Pursuant to the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, and Executive Order 12333, there is established a National Intelligence Collection Board (NICB). DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE 3/26
(Effective 1 March 1993)1. Mission
The NICB will assist the Director of Central Intelligence in managing the overall intelligence collection requirements process, ensuring coordination among the major collection disciplines, and evaluating performance in satisfying consumer needs for information. The Board will act as a forum for integrating the efforts of the separate collection disciplines and issuing guidance to collectors, as appropriate.
2. Functions
The NICB will:
a. Prepare and issue, or recommend Director of Central Intelligence approval and issuance of, Intelligence Community all-source collection guidance based on information needs stated by consumers.
3. Composition and Organizationb. Review important guidance issued by major collection program managers to ensure it fits into integrated, all-source, Intelligence Community-wide strategies.
c. Review and approve requirements related to major new collection programs.
d. Direct the preparation of evaluations of collection program performance, review the results, and recommend changes in collection activities as appropriate.
e. Assess key information gaps identified by the National Intelligence Officers in the preparation of National Intelligence Estimates and issue guidance to collection programs to address those gaps.
f. Review Intelligence Community collection posture regarding an area or issue of high current or anticipated importance and recommend studies, actions, or guidance to improve collection.
The NICB will be chaired by the Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs or his designee, and may meet in subgroups and committees, when necessary.
The NICB will be composed of senior officials representing the intelligence collection disciplines and the principal Intelligence Community production offices or their designees.
The membership is as follows:
Senior representatives of other Intelligence Community entities such as the intelligence elements of the Department of Energy, the Department of the Treasury, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will attend as members when their programs are particularly relevant to the subject being discussed. The chairperson may invite such other individuals as are deemed appropriate to attend as observers.
- Director, National Security Agency
- Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- Assistant Secretary for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Department of Defense
- Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs, Chairperson
- Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- Deputy Director for Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- Director, National Reconnaissance Office
- Director, Central Imagery Office
- Director, Central MASINT Office
- Vice Chairman of the National Intelligence Council for Evaluation, Vice Chairperson
- Open Source Coordinator, Community Management Staff
The NICB will be supported by the Community Management Staff.
Source: CIA hardcopy
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
MORI Document ID Number: 770023