Selected Speeches, Reports, and Other Products
- The History of CIA's Office of Strategic Research, 1967-81, Center for the Study of Intelligence, August 2019
CREST (CIA Records Search Tool) at the National Archives
- User's Manual for the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) - 2003 Edition, September 30, 2003
- CIA-NARA Memorandum of Understanding, November 5, 1999
- CIA Transfer of Computer Equipment to NARA, September 21, 1999
- Usage of CIA Scanned Images at NARA, January 10, 2001
- NARA Brochure on CREST, Spring 2005
- CREST Executive Overview (2008), August 5, 2008
- CREST User Training (2008), August 5, 2008
- Guide to the Analysis of Insurgency (updated), 2012
- Style Manual & Writers Guide for Intelligence Publications, CIA Directorate of Intelligence, Eighth Edition, 2011 (via National Security Counselors
- North Korea: Assessing the Impact of Flooding on Agricultural Output, CIA Open Source Works, 15 December 2010
- Russia: Security Concerns About Iran's Space Program Growing, CIA Open Source Works, 16 November 2010
- Pakistan Leadership Watch: October 2010, November 8, 2010
- Procedures Used in Narcotics Airbridge Denial Program in Peru, 1995-2001 (redacted), CIA Inspector General report, August 25, 2008 (released November 2010)
- The Likelihood of the Acquisition of Nuclear Weapons by Foreign Terrorist Groups for Use Against the United States, United States Intelligence Board, Interagency Intelligence Memorandum, 8 January 1976
- Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities (September 2001 - October 2003), CIA Inspector General Report 2003-7123-IG, 7 May 2004 (redacted), as released August 24, 2009
- History of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Part I, 1941-1947, by Joseph E. Roop, Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1969
- A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis, March 2009
- Vietnam Histories, released March 12, 2009
Clandestine Services History
- The Secret War in Korea, June 1950 to June 1952, March 1964 (released July 2007)
- Record of Paramilitary Action Against the Castro Government of Cuba, 17 March 1960 - May 1961, May 1961 (released July 2007)
- The Evolution of Ground Paramilitary Activities at the Staff Level, October 1949-September 1955, November 1968 (released July 2007)
- The Berlin Tunnel Operation, 1952-1956, Clandestine Services History, 24 June 1968 (as released in February 2007)
- The Agency and the Hill: CIA's Relationship with Congress, 1946-2004 by L. Britt Snider, Center for the Study of Intelligence, 2008
- Interagency Task Force Report on Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information, CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, 25 March 2002
- Leaks: How Unauthorized Media Disclosures of US Classified Intelligence Damage Sources and Methods, Foreign Denial and Deception Committee, 24 April 2002
- Inter-Agency Task Force on Unauthorized Disclosures Security Working Group (charter), February 11, 2002
- Remarks of CIA Director Hayden at the Council on Foreign Relations, September 7, 2007
- Inspector General Report on CIA Accountability With Respect to the 9/11 Attacks, June 2005, declassified executive summary, released August 21, 2007
- Remarks of CIA Director Hayden on Current Declassification Activities, June 21, 2007
- Castro's Cuba Today (1966), Current Intelligence Weekly Special Report, 30 September 1966 (declassified October 2006)
- The Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty, Intelligence Memorandum, June 1967 (declassified June 2006)
- Covert Action Against the Soviet Union, 1969-1960, excerpts from Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, vol. XII (source)
- Intelligence in the Civil War, March 2006
- Curing Analytic Pathologies: Pathways to Improved Intelligence Analysis by Jeffrey R. Cooper, Center for the Study of Intelligence, December 2005
- Analytic Culture in the U.S. Intelligence Community: An Ethnographic Study, Center for the Study of Intelligence, 2005 (8 MB PDF)
- US Intelligence Community Reform Studies Since 1947, Center for the Study of Intelligence, April 2005
- DCI Porter Goss Addresses CIA Employees, September 24, 2004
- President's Daily Brief, 25 April 1967, declassified 10 December 2004
- Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions, 1 July Through 31 December 2003, Unclassified DCI Report to Congress, November 2004
- Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks, excerpt from the President's Daily Brief, December 4, 1998 (declassified for the report of the 9/11 Commission, July 2004)
- Remarks by Deputy Director for Operations James L. Pavitt at the Foreign Policy Association 21 June 2004
- Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US, excerpt from the President's Daily Brief, 6 August 2001 (declassified and released on 10 April 2004) (White House Fact Sheet) (White House Background Briefing, April 10, 2004)
- DDI's State of Analysis Speech, Jami Miscik, February 11, 2004
- DCI Tenet on Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction, speech at Georgetown University, February 5, 2004
- Intelligence for a New Era in American Foreign Policy, Center for the Study of Intelligence Conference Report, January 2004 (1.3 MB PDF)
- The Darker Bioweapons Future, report of the Office of Transnational Issues, November 3, 2003
- Statement on the Interim Progress Report on the Activities of the Iraq Survey Group, presented by David Kay, October 2, 2003.
- Nations Hospitable to Organized Crime and Terrorism, Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress by arrangement with the DCI Crime and Narcotics Center, October 2003
- DCI Statement on the 2002 NIE on Iraq's WMD Programs, news release, August 11, 2003
- Key Judgments: Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction, declassified excerpts from an October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, released July 18, 2003
- Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of South America, Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress by arrangement with the DCI Crime and Narcotics Center, July 2003
- Intelligence Assessment - Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants, May 28, 2003
- Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions, 1 January Through 30 June 2002, Unclassified Report to Congress from the Director of Central Intelligence, April 2003
- Predicting the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: The Intelligence Community's Record by Douglas MacEachin, Center for the Study of Intelligence Monograph, published March 2003
- Putting Noncombatants at Risk:� Saddam's Use of "Human Shields", February 26, 2003
- Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions, 1 July Through 31 December 2001, Unclassified Report to Congress from the Director of Central Intelligence, January 2003
- Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs, October 2002.
- Terrorists: Recruiting and Operating Behind Bars, CIA Counterterrorism Center, August 20, 2002.
- The 2001 Annual Report of the United States Intelligence Community, Director of Central Intelligence Report to Congress, February 2002.
- Long-Term Global Demographic Trends: Reshaping the Geopolitical Landscape, July 2001 (2.5 MB PDF file).
- Address by Assistant DCI John C. Gannon to the National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee, 3 April 2001.
- Strategic Investment Plan for Intelligence Community Analysis, ADCI/AP 2000-01 (3 MB PDF file) [HTML version]
- CIA Factbook on Intelligence, updated 2001.
- Remarks by the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, John E. McLaughlin, to Texas A&M Conference "North Korea: Engagement or Confrontation," 17 April 2001
- Remarks by DCI Tenet opening the Conference on CIA's Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991, Princeton University, March 8, 2001.
- Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions, 1 January Through 30 June 2000, Unclassified Report to Congress from the Director of Central Intelligence, February 2001
- A Message from the CIA Inspector General, final observations from outgoing CIA IG Britt Snider, January 19.
- Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts, National Intelligence Council, December 2000.
- CIA Activities in Chile, Report to Congress, September 18, 2000.
- Improper Handling of Classified Information by John M. Deutch, CIA Inspector General Report of Investigation, Unclassified (FOUO), February 18, 2000.
- Key Judgments -- National Intelligence Estimate 98-03, Vietnamese Intentions, Capabilities and Performance Concerning the POW/MIA Issue DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED August 27, 1998
- Intelligence Challenges for the Next Generation -- Remarks by John C. Gannon Chairman, National Intelligence Council to the World Affairs Council Washington, D.C. June 4, 1998
- Collection Management Responses to the Jeremiah Report, 24 August 1998
- Declassified Documents Associated with the Jeremiah Report, 22 June 1998
- Jeremiah News Conference -- 02 June 1998 -- The identification of the Indian nuclear test preparations posed a difficult collection problem and a difficult analytical problem. In addition, they took pains to avoid any characteristics that they may have learned were of value to us, and the test preparations they made in 1995/96. I suppose my bottom line is that both the intelligence and the policy communities had an underlying mindset going into these tests that the BJP would behave as we behave.
- Allegations of Connections Between CIA and The Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States (96-0143-IG) Volume I: The Califormia Story Office of Inspector General Investigations Staff REPORT OF INVESTIGATION January 29, 1998
- CURRENT AND PROJECTED NATIONAL SECURITY THREATS TO THE UNITED STATES AND ITS INTERESTS ABROAD 28 January 1997 - Senate Select Committee on Intelligence George Tenet Director of Central Intelligence
Desert Storm related products
- ANNUAL REPORT ON INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES The Director of Central Intelligence 22 August 1997
- The Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventions/ Munitions -- July Dec 1996 Director of Central Intelligence June 1997
- March 27 - DDI John Gannon -- Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Symposium
- March 20 - DDI John Gannon -- Congress as a User of Intelligence
- February 5 - Acting DCI George Tenet -- Hearing on Current and Projected National Security Threats
- 1997 Factbook on Intelligence
- December 4 - Remarks by John E. Mclaughlin -- Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
- November 20 - DDI John Gannon -- An The Outlook for China: A CIA Perspective, Worcester, Massachusetts
- November 1 - CIA Executive Director Statement on Persian Gulf Veterans Illnesses
- October 26 - DDI John Gannon Before the Central Intelligence Retirees Association, Clearwater Beach, Florida
- September 5 - DCI John Deutch to Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
- July 25 - DCI John Deutch to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles, California
- July 10 - DDI John Gannon Speech to the Boston Committee on Foreign Relations
- June 25 - DCI John Deutch Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
- May 23 - DCI John Deutch Speech at the Conference on Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Weapons Proliferation and Terrorism.
- May 22 - DCI John Deutch Speech to the ARPATech '96 18th S&T Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia on the Future of the National Reconnaissance Program.
- May 15 - Speech by CIA Executive Director, Nora Slatkin to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations on Women in CIA.
- May 1 - Response by DCI John Deutch to the New York Times.
- March 27 - Statement for the Record by Dr. Gordon C. Oehler, Director, Nonproliferation Center to the Senate Armed Services Committee.
- March 20 - DCI John M. Deutch Open Testimony before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee on Government Affairs.
- March 20 - DDI John Gannon Speech before the World Affairs Council in San Diego, CA.
- February 22 - DCI John M. Deutch brief to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the Worldwide Threat Assessment.
Question and Answer Session following speech.
- January 31 - David Carey Testimony before the House International Relations Committee.
- Statement by CIA Deputy Director for Intelligence John Gannon on Ethnic Cleansing and Atrocities in Bosnia Joint SSCI SFRC Open Hearing on August 9, 1995
- The Future of US Intelligence -- Charting a Course for Change John Deutch Director of Central Intelligence 7/11/95
- DCI John M. Deutch at VENONA Press Conference 7/11/95
- Central Intelligence Agency 21 June 1995 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence John M. Deutch
- DCI John M. Deutch's Speech at National Defense University 6/14/95
- DDCI confirmation hearing June 14, 1995 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence George J. Tenet
- Tribute to CIA Employees who Died in the Line of Duty Remarks by DCI John M. Deutch - 6/1/95
- DCI John M. Deutch's Address to CSI CORONA Symposium 5/23/95
- DCI John Deutch's Remarks at CIA Town Meeting - May 11, 1995
- Remarks by Admiral William O Studeman Acting Director of Central Intelligence at MarquetteUniversity 4/20/95
- OMNIBUS COUNTERTERRORISM ACT OF 1995 6 April 1995 - House Judiciary Committee DCI William O. Studeman
- GUATEMALA 4/4/95 Senate Select Commitee on Intelligence Acting DCI William O. Studeman
- Early Satellites in US Intelligence Remarks by Admiral William O. Studeman Acting Director of Central Intelligence at the Signing of the Executive Order Declassifying Early Satellite Imagery - 24 February 1995
Soviet Space Program
- Assessment of Soviet Space Transportation Technology, April 5, 1991
- Soviet Options for a Manned Mars Landing Mission, intelligence assessment, December 1989
- Soviet Reusable Space Systems Program: Implications for Space Operations in the 1990s, Intelligence Assessment, September 1988
- Soviet Space Missions Planned Through the Year 2000, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Science and Technology Perspectives, April 8, 1987
- USSR Military and Space Systems in Development--Improving Capabilities for the 1990s, August 1986
- Key Conclusions About Present and Future Soviet Space Missions, June 1983
- Soviet Capabilities and Intentions for Permanently Manned Space Stations, Intelligence Assessment, November 1982
- Outlook for Rapid Expansion of Soviet Space Programs Through 1986, Intelligence Assessment, October 1982
- Soviet Dependence on Space Systems, Interagency Intelligence Memorandum, November 1975 (declassified version; 1.7 MB PDF)
- Evaluation of a Soviet Low-Pressure Manned Space Flight Research and Development Facility, Scientific and Technical Intelligence Report, August 1975
- Soviets Take a New Look at Space Spending, Intelligence Memorandum, October 1970
- Aims and Costs of the Soviet Space Station Program, Intelligence Report, January 1970
- Expenditure Implications of Soviet Space Programs, contribution to NIE 11-1-69, April 1969
- Soviet Comsat Programs: Status and Prospects, intelligence memorandum, June 1968
- Expenditure Implications of Soviet Space Programs, 1963-1972, contribution to NIE 11-1-67, February 1968
- The Soviet Space Program, National Intelligence Estimate 11-1-67, 2 March 1967 (declassified version; 1.2 MB PDF)
- US and Soviet Space Programs: Comparative Size, Intelligence Memorandum, March 1966
- Snooping on Space Pictures (on intercepting video from Soviet spacecraft), Studies in Intelligence, Fall 1964
- Comparison of US and Estimated Soviet Expenditures for Space Programs, Military-Economic Intelligence Memorandum, August 1964
- The Soviet Reconnaissance Satellite Program, Intelligence Memorandum, June 18, 1964
- The Soviet Space Program, National Intelligence Estimate 11-1-62, December 1962 (declassified version; 1.7 MB PDF)
- Thanks to AT and JB
Chinese Nuclear Weapon Development
- Chinese atomic program - Meeting with the President Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Memorandum for the Record, July 24, 1964.
- U-2 flight over high priority targets in South China Meeting of 303 Committee - Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Memorandum for the Record, August 8, 1964.
- THE CHANCES OF AN IMMINENT COMMUNIST CHINESE NUCLEAR EXPLOSION Special National Intelligence Estimate SNIE 13-4-64, August 26, 1964.
- Needs for photographic [intelligence on] Lop Nor Chinese Communist nuclear test site Memorandum of Discussion at Luncheon -- Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Memorandum for the Record September 15, 1964.
- Takhli-Lop Nor KH-4 photography and U-2 photography Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Memorandum for the Record, Discussion with the President, Secretary Rusk, Secretary McNamara and Mr. McGeorge Bundy, October 5, 1964.
- Estimated Imminence of a Chinese Nuclear Test Memorandum From the Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency (Chamberlain) to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (Carter), October 15, 1964.
- ChiCom nuclear capability Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Memorandum for the Record, Meeting of an Executive Group of the National Security Council, October 16, 1964.
- ChiCom nuclear capability Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Memorandum for the Record - Meeting of the National Security Council, October 17, 1964.
- COMMUNIST CHINA'S ADVANCED WEAPONS PROGRAM National Intelligence Estimate NIE 13-2-65, February 10, 1965.
- US Intelligence Capabilities to Monitor Certain Limitations on Soviet Strategic Weapons Programs, SNIE 11-13-68, July 18, 1968
- International Political Implications of Public Release of Selected Satellite Imagery or Information (Redacted), DCI Task Force on the Declassification of Photoreconnaissance Imagery, 5 January 1979
- Bibliography on "Morality and ethics/intelligence and secrecy in our democracy", 1977 (released 2009)
- Central Intelligence Bulletins (redacted) from June 7-17, 1971
- Central Intelligence Bulletins (redacted) from June 14-22, 1972
- The Latin American Guerrilla Today, CIA Directorate of Intelligence Weekly Summary Special Report, 22 January 1971
- CIA Chronology, 1940-1950, CIA Historical Review Program
- Guide to the Analysis of Insurgency, CIA pamphlet, no date (1980s?) (See also 2012 update).
- The Problem of Uranium Isotope Separation by Means of Ultracentrifuge in the USSR by Gernot Zippe, 8 October 1957 (redacted version)
- Preparing U.S. Intelligence for the Information Age: Coping with the Information Overload, DCI Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee, STIC 93-001, January 1993
- Remote Medical Diagnosis: Monitoring the health of Very Important Patients, Studies in Intelligence, Spring 1979
- A Review of the Intelligence Community, March 10, 1971
- Declassified Intelligence Analyses on the Former Soviet Union, produced by CIA's Directorate of Intelligence, 1950-1993