for an Effective Budget Structure and Process
Chapter 8. Improving Intelligence Analysis
Chapter 9. The Need to "Right-Size" and Rebuild the Community
Chapter 10. Military Intelligence
Chapter 11. Space Reconnaissance and the Management of Technical Collection
Chapter 12. International Cooperation
Chapter 13. The Cost of Intelligence
Chapter 14. Accountability and Oversight
Additional Views of Senator John Warner
Appendix A. The Evolution of the U.S. Intelligence Community-An Historical Overview
Appendix B. An Overview of the Intelligence Community
Appendix C. List of Witnesses
Appendix D. List of Interviews
Appendix E. Authorizing Legislation
Appendix F. Statutory Issue Cross Reference Index
Appendix G. Biographical Information
A. IC21 Hearings and Witnesses
B. IC21 Staff Panels
C. CRS Report: Proposals for Intelligence
Reorganization 1949-1996
Figure 1: IC Functional Flow
Figure 2: IC21 Staff Studies
Figure 3: IC21 Objective Community
Figure 4: IC Functions
Figure 5: IC Structure and Flow