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SITE MAP | Unclassified | 12 Aug 02 |
Directory of RF Defense Related Agencies and Personnel |
Генерал-лейтенант ИВАНОВ Сергей Борисович(Lieutenant-General Sergey Borisovich Ivanov) |
![]() Photo: <Lenta.ru>
6 Sep 01
(Minister of Defense) |
"В интервью газете "Комсомольская правда" Сергей Иванов рассказал, что живет в "типовом блочном доме на окраине Москвы, недалеко от Кольцевой дороги, - со старыми лифтами и благоуханием в подъезде. Дача - 120 километров от Москвы, в обычной деревне Коломенского района. Госдачей не пользуюсь - не раз предлагали, но мне она просто не нужна". "Вкус к спиртным напиткам по жизни видоизменялся, как и ко многому другому. Водку пью под хорошую закуску. Люблю виски - молты, светлые. В последнее время предпочитаю красные вина. Кухни - русскую, финскую, китайскую. Не люблю - английскую и французскую". "В студенчестве читал на языке Голсуорси, Моэма. Очень люблю Валентина Пикуля за сочный язык, морские рассказы Виктора Конецкого. В последнее время увлекся интеллектуальными детективами, естественно, на языке оригинала. У меня в библиотеке весь Ле Карре, 78 произведений Агаты Кристи, Форсайт". "Нельзя требовать решительности, бесстрашия и отчаянности от всех. Глупость безнадежная и постоянная, конечно, раздражает. Еще меня раздражает, когда на заданный вопрос длинно и пространно отвечают не по делу. Не прощаю предательства". Абсолютно не суеверен. С детства мечтал стать моряком: любил фильмы и книги про море, часами мог слушать рассказы дяди - капитана дальнего плавания. Кумирами Иванова в детстве были Битлз - интерес к английскому в 4 - 5-хклассах возник у него во многом благодаря их песням. К 6-му классу будущий секретарь Совбеза уже знал наизусть весь репертуар ливерпульской четверки. За свои 47 лет Иванов попробовал себя во многих видах спорта - от футбола, хоккея, баскетбола и волейбола до тенниса и гольфа. Любит преферанс и рыбалку" (Source: <grankin.com.ru/dosye/ru_bio318.htm>). |
KGB School, he underwent airborne training at this division" (Russia TV RTR, 5 Mar 02). Career
Interview: Segodnya 10 November 2000 P 1:[Poroskov] "Tell us a little about yourself and about your early life and career.[Ivanov] "I was born in Leningrad into a "simple" family. My maternal uncle was a captain on long-distance voyages and sailed to exotic countries. It was in part for that reason that from childhood I was fond of sailors and books about the sea. Like many people at that time I was a Beatles fan, which probably accounted for my interest in English. I studied at an English special school and took a serious interest in basketball and soccer. When I was nearer to graduating from school I decided to become a diplomat. [Poroskov] How did you enter the intelligence service? [Ivanov] None of my relations had worked in intelligence. When I completed my university studies I was invited to work in the intelligence organs. [Poroskov] Are you part of the "St. Petersburg team?" [Ivanov] I have been registered in Moscow for over 20 years and I can only be included in the "St. Petersburg team" very hypothetically. [Poroskov] Tell us about your family. [Ivanov] My wife is a Muscovite born and bred. We met through friends when I was still living in Leningrad, we met at weekends, and were married a year later, we were both 23 at the time. My wife accompanied me on all my trips abroad. She is an economist but where she works they do not know who her husband is. Just as the economic higher educational establishments where our two sons are studying do not know who their father is. Our surname helps a little there [Ivanov is a very common Russian surname]. [Poroskov] We must suppose that you no longer read books about sailors. What has taken their place? [Ivanov] As a student I read Galsworthy and Maugham in the original and I like Pikul and Konetskiy and recently I have become interested in the intellectual detective stories of Le Carre, Agatha Christie, and Forsyth. In the original as well, of course. [Poroskov] What kind of food do you like? What is your relationship with alcohol? [Ivanov] I like Russian, Finnish, and Chinese food but not English or French food. As for alcohol, I may drink vodka when there are plenty of hors d'oeuvres, or pale-colored whiskey. But recently I have preferred red wines. [Poroskov] The post of a high-ranking state official is invariably linked to an elegant dacha and apartment. Do you have them? [Ivanov] I live in a standard prefabricated apartment block on the outskirts of Moscow not far from the Garden Ring, with ancient elevators and smells in the stairwell. I have a dacha, but it is 120 km from Moscow, in an ordinary village in Kolomenskiy Rayon. I do not have a state dacha although I have often been offered one. I simply do not need it." (Vek 10 Nov 00). [Ivanov was retired from the special services at his own request, since "he was unable to perform all his functions both within the country and abroad while remaining a general in the special services. " (Segodnya 10 Nov 00 P 1).] |
![]() (<grani.ru>, 16 Aug 01.) |
![]() (<compromat.ru>, 16 May 01.) |
![]() (Dipkuryer, 21 Jun 01). |
"Министр обороны Сергей Иванов, говоря о жене, всегда уточняет, что он однолюб. "Образ жены остается для меня самым привлекательным, - признался он как-то в одном из интервью. - Светловолосая, стройная. На мой взгляд, красота лица - понятие относительное, гораздо важнее для женщины - фигура, стройность силуэта. Но, конечно же, она должна быть умницей. В молодости я этого не понимал, но мне повезло". Сейчас Сергей Борисович живет с супругой душа в душу. "У нас общие интересы и представления о жизни", - уточняет он" (Век, 19 Apr 02). |