CIA - Major Products

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Major Products

Speeches and Testimony

Desert Storm related products

The finished products likely to be of most interest to a consumer of intelligence can be categorized as current, estimative, warning, and research or basic. In each of these categories, the use of the term "national" in the title indicates that: the publication is intended for the use of US Government officials at the highest levels; the contents of the publication have been reviewed and coordinated within the IC (time permitting, in the case of current intelligence), and significant dissenting views have been noted.

Other departmental publications, papers, and reports may be intended for use at the national level, but may not have been circulated for coordination outside the issuing department or agency, and dissenting views are not necessarily presented.

Hundreds of reports derived from SIGINT, imagery, and human sources are sent to consumers and other producers each day. These reports provide policy makers and their intelligence staffs with the first indications of significant new developments. They are generally derived from a single source and, in the interests of timeliness, are not coordinated outside the issuing agency before release. These items provide the basic input to the more fully analyzed items described below.

President's Daily Brief (PDB)

A compilation of current intelligence items of high significance to national policy concerns prepared six days a week by CIA. It is tailored to meet daily intelligence needs as defined by the President and is distributed to only the President, the Vice President, and those very few senior executive branch officials who are designated by the President as recipients. DIA also provides a weekly Defense Intelligence Supplement covering military issues and topics.

National Intelligence Daily (NID)

A compilation of key items of current intelligence published six days a week by CIA's Directorate of Intelligence. It is prepared in consultation with DIA, INR, and NSA; dissents are noted either in the text of the initial article or in a separate paragraph. Late, uncoordinated items are so noted. Dissemination is limited, and there is no classification limit. Versions of this publication, varying in classification level and tailored to specific topic interests, are cabled to major US military commands and selected US posts abroad.

Midday Intelligence Report (MID)

A compendium of brief current intelligence items prepared for early afternoon delivery to a very limited number of key policy makers. Coordinated within only CIA, it updates and supplements the NID with quick-reaction analytical judgments on new developments.

S&T Perspectives

A monthly publication produced by the FBIS component of the DS&T, Perspectives highlight worldwide media articles on important scientific and technical developments, preview translations about to appear in the JPRS S&T series, and offer information on coming international conferences and events.

New Publications From CIA

To reduce the amount of paper sent to senior policy makers and to respond more effectively to their specific requirements for research and analysis, the CIA's Directorate of Intelligence has cut the number of its formal intelligence products to two: The Intelligence Research Paper (IRP) provides a broad analytical perspective, basic research and information, and often has a long shelf life. Important IRPs are issued in two formats - a brief summary entitled Key Findings for senior policy makers and a complete version for other consumers. The Intelligence Memorandum (IM) serves policy makers' needs for brief, focused, short-deadline analysis of important issues and developments.


[Adapted from: Central Intelligence Agency, A Consumer's Guide to Intelligence, OPAI 93-00092, September 1993, page 21-23.]

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Created by John Pike
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated Monday, September 23, 1996 - 11:26:47 AM