Born: Born on September 20, 1952 in the village of Polovinnyy Loz, Mogilev
Region, Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.
1973 Moscow Higher Combined-Arms Command School
1984 Frunze Military Academy
1995 General Staff Academy
1973 - served in the Leningrad Military District as commander of a airborn
platoon and company, deputy battalion commander and battalion commander.
1984 - held the posts of chief of staff - deputy commander of an airborn
regiment, commander of ann airborn regiment, deputy commander of
an airborn division, commander of an airborn assault brigade, and commander
of an airborn division.
1992-93 he commanded the mobile forces and was deputy defence minister
of Uzbekistan.
In 1995, he was appointed chief of staff - first deputy corps commander
in the Siberian Military District.
In 1997 promoted to corps commander in the district.
Appointed Deputy Commander of the Siberian MD by presidential decree of
June 14, 2001.
(Voyeninform Military News Agency 1 Jul 01).