2003 Congressional Hearings
"Building Capabilities: The Intelligence Community's National Security
Requirements for Diversity of Language Skills, and Ethnic and Cultural Understanding"
05 November 2003 -- House Intelligence Committee
- Transcript (or PDF Version)
- Statement of Don Cryer, Special Assistant to the DCI for Diversity Management (bio)
- Statement of Lt Gen James R. Clapper Jr., Director, NIMA (bio)
- Statement of Peter Teets, Director, NRO (bio)
- Statement of William B. Black, Deputy Director, NSA (bio)
- Statement of Armando Rodriguez, Diversity Management, DIA (bio)
- Statement of Wes Bush, Northrup Grumman Space Technology (bio)
- Statement of Robert A. Harding, Harding Security Associates (bio)
- Statement of Juliette Kayyem, Kennedy School of Government (bio)
- Statement of Miguel Diaz, Center for Strategic and International Studies (bio)
Securing Freedom and the Nation: Collecting Intelligence Under the Law
Constitutional and Public Policy Considerations
30 October 2003 -- House Intelligence Committee
Protecting Our National Security From Terrorist Attacks
21 October 2003 -- Senate Judiciary Committee
Ensuring the Continuity of the United States Government: The Presidency
16 September 2003 -- Senate Judiciary Committee
Department of Energy Polygraph Program
04 September 2003 -- Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC)
and its Relationship with the Departments of Justice
and Homeland Security
22 July 2003 -- House Judiciary Committee (with the Committee on Homeland Security)
Lessons Learned – The Inspector General’s Report
on the 9/11 Detainees
25 June 2003 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Nomination of Lieutenant General John P. Abizaid
to be Commander, United States Central Command
25 June 2003 - Senate Armed Services Committee
Nomination of Frank Libutti to be Under Secretary for Information and Analysis, Dept of Homeland Security
17 June 2003 - Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States (The 9-11 Commission
22 May 2003
Briefing on National Security Agency Operational Files
Proposed Freedom of Information Act Exemption
20 May 2003 - Senate Armed Services Committee
- Statement of Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists
- Admiral Alexander A. Miller, USN, Chief of Staff, National Security Agency
- Mr. Vito T. Potenza, General Counsel, National Security Agency
“Can Factual Data Analysis Strengthen National
Security? Part One.”
06 May 2003 - House Committee on Government Reform
Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy
"Securing Freedom and the Nation: Collecting Intelligence Under the Law”
09 April 2003 - House Intelligence Committee
National Security Space Programs
12 March 2003 - Senate Armed Services Committee
- Peter B. Teets, Director, National Reconnaissance Office
- Adm. James O. Ellis Jr., Commander, US Strategic Command
- Gen. Lance W. Lord, Commander, Air Force Space Command
- Lt. Gen. Joseph M. Cosumano Jr., Commanding General, US Army Space Command
- Vice Adm. Richard W. Mayo, Commander, Naval Network Warfare Command
The War Against Terrorism: Working Together to Protect America
04 March 2003 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Nomination of the Hon. Stephen A. Cambone
to be Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
27 February 2003
Consolidating Intelligence Analysis:
A Review of the President's Proposal to Create a
Terrorist Threat Integration Center - Day 2
26 February 2003 - Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
Consolidating Intelligence Analysis:
A Review of the President's Proposal to Create a
Terrorist Threat Integration Center
14 February 2003 - Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
The Worldwide Threat in 2003
11 February 2003 - Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated March 3, 2009