2010 Congressional Hearings
The Espionage Act and the Legal and Constitutional Issues Raised by WikiLeaks
16 December 2010 - House Judiciary Committee
Civil Liberties and National Security
9 December 2010 - House Judiciary Committee
Security Clearance Reform: Setting a Course for Sustainability
16 November 2010 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office: Can It Overcome Past Problems and Chart a New Direction?
30 September 2010 - House Homeland Security Committee
Nine Years after 9/11: Confronting the Terrorist Threat to the Homeland
22 September 2010 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Nomination of David Buckley to be Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency
21 September 2010 - Senate Intelligence Committee
The Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) Into the National Airspace System (NAS): Fulfilling Imminent Operational and Training Requirements
13 September 2010 - Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
28 July 2010 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Nomination of James R. Clapper, Jr., to be Director of National Intelligence
20 July 2010 - Senate Intelligence Committee
The New START and the Implications for National Security
17 June (and July 15, 20, 27, 29) 2010 - Senate Armed Services Committee
Cyber Security - 2010
15 June (and 17 November) 2010 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
The Espionage Statutes: A Look Back and A Look Forward
12 May 2010 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Rise of the Drones II: Examining the Legality of Unmanned Targeting
28 April 2010 - House Oversight Committee
Nuclear Posture Review
22 April 2010 - Senate Armed Services Committee
Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice
20 April 2010 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Nomination of LTG Keith B. Alexander to be Director, NSA and Commander, US Cyber Command
15 April 2010 - Senate Armed Services Committee
The FBI's Use of Exigent Letters and Other Informal Requests for Telephone Records
14 April 2010 - House Judiciary Committee
Rise of the Drones: Unmanned Systems and the Future of War
23 March 2010 - House Oversight Committee
National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats: Diplomacy and International Programs
18 March 2010 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
FY 2011 Budget Requests from US CENTCOM, US SOCOM, and US TRANSCOM
17 March 2010 - House Armed Services Committee
The Google Predicament: Transforming U.S. Cyberspace Policy to Advance Democracy, Security and Trade
10 March 2010 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
The Office of Professional Responsibility Investigation into the Office of Legal Counsel Memoranda
26 February 2010 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Cybersecurity: Next Steps to Protect Our Critical Infrastructure
23 February 2010 - Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community
3 February 2010 - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Current and Projected National Security Threats to the United States
2 February 2010 - Senate Intelligence Committee
Securing America's Safety: Improving the Effectiveness of Antiterrorism Tools and Interagency Communication
20 January 2010 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Intelligence Reform: The Lessons and Implications of the
Christmas Day Attack
20 January 2010 - Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
The Impact of U.S. Export Controls on National Security, Science and Technological Leadership
15 January 2010 - House Foreign Affairs Committee
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated August 26, 2013