2008 Congressional Hearings
Nuclear Terrorism - 2008
25 September 2008 (and earlier dates) - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
The Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody
17 June and 25 September 2008 - Senate Armed Services Committee
Nomination of J. Patrick Rowan to be Assistant Attorney General for National Security
25 September 2008 - Senate Intelligence Committee
A Report Card on Homeland Security Information Sharing
24 September 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
Attorney General Guidelines for FBI Criminal Investigations, National Security Investigations, and the Collection of Foreign Intelligence
23 September 2008 - Senate Intelligence Committee
Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation with India
18 September 2008 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Cyber Security
18 September 2008 - House Intelligence Committee
Security Clearance Reform
17 September 2008 - House Intelligence Committee
Restoring the Rule of Law
16 September 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution
Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
17 September 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Defeating the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and Other Asymmetric Threats: Today's Efforts and Tomorrow's Requirements
16 September 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
Federal Bureau of Investigation (Part III)
16 September 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
GAO Insights Into Security Clearance Reform
30 July 2008 - House Intelligence Committee
Implications of the Supreme Court's Boumediene Decision for Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: Non-Governmental Perspective
30 July 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
Executive Power and Its Constitutional Limitations
25 July 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Emerging Biological Threats and Public Health Preparedness: Getting Beyond Getting Ready
22 July 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules (Part V)
17 July 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
One Year Later--Implementing the Biosurveillance Requirements of the 9/11 Act
16 July 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
How the Administration's Failed Detainee Policies Have Hurt the Fight Against Terrorism: Putting the Fight Against Terrorism on Sound Legal Foundations
16 July 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules (Part IV)
15 July 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Threat Posed by Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
10 July 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
The Roots of Violent Islamist Extremism and Efforts to Counter It
10 July 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice
9 July 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules (Part III)
26 June 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
National Security Implications of Global Climate Change
25 June 2008 - House Intelligence Committee
- Published Hearing Record
- Thomas Fingar, National Intelligence Council
- Mr. Rolf Mowatt-Larsen, Director, Intelligence and Counterintelligence, U.S. Department of Energy
- Rt. Hon. Margaret Beckett, MP, Former Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom
- VADM Paul Gaffney, President, Monmouth University and Former President, National Defense University
- Dr. Kent Hughes Butts, Professor of Political-Military Strategy, Center for Strategic Leadership, U.S. Army War College
- Marlo Lewis, Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Lee Lane, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Revelations by Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan
20 June 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Genetics and Other Human Modification Technologies: Sensible International Regulation or a New Kind of Arms Race?
19 June 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules (Part II)
18 June 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
On the Origins of Agressive Interrogation Techniques
17 June 2008 - Senate Armed Services Committee
- Opening Statement of Sen. Carl Levin, Chairman
- Supporting Documents Released at the Hearing
- Mr. Richard L. Shiffrin, Former Deputy General Counsel for Intelligence, Department of Defense
- Lieutenant Colonel Daniel J. Baumgartner, Jr., USAF (Ret.), Former Chief of Staff, Joint Personnel Recovery Agency
- Dr. Jerald F. Ogrisseg, Former Chief, Psychology Services, 336th Training Group, United States Air Force Survival School
- Mr. Alberto J. Mora, Former General Counsel, United States Navy
- Rear Admiral Jane G. Dalton, USN (Ret.), Former Legal Advisor to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Lieutenant Colonel Diane E. Beaver, USA (Ret.), Former Staff Judge Advocate, Joint Task Force 170/JTF Guantanamo Bay
- Mr. William J. Haynes II, Former General Counsel, Department of Defense
Coercive Interrogation Techniques: Do They Work, Are They Reliable, and What Did the FBI Know About Them?
10 June 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Diplomatic Assurances and Rendition to Torture: The Perspective of the State Department's Legal Adviser
10 June 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
Joint Hearing on: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Report OIG-08-18, The Removal of a Canadian Citizen to Syria
05 June 2008 - House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committees
City on the Hill or Prison on the Bay? Part III: Guantanamo--The Role of the FBI
04 June 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committees
Improving Detainee Policy: Handling Terrorism Detainees Within the American Justice System
04 June 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committees
Security Clearance Reform: The Way Forward
22 May 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Defense Cooperation Treaties with the United Kingdom and Australia
21 May 2008 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee
FBI Whistleblowers
21 May 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Implications of Cyber Vulnerabilities on the Resilience and Security of the Electric Grid
21 May 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
City on the Hill or Prison on the Bay? The Mistakes of Guantanamo and the Decline of America's Image, Part II
20 May 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committees
National Security Bureaucracy for Arms Control, Counterproliferation, and Nonproliferation: The Role of the Department of State--Parts I and II
15 May and 6 June 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees
The Resilient Homeland: How DHS Intelligence Should Empower America
to Prepare for, Prevent, and Withstand Terrorist Attacks
15 May 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
City on the Hill or Prison on the Bay? The Mistakes of Guantanamo and the Decline of America's Image
06 May 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committees
Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules (Part I)
06 May 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Nomination of Michael Leiter to be Director, National Counterterrorism Center
06 May 2008 - Senate Intelligence Committee
Beyond Control: Reforming Export Licensing Agencies for National Security and Economic Interests
24 April 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Addressing Iran's Nuclear Ambitions
24 April 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Moving Beyond the First Five Years: Evolving the Office of Intelligence and Analysis to Better Serve State, Local, and Tribal Needs
24 April 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
War Powers for the 21st Century: The Executive Branch Perspective
24 April 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
Federal Bureau of Investigation (Part II)
23 April 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
National Security Letters: The Need for Greater Accountability and Oversight
23 April 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Focus on Fusion Centers: A Progress Report
17 April 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
What Are the Prospects? What Are the Costs? Oversight of Missile Defense (Part 2)
16 April 2008 - House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
National Industrial Security Program: Addressing the Implications of Globalization and Foreign Ownership for the Defense Industrial Base
16 April 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
The National Security Letters Reform Act of 2007
15 April 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
War Powers for the 21st Century: The Constitutional Perspective
10 April 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
Assessing the Fight Against Al Qaeda
09 April 2008 - House Intelligence Committee
The New FEMA: Is the Agency Better Prepared for a Catastrophe Now Than it was in 2005?
3 April 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Making Homeland Security Intelligence Work for State, Local, and Tribal Partners:
An Interagency Threat Assessment Coordination Group (ITACG) Progress Report
13 March 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
War Powers for the 21st Century: The Congressional Perspective
13 March 2008 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
Technologies to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction
12 March 2008 - Senate Armed Services Committee
Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
05 March 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Nuclear Smuggling Detection: Recent Tests of Advanced Spectroscopic Portal Monitors
05 March 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
Budget Request for U.S. Special Operations Command and U.S. Northern Command
05 March 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
Budget Request and Status of Space Activities
05 March 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
Department of Homeland Security
05 March 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Government-wide Intelligence Community Management Reforms
29 February 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
War at Any Cost? The Total Economic Costs of the War Beyond the Federal Budget
28 February 2008 - Joint Economic Committee
The Cyber Initiative
28 February 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
An Uneasy Relationship: U.S. Reliance on Private Security Firms in Overseas Operations
27 February 2008 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Security Clearance Reform
27 February 2008 - House Intelligence Committee
Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community
27 February 2008 - Senate Armed Services Committee
Irregular Warfare and Stability Operations: Approaches to Interagency Integration
26 February 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
Homeland Security Intelligence at a Crossroads: The Office of Intelligence and Analysis' Vision for 2008
26 February 2008 - House Homeland Security Committee
Statutory Authorities of the Director of National Intelligence
14 February 2008 - Senate Intelligence Committee
Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel
14 February 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Readiness at Risk: The Department of Defense Security Clearance Process
13 February 2008 - House Armed Services Committee
Examining the State Secrets Privilege: Protecting National Security While Preserving Accountability
13 February 2008 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Air Force Nuclear Security
12 February 2008 - Senate Armed Services Committee
Annual Threat Assessment of the Director of National Intelligence
07 February 2008 - House Intelligence Committee
Annual Threat Assessment of the Director of National Intelligence
05 February 2008 - Senate Intelligence Committee
Enforcement of Federal Espionage Laws
29 January 2008 - House Judiciary Committee
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated January 16, 2011