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There were two overriding aims of the Paris Interoperability Experiment. The first was to to prove that the concept for interoperability prototyped in theNC3A AGS testbed could be made to operate in a practical environment. This included the ability to share MTI and SAR data in real time and simultaneously from the two platorm types. In addition, in order to verify the two-way operation of the data links, Radar Service Requests were sent from a number of ground stations to both platform types. These included requests for SAR imagery, higher revisit rate MTI coverage, change of radar mode, etc.
An important aspect of these tests was to understand when, and if, any electro-magnetic interference problems would be experienced when operating the two data links in close proximity.
Finally, it was desired to exchange some secondary data products. This was accomplished through the use of ADatP-3 and Link 16 formatted messages.
The HORIZON system and Dornier Ground Exploitation Capability both have software capable of detecting convoys by associating MTI returns sharing similar characteristics, such as, speed, spacing, etc. It was also desired to generate and distribute these in real time.