Improved Track Continuity
- Doppler
- Terrain Screening
- Outside of Sensor Coverage
Gather a Data Set:
- Involving Multiple Platforms
- To Study Complementary Nature of AGS Assets
The other major aim of PIE was to gather a data set which could be used to study various AGS issues including the complementary nature of AGS assets.
By utilizing the three 7-vehicle convoys provided by France in a variety of different terrain types and by careful planning of experiment geometries, a data set could be gathered which could be used to assess the advantages of different complementary asset employment strategies. Specifically, the data set could be used to assess improvements that might be achievable in: target detection; target accuracy; target resolution; and track continuity including problems created by terrain masking, zero doppler situations and radar coverage. The geometries were also varied so that the issues of electromagnetic compatibility of the two data links could also be assessed.