(Effective 07 May 1999)

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 103 of the National Security Act of 1947 and Executive Order 12333, authorities and responsibilities are hereby assigned for the implementation of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) policies regarding the efforts of the US Intelligence Community to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their missile and other means of delivery.

1. Purpose.

The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons) and their delivery means poses a grave threat to global security. It is a pressing national security issue for which the US Intelligence Community has significant responsibilities and can make vital contributions. The purpose of this directive is to provide for leadership, oversight, and guidance to the US Intelligence Community in carrying out its responsibilities for combating proliferation, including support to nonproliferation and counterproliferation, and to provide an overall framework for US Intelligence Community contributions to the formulation and implementation of US policies for combating proliferation. This directive also sets forth the authorities and responsibilities of the Special Assistant to the DCI for Nonproliferation and the mission of the DCI Nonproliferation Center (NPC). This directive is not intended to abrogate or derogate the authorities and responsibilities of organizations in the US Intelligence Community contained in statute, Executive order, Presidential Directive, National Security Council Intelligence Directive, or other lawful authority.

2. Policy.

Given the enormity of the intelligence challenges posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery means, and the interrelationship of these challenges to other key intelligence issues, including counterterrorism, arms control, and support to military operations, significant portions of intelligence resources related to nonproliferation and counterproliferation will reside outside the DCI Nonproliferation Center. The timely exchange of information and coordination on proliferation issues among all organizations in the US Intelligence Community is thus vital to the success of the intelligence mission to combat proliferation. This requires a close working relationship between the Community's Nonproliferation Center and other organizations, including other community bodies with complementary production, collection, management, and policy support responsibilities such as the National Intelligence Council, the Arms Control Intelligence Staff, the Counterterrorism Center, the Community Management Staff, and the Underground Facilities Analysis Center. The National intelligence Council will continue to be responsible for the production of National Intelligence Estimates. The NIC and the Special Assistant to the DCI for Nonproliferation will collaborate on other Community coordinated production on proliferation issues and will ensure that collection and analysis efforts across the Community adequately cover strategic proliferation issues of concern to the national security community. The authorities and responsibilities of the Special Assistant to the DCI for Nonproliferation are subject to the overarching responsibilities of the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Community Management, the Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection and the Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production, as will be set forth in their respective DCI Directives.

The DCI Nonproliferation Center will work with intelligence program managers and organizations throughout the US Intelligence Community to facilitate actions based on identified consumer needs and priorities. To aid these interactions, the Director of NPC will have two deputies, one of whom will be drawn from the defense community. NPC also will facilitate relationships with private industry, academia, the National Laboratories, and the public health community, in part through the position of Nonproliferation Senior Science and Technology Advisor to the DCI. Although NPC resides administratively in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is a Community Center and its Director will receive overall direction from the DCI and DDCI. The Center will have the widest possible representation in its management staff, and activities from throughout the US Intelligence Community. NPC will seek continued augmentation by DOD personnel to enhance coordination of nonproliferation and counterproliferation intelligence efforts between the Intelligence Community and DOD.

3. Authorities and Responsibilities.

a. Role of the Special Assistant to the DCI for Nonproliferation.

The Special Assistant to the DCI for Nonproliferation shall be appointed by the DCI and shall:

1. Be the DCI's principal advisor, senior spokesperson, substantive leader, and focal point on proliferation, nonproliferation, counterproliferation, and interrelated WMD issues both inside and outside the US intelligence Community.

2. Serve as the Nonproliferation and Counterproliferation Issue Manager for the US Intelligence Community and CIA.

3. Serve as the Director of the DCI Nonproliferation Center.

4. Represent the DCI on interagency and international policy formulation and implementation bodies concerned with combating proliferation.

5. Establish and maintain regular and close contact with consumers to understand their needs and how intelligence can support them, prioritize consumer needs for intelligence collection, analysis, R&D, and other support, identify intelligence shortfalls, and develop comprehensive response strategies.

6. Similarly, establish and maintain regular and close contact with collection, operations, exploitation, R&D, and analytical organizations in the US Intelligence Community to understand their capabilities and limitations, to develop comprehensive strategies, and to represent their interests, as appropriate, in the planning, programming, and budget cycle.

7. Advise the DCI, the Secretary of Defense (in consultation with the Director of DIA), and other senior intelligence managers on the value and effectiveness of current and future program activities and investments related to supporting US objectives for combating proliferation.

8. Serve as Chairman of the Community Nonproliferation Committee, established under DCI Directive 3/13, and such other committees as might be established to facilitate collaboration among the intelligence, policy, law enforcement, public health, and related communities.

b. Mission of the DCI Nonproliferation Center

The DCI Nonproliferation Center, under the guidance of the DCI, shall:

1. Oversee the critical role of the US Intelligence Community in supporting the formulation and implementation of United States policies for combating proliferation.

2. Conduct timely and succinct all-source analysis on proliferation and interrelated WMD issues.

3. As directed by the DCI, and in consultation with other components as appropriate, oversee the development and facilitate the implementation of a US Intelligence Community strategy for supporting US efforts to combat proliferation, including support to counterproliferation activities.

4. Coordinate US Intelligence Community support to counterproliferation efforts, including support to law enforcement, counterintelligence, and military operations.

5. Coordinate the development of Community-wide analytic and collection strategies, provide guidance, and establish priorities for the US Intelligence Community, based on consumer needs to increase knowledge and understanding of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery means.

6. Evaluate US Intelligence Community performance, as required by the DCI and the Congress, in supporting US policy objectives to combat proliferation and in meeting consumer needs, and, in consultation with the Community Management Staff, recommend investment changes or develop options to optimize US Intelligence Community performance.

7. Oversee the identification of shortfalls and the development of strategies, and provide guidance and priorities to the US Intelligence Community's research and development efforts to improve intelligence capabilities for combating proliferation.

8. In coordination with the US Intelligence Community, provide Congress, as appropriate, with intelligence assessments on all aspects of proliferation and nonproliferation and related US Intelligence Community capabilities.

9. Maintain effective relationships on issues of common concern with other US Intelligence Community Issue Managers and organizations.

10. Develop and implement plans for facilitating the scientific and technical relationships between US Intelligence community components and organizations outside the Intelligence Community, including private industry, academia, the National Laboratories, and the public health community, on all aspects of combating proliferation.

As a high priority responsibility, the DCI Nonproliferation Center will facilitate the US Intelligence Community's collection, analysis, operations, and R&D efforts against foreign offensive biological warfare (BW) and chemical warfare (Cw) activities. It also will work with the Community to develop plans, priorities, and guidance to significantly enhance and expand US capabilities to anticipate, assess, and counter BW and CW activities. In particular, NPC will undertake critically-needed all-source analysis on the development, acquisition, and spread of BW and CW capabilities by foreign state and non-state entities and will stimulate collaborative and supplementary efforts within the US Intelligence Community.

4. Applicability.

This directive is effective for five years from the date of implementation. At that time, it shall be reviewed for continued applicability.

5. Definitions.

As used in this directive, the following definitions apply:

1. Proliferation refers to the acquisition and spread (including development and transfer) by state and non-state entities of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, the means used to deliver them, the significant components of those weapons (such as fissile material and biological and chemical agents), and the technology and equipment necessary to build or exploit such weapons.

2. Nonproliferation is the use of the full range of political, economic, military, law enforcement, and other tools to prevent proliferation, to reverse it, and to protect the interests of the United States against an opponent armed with weapons of mass destruction or missiles or other means of delivery, should that prove necessary. Nonproliferation tools include: intelligence, global nonproliferation norms and agreements, diplomacy, export controls, security assurances, defenses, and the application of military force.

3. Counterproliferation refers to activities across the full range of US efforts to combat proliferation, including diplomacy, arms controls, export controls, and intelligence collection and analyses, with particular responsibility for ensuring that US forces and interests can be protected should they confront an adversary armed with weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.

Source: CIA hardcopy
Approved for Release: May 2002
MORI Document ID Number: 770016
HTML by Steven Aftergood