Pursuant to Section 102 of the National Security Act of 1947, Executive Order 12333, and other applicable law, the National Intelligence Council, composed of a Chairman, two Vice Chairmen, and National Intelligence Officers (NIOs) along with assistants, and supporting personnel is hereby established. DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE 3/23 (1)
(Effective 1 June 1992)
The mission, size, and composition of the Nationil Intelligence Council (NIC) are adjustable at the discretion of the Director of Central Intelligence to meet his needs as the principal intelligence advisor to the President and as the senior leader of the US national Intelligence Community.
The NIC and NIOs are the DCI's primary instruments for coordinating the substantive finished intelligence output of the Intelligence Community as a whole; that is, the intelligence products that pool the judgments of the agencies making up the National Foreign Intelligence Board.
The NIOs report directly to the DCI and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence with the timely cognizance and counsel of the Chairman and Vice Chairmen, NIC.
2. Functions
a. The responsibilities of the NIOs include:
b. The responsibilities of the NIC include:
- Preparing written products or oral presentations/briefings for the DCI that represent Intelligence Community assessments.
- As directed by the DCI, representing the DCI and the Intelligence Community as a whole in policy deliberations at various levels within the US Government.
- Advising the DCI and, as needed, other officials of the Intelligence Community, regarding the policy needs that warrant Intelligence Community products.
- Preparing and submitting to the DCI and NFIB for approval National Intelligence Estimates coordinated with the Intelligence Community.
- Identifying critical information gaps in National Intelligence Estimates as authoritative guidance to collection and producer organizations.
- Ensuring that alternatives are considered and that a competitive analytical process is structured for National Intelligence Estimates and for NFIB consideration of any issue.
- Providing timely and actionable forewarning of international developments that threaten US national security interests or present opportunities to advance them.
- Encouraging within and among the Intelligence Community's production organizations high-quality analytical efforts, development of innovative analytical methods, and attention to collection needs on pressing issues.
- Representing the range of views and differences among the NFIB agencies that bear on national intelligence issues, and where appropriate assisting in the reconciliation of differences.
- Maintaining contacts in the policy community and with appropriate specialists outside the government to assure the relevance of Intelligence Community production.
3. Management
- Providing general supervision to the Nitional Intelligence Production Board.
- Providing general supervision to the DCI production committees.
- Ensuring that new collection initiatives reflect appropriate national-level needs and requirements.
- Supporting the NFIB Executive Secretariat.
The Chairman and Vice Chairmen, NIC, who are appointed by the DCI, are responsible for the management of the NIC, approval of NIC products, and submission of candidates for NIO positions for approval by the DCI. The Chairman, NIC, will be a member of the Intelligence Community Executive Committee and will chair the National Intelligence Production Board. The Vice Chairmen of the NIC will be responsible for Estimates and Evaluation respectively. The Vice Chairman for Evaluation, NIC, will serve as the vice chairman of the National Intelligence Collection Board.
4. Intelligence Community Support
Intelligence Community production organization will be prepared to make available for the drafting of estimates such analytical support as deemed necessary by the responsible NIO.
1This directive supersedes DCID 3/23, effective 6 March 1991.
Source: CIA hardcopy
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
MORI Document ID Number: 770022