Director of Central Intelligence Directive 3/13
Community Nonproliferation Committee (Effective 12 April 1993)
Pursuant to the provisions of section 102 of the National Security Act of 1947, and Executive Order 12333, there is hereby established a Community Nonproliferation Committee.
1. Mission
The Community Nonproliferation Committee will complement the Nonproliferation Center's goals by providing a forum for policy, enforcement and intelligence officials to consider plans, opportunities, developments, and related activities in the fields of weapons proliferation and technology transfer. In addition, CNPC will recommend courses of action designed to:
a. coordinate and implement the Nonproliferation Center Strategic Plan;
2. Functionsb. provide more effective planning of Intelligence Community nonproliferation programs; and
c. promote the effective use of the resources and facilities of Federal agencies devoted to the nonproliferation problem, including the elimination of unnecessary duplication.
Under the general guidance of the Director of Central Intelligence, the Committee will:
a. serve as a forum for coordinating Intelligence Community nonproliferation programs, implementing and reviewing the Nonproliferation Center Strategic Plan, sharing information, and developing consensus with respect to nonproliferation activities;
3. Composition and Organizationb. identify research and development needs and priorities in support of US Government policy to inhibit the international transfer of technology, designs, components, or complete military systems in the areas of weapons of mass destruction and advanced conventional weaponry;
c. inform policymaking, enforcement, and intelligence organizations of reviews, studies, and analyses under way;
d. convey research topics that are generated by its members to the Nonproliferation Center; and
e. improve planning, coordination, and communication among Federal agencies engaged in nonproliferation.
The Committee Chairperson will be the Director, Nonproliferation Center or his designee.
Committee meetings will be convened by the Chairperson as needed appropriate [sic].
The Committee will be composed of a senior representative from each of the following organizations:
Central Intelligence Agency
The Committee Chairperson will establish other subcommittees and working groups as required. Such subcommittees and working groups will submit a charter to the Committee for approval. All charters will include a sunset clause.
Defense Intelligence Agency
National Security Agency
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
Office of Foreign Intelligence, Department of Energy
US Customs Service
Department of Commerce
National Security Council Staff
Office of Arms Control and Nonproliferation, Department of Energy
Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Department of Justice
Department of the Treasury
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Central Imagery OfficeThe Committee Chairperson may invite representatives of US Government entities with national security interests that are not members of the CNPC to participate in CNPC activities as appropriate.
The Committee will be supported by an Executive Secretariat.
Original Classification: SECRET NOFORN
Approved for Release: MARCH 2000
MORI DocID: 240944
Source: Courtesy of Jeffrey Richelson