2010 Congressional Debate
- A Bill to Modify the Espionage Statutes (S.4051), by Sen. Cardin, December 21
- A Bill to Amend the Classified Information Procedures Act (S.4050), by Sen. Cardin, December 20
- Sen. Feinstein Introduces a Bill to Extend Expiring Provisions of PATRIOT Act (S.4048), December 17
- Tribute to Retiring Senator Kit Bond, December 14
- A bill to require polygraph exams for law enforcement applicants to Customs and Border Protection (H.R. 6472), December 1
- A bill to require a DNI report on electromagnetic pulse weapons (H.R. 6471), December 1
- Senator Bond on New START Treaty, November 18
- Senator Bond Remarks on Intelligence, November 17
- Senator Whitehouse on Cybersecurity, November 17
- Sen. Rockefeller on the FY2010 Intelligence Authorization Act, November 15
- Maurice Sonnenberg Named to Intelligence Community R&D Review Commission, November 15
- House Passes FY2010 Intelligence Authorization Act, September 29
- Senate Passes FY2010 Intelligence Authorization Act, September 27
- Findings of the HPSCI Chairman Relating to Efficiency and Reform, September 15
- Rep. Rush Holt on the Wikileaks Scandal, August 10
- Senate Passes Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, August 5
- A bill to prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens (H.R. 6010), by Rep. Kucinich, et al, July 30
- Tribute to Michael J. Sulick by Sen. Feinstein, July 30
- Senate Authorizes Document Production for Leak Investigation, S.Res. 600, July 28
- Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse on Cybersecurity, July 27
- Amended FY 2010 Intelligence Authorization Act as reported by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, July 19 (see also Sen. Rept. 111-223)
- Introduction of The National Cyber Infrastructure Protection Act of 2010 (S.3538), by Sens. Bond and Hatch, June 24
- Rep. Harman on Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, June 16
- Introduction of the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010 (S.3480), by Sens. Lieberman and Collins, June 10
- House Passes Grid Reliability and Infrastructure Defense Act (HR 5026), June 9
- Tribute to Donald C. Stone by Sen. Feinstein, June 9
- House Approves Amendment on GAO Role in Intelligence Oversight, May 27
- Draft Amendment on GAO Audits of the Intelligence Community by Rep. Eshoo, et al, May 27
- Tribute to Kathleen McGhee by Sen. Bond, May 6
- Letter to FBI on Abuse of Exigent Letters from Rep. Conyers, Nadler, Sensenbrenner, April 15
- A Bill to Prohibit Certain Video Surveillance (S.3214), by Sens. Specter, Feingold, et al, April 15
- Members Urge Nominations to Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, letter to the President, March 29
- Sen. Wyden on Expiring Domestic Surveillance Provisions, March 25
- Members of Congress Express Support for GAO Role in Intelligence Oversight, letter to President, March 23
- A Bill to Provide for Interrogation and Detension of Suspected Terrorists (S.3081) by Sens. McCain, Lieberman, et al, March 4
- FY2010 Intelligence Authorization Act Passed in House, February 26
- House Debate on FY2010 Intelligence Authorization Act, February 25
- House Debate on Interrogation Tactics, February 25
- Rep. Paul on Assassination Policy, February 24
- Senate Confirms DHS Intelligence Nominee, February 9
- Sen. Reid on Blocked Confirmation of Presidential Nominees, February 4
- Sen. Bond Criticizes Disclosure of Information in Abdulmutallab Case, letter to the President, February 4
- A Bill to Require Consultation Prior to Interrogation of Suspected Terrorists (S.2943) by Sens. Collins, Lieberman, January 21
- Honoring Seven Americans Killed in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009, January 20
- Lieberman, Collins Issue Preliminary Recommendations in Fort Hood Inquiry, letter to Defense Secretary Gates, January 13
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated January 1, 2011