Director of Central Intelligence Directive 3/1(1)
National Foreign Intelligence Board (Effective 1/14/97)
Pursuant to the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and Executive Order 12333, there is established a National Foreign Intelligence Board (NFIB).
1. Mission
The NFIB will serve as the senior Intelligence Community advisory instrumentality to the Director of Central Intelligence (DC) on the substantive aspects of national intelligence.
2. Functions
The NFIB will advise the DCI on:
a. Production, review, and coordination of national foreign intelligence.
3. Composition and Organizationb. Interagency exchanges of foreign intelligence information.
c. Sharing of Community intelligence products with foreign governments.
d. Protection of intelligence sources and methods.
e. Activities of common concern.
f. Such other matters as may be referred to it by the DCI.
The NFIB will be chaired by the DCI or the DDCI, or in their absence, by their designated representative.
The NFIB will be composed of senior representatives of Intelligence Community organizations involved mainly in the collection, processing, and analysis of intelligence.
The membership is as follows:
Director of Central Intelligence, Chairman
Director, National Reconnaissance and senior representatives of the military intelligence services will attend as members when matters under their purview are considered by NFIB; they may attend other NFIB sessions as observers.
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Vice Chairman
Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support
Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research, Department of State
Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Director, National Security Agency
Director, National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Assistant Director in Charge, National Security Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Director, Office of Nonproliferation and National Security, Department of Energy
Special Assistant to the Secretary of Treasury (National Security)
Chairman, National Intelligence CouncilSenior representatives of other government agencies outside of the Intelligence Community, such as the Department of Commerce and Drug Enforcement Administration, will be invited to attend when matters in which they have an interest are considered by the NFIB.
The NFIB will be supported by an Executive Secretariat.
(1) This directive supersedes DCID 3/1, effective 15 June 1995.
Original Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Approved for Release: DEC 2001
MORI DocID: 628988
Courtesy of Jeffrey Richelson