Pursuant to the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 and Executive Order 12333, the Intelligence Community Principals Committee and the Intelligence Community Deputies Committee are established. DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE 3/2
(Effective 28 July 97)(This Directive supersedes DCID 3/2, "Intelligence Community Executive Committee," effective 1 June 1992.)
1. Mission
The Intelligence Community Principals Committee (ICPC) is established as the senior Intelligence Community forum for consideration of Intelligence Community policy, planning, and process issues requiring determination by or under the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). The ICPC shall advise and assist the DCI in the development and implementation of Intelligence Community policies, plans, and processes. The ICPC should be a flexible forum and may meet to discuss and resolve issues not requiring the attention of the DCI.
2. Composition
The ICPC shall have as its members the DCI who shall serve as Chair at his discretion; the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) who shall serve as chair in the absence of the DCI; the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Community Management1; the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence; the Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support; the Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; the Director of the National Security Agency; the Director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency; the Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research; the Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (NIC); and the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office. The DCI's General Counsel shall attend as an observer. Other attendees may be invited by the Chair as needed. Principals shall not send representatives without the prior approval of the Chair.
3. Responsibilities
The DDCI shall be responsible for calling meetings of the ICPC and for determining the agenda. The DDCI for Community Management shall oversee the preparation of necessary discussion papers and meeting records and ensure that the agenda is provided in advance to all NFIP program managers.
1. Mission
An Intelligence Community Deputies Committee (ICDC) is established as the initial review forum and principal advisor to the ICPC for the development and implementation of Intelligence Community policies, plans, and processes. The ICDC shall identify intelligence policy, planning, and process issues and task, review and monitor the work of Intelligence Community interagency policy and planning groups, including the Intelligence Community working groups authorized under Section III below. The ICDC should be a flexible forum and may meet to discuss and resolve issues not requiring the attention of the ICPC or the DCI.
2. Composition
The ICDC shall have as its members the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Community Management who shall serve as Chair; the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security; the Deputy Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; the Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; the Deputy Director of the National Security Agency; a designated Deputy Director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency; the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence, Policy, and Coordination; the Deputy Director of the National Reconnaissance Office; the Vice Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (NIC); and the Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff. The DCI's Deputy General Counsel shall attend as an observer. Other attendees may be invited by the chair as needed. ICDC members shall not send representatives without the prior approval of the Chair.
3. Responsibilities
The DDCI for Community Management shall be responsible for calling meetings of the ICDC, for determining the agenda and providing it in advanced to all NFIP program managers, and for preparing necessary discussion papers and meeting records. Discussion papers shall fully analyze the issues, set out the facts, consider the full range of views and options, and assess the implications of each. Based on ICDC consideration, the ICDC chair shall present to the ICPC an explanation of the issue, recommendations and alternatives.
1. Intelligence Community Working Groups
Intelligence Community working groups (ICWGs) shall be authorized by the ICDC or its Chair to review, coordinate, and monitor the development and implementation of policy, planning, and process issues and decisions. The number of these working groups shall be kept to the minimum needed to promote an effective Intelligence Community policy and planning system. Working groups shall develop options and reflect accurately and objectively all relevant positions and the rationales behind them. Working group membership will be based on agencies' involvement with the subject.
2. Community Management Staff Support
The ICPC and the ICDC shall be supported, as necessary, by the element of the Community Management Staff (CMS) that is appropriate to the issue under consideration. At the direction of the ICDC Chair, CMS will task, prepare or coordinate the preparation of discussion papers, assemble and transmit agendas and read-ahead materials, record minutes, and monitor follow-up actions.
3. Existing Policy Groups
The ICDC shall review all existing Intelligence Community interagency policy and planning groups, such as steering groups, advisory panels, boards, and other permanent or ad hoc entities (including interagency entities that meet under the auspices of Intelligence Community Program Managers), to determine whether they should be continued, designated as ICWGs or terminated.
4. Other Matters
The Intelligence Community Principals Committee and the Intelligence Community Deputies Committee shall not, unless specifically directed by the DCI, consider matters which can more appropriately be handled by the Intelligence Program Review Group (IPRG), the Expanded Defense Resources Board (EDRB), the National Foreign Intelligence Board (NFIB) or the National Intelligence Council (NIC): e.g., certain intelligence funding and program issues and the substance of intelligence analysis and reporting.
1 The Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs shall perform the functions of the DDCI for Community Management under this Directive until the latter is confirmed.
Source: CIA hardcopy
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
MORI Document ID Number: 770020