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Ready-for-Sea Handbook United States Naval Reserve Intelligence Program |
MODULE 8INTELLIGENCE Automated Data processing (ADP) SYSTEMS
A. Global Command and Control System Maritime (GCCS-M) 8-*
B. Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System (TAMPS) 8-*
D. Standard TRE Display (STRED) 8-*
E. Intelligence Analysis System (IAS) 8-*
F. Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System (JDISS) 8-*
G. Photographic Image Editing System (PIES) 8-*
H. Analytical Photogrammetric Positioning System (APPS) 8-*
I. AN/SXQ-8 Secure Closed-Circuit Television (SCCTV) 8-*
J. Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS) 8-*
K. dbMaster 8-*
L. Gale Lite 8-*
The module will focus on the actual hardware and software systems found in the intelligence spaces onboard navy warships. These tools allow the battle staff to function in todays time sensitive warfare environment. Keep in mind that automated data processors (
ADP) systems aboard ships constantly change as new technologies are developed. There is a concerted effort within the Navy to accelerate acquisition of newer and more powerful off-the-shelf ADP systems to support combat operations. The goal is to take advantage, as quickly as possible, of the latest technology to aid in decision making and formation of the overall intelligence picture. The specific types of equipment found onboard vary from ship to ship. Many of the systems described in this module can be found onboard carriers and large deck amphibious ships. Smaller ships may have few if any. Discussion begins with higher-order systems and progresses down to individual systems.This section should not be substituted for the actual systems briefs or sessions designed to train the user in their operation. Rather, this section presents summaries of their basic function, mission and incorporation into intelligence activities. Where possible, each section provides points of contact or numbers to call for further information or training opportunities.
Much of the information in this section can be found in various Navy publications which describe intelligence systems, notably Afloat Intelligence Systems Handbook produced by the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (
NMITC), 2088 Regulus Ave., Virginia Beach, VA 23461.A. Global Command and Control System Maritime (GCCS-M)
GCCS-M, also known as JMCIS,
is an automated Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) system with an interface to a variety of military communications and computer systems. GCCS-M is designed to meet unique tactical situation assessment, data correlation, and display needs of the battle group, force commanders, subordinate warfare commanders, ship commanding officers, and shore command centers.The
GCCS-M concept evolved as the result of various C4I initiatives over a period of several years and culminated with the development of a command and control system in which specific applications are built on top of a "superset" of core software. The core software includes track database management, communications interfaces, message processing, track correlation, relational database management, and tactical display capabilities. A fielded GCCS-M system is usually installed on workstations across a local area network (LAN), where operators perform tasksThere are a number of GCCS-M environments, GCCS-M Afloat, GCCS-M Ashore, and GCCS-M Tactical Mobile. GCCS-M Afloat systems are located on board ships and are the primary Intelligence Specialist and Intelligence officers tactical display and Common Operating Picture (COP) workstation. GCCS-M ashore support the CNO and FLT CINCS providing a single integrated C2 system to process the combat readiness, positional information, and employment scheduling, of own and Allied forces. GCCS-M Tactical Mobile provides fixed and mobile sites C2 support to maritime patrol and surveillance missions. Basic hardware in
GCCS-M includes the TAC III, TAC IV , DTC-2, Sun SPARC workstation families of UNIX-based workstations and the IT-21 PC.B. Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System (
TAMPS)TAMPS is a computerized method of planning and optimizing mission routes against hostile targets. TAMPS is employed extensively by embarked Navy air wings and Marine Corps aviation units to provide planners a common automated system for rapidly processing large quantities of digitized terrain, threat and environmental data, aircraft, avionics, and weapon systems parameters. The system has an intended capability to meet the tactical mission planning and digital data upload requirements of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, standoff weapons, avionics systems mission support systems and unmanned air vehicles.
TAMPS core software provides flexible interfaces to a wide variety of USN and USMC C4I systems to provide users near-real-time updates to weather and intelligence databases. A modular, open systems architecture was developed to satisfy specialized aircraft, weapons, and avionics systems requirements while maintaining consistent displays and user interactions across all platforms. Platform unique requirements are provided via a Mission Planning Module (MPM) system that integrates with appropriate core libraries and servers providing a complete planning environment for any user platform. This integrated MPM planning environment is used to develop, analyze, store missions, and create mission planning products (including digital loads, strip route charts, and pilot kneeboard cards) to support tactical aviation combat operations.
TAMPS is hosted on the Navy Standard Desktop Tactical-support Computer 2 (DTC-2) which is comprised of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. The bulk of fleet TAMPS installations consists of a DTC-2 unit containing three work stations; one data base administrator station and two mission planner stations. A portable configuration of TAMPS is hosted on the ACE/VME single workstation computer.
The aircraft types compatible with
TAMPS include:
F/A-18A, B, C, D
TADIXS/OTCIXS systems manage communications for the receipt and transmission of target and other tactical contact data. They are particularly important for Over-the-Horizon Targeting (OTH-T) where accurate real time data is crucial in generating a fire control solution.TADIXS
is a shore-to-ship information exchange system and typically reports on topics of interest to the deployed battlegroup at the classified level. OTCIXS is a ship-to-ship information exchange system. Typically, the OTC onboard the carrier or amphibious command ship transmits important contact or tactical data to other ships in the battlegroup via this system. TRE Display (STRED)The Standard
TRE Display (STRED) is a PC based Tactical Data Processor (TDP) that provides a simple user interface for controlling the TRE system within an environment supporting Windows 95 and Windows NT. STRED also provides a simple graphical display of the tactical data received from the TRAP, TADIXS B, TIBS and OTCIXS broadcasts for Indications and Warnings and situational displays. STRED allows the user to manipulate maps, provide bearing and range computations, and display parametric, technical contact information, and provides priority contact alerts. STRED may also connect to remote tactical receiver systems via SIPRNET or JWICS if available. An Allied version is also available.E. Intelligence Analysis System (IAS)
IAS provides intelligence access to forward deployed war-fighting commanders.
IAS provides fused intelligence for battle planning, management, and execution. It is a three-tiered system that can support a Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), Intermediate, and Battalion level units. IAS is really a suite of individual applications that work together to assist the analyst with the vast amounts of information produced during the course of combat operations. IAS includes modules for mapping, databases, word-processing, message formatter, message handler, intelligence collection manager and gazetteer. All modules strive for unified user interface look that allows for easy switching between them. IAS operates at either the SCI or GENSER classification levels.F. Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System (
is an ambitious program aimed at providing true strategic-tactical interoperability between all members and customers of the intelligence community. JDISS connects intelligence producers and users across literally a world-wide network with connectivity provided via satellite communications, land-lines and other forms of signal transmission. The baseline for this network is the Department of Defense Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) client-server environment (CSE). JDISS provides support across the full-spectrum of force employment including forces in-garrison, peacetime deployments, crises, and wartime. To do so, it connects deployed joint forces commanders with land-based intelligence fusion and analysis centers such as the Joint Intelligence Centers (JICs), CIA, DIA, NSA, etc.A
JDISS user can query national, theater, or regional databases literally on-demand. Additionally, JDISS allows the analyst to utilize word processing, spreadsheet, drawing tools, chatter capabilities, and Intel Link access via a World Wide Web browser. Additionally, it also includes electronic mail, message handling, image processing and map graphics manipulation. JDISS is a distributed, flexible system and as such, integrates itself into host sites on available workstations and environments. For example, JDISS software can run on TAC IIIs, TAC IVs, and Sun SARC workstations. JDISS will allow mobile users, such as deployed land-based forces, to access the system via laptop computers. The JDISS and GCCS-M architectures will merge, with many JDISS functionality incorporated into GCCS-M.G. Photographic Image Editing System (PIES)
is a shipboard deployable photographic editing system which allows the Navy intelligence professional to quickly and easily capture, store, and integrate high resolution digital imagery into intelligence products. PIES can be thought of as an electronic photo lab, taking full advantage of modern, automated digital imagery processing technology. Because PIES seamlessly integrates into the NTCS-A network via Ethernet connections, it eventually will replace traditional, chemical-based, photo labs now found aboard ships.PIES
hardware consists of a single DTC-2 (SUN4/300) workstation and monitor which are housed in shock-resistant rack. Other peripheral equipment, such as a flatbed scanner, and a 35-mm scanner, are mounted on a light-table. Using PIES, an analyst can input/output digital imagery, convert digital imagery to various electronic formats, perform digital imagery editing and enhancements, and output photographic quality hard copy.H. Analytical Photogrammetric Positioning System (APPS)
APPS 1 or UKY-48, originally developed by the Army and deployed by the Defense Mapping Agency in 1972, enables the analyst to quickly and accurately determine points on the Earth using stereo photography. APPS hardware consists of a mensuration device, an Intel-based PC, printer, and a digital controller interface unit that mates the computer system to the mensuration device and an associated database of aerial photographs.Naval Intelligence users of
APPS use it to perform imagery interpretation, especially to calculate target locator information for aircrews. Using APPS an analyst can determine target coordinates, offset aiming points, range, bearing and elevation differences. Additionally, APPS supports cruise missile support teams in determining accurate navigational way-points.I. AN/SXQ-8 Secure Closed-Circuit Television (SCCTV)
SCCTV system provides intelligence support in the form of mission/operations briefings to the command, embarked air wing staff, CARGRU staffs, and other interested personnel via a closed circuit television network.The system provides the capability for mission briefing and other information to be disseminated by color TV cameras and monitoring receivers supported by video inputs from air operations, meteorology, and
CVIC. The system records audio and visual presentations of the briefings and transmits the briefings to TV monitors in the aircraft ready rooms and key command and control areas.All production effort and associated equipment is located in
CVIC. Likewise, taped and live briefings also originate from CVIC. A two-way audio system is included which allows questions from those being briefed to be relayed to the briefing officer and to other consumers of the brief.J. Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS)
is a multi-sensor, high performance, intelligence gathering system with broad range reconnaissance mission capability. The system is carried by the F-14 and consists of a frame camera, panoramic camera, infrared camera, and computer controller installed in a single pod.The F-14A/
TARPS combination allows penetration missions to be launched into hostile airspace under clear air mass conditions. The TARPS sensors can acquire data needed for situation evaluation at operational, theater, or even national command levels.Typical
TARPS mission profiles include: medium to low altitude photography, high speed optical and IR reconnaissance, limited standoff photography, land and coastline reconnaissance, oceanographic and maritime reconnaissance, mapping, and specific area and designated target photography. The TARPS was used widely during the Persian Gulf War.
TARPS capability:
- Target Acquisition
- Maritime Surveillance
- Pre-strike Reconnaissance
- Air-to-Air Surveillance
- Post-strike Damage Assessment
- Target Monitoring
is fully integrated into the F-14As weapon control system. The TARPS tactical software enables the AWG-9 radars computer to process and handle two-way data between the aircrafts systems and the TARPS pod to allow for automatic sensor operation. TARPS data and information are presented on the Tactical Information Display (TID) and the pilots cockpit Heads-Up Display (HUD) in standard AWG-9 format and symbology.dbMaster is a SUN UNIX-based automated intelligence reference database with closely linked references such as the EPL, IDB, MCM, all Janes Information Systems data, and the DIA Fact Book. dbMaster provides rapid on-line access and interactive-query capabilities to a variety of intelligence sources and references. With a rich set of features such as World vector Shoreline maps, Gazetteers, user notes, detailed image display from supported documentation, extensive search capability and a simple user interface, dbMaster automates several of the tasks typically performed by an intelligence analyst.
is a UNIX/X Windows-based program for workstation. GALE LITE enables ELINT analysts to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and can store several gigabytes worth of contact reports for historical analysis. Features include:
- Multiple, automatic, multi-source correlators/trackers for real-time monitoring
- Audio/Visual alerts for high interest contacts
- Large database storage capacity for long-term historical analysis
- Rapid retrieval and efficient database structure allows for quick database search and analysis
- Color graphics and flexible data coloring scheme for easy data interpretation
- On-line EOB and EPL with search and overlay capability
- Convolving tool for accurate location of fixed sites
- OPS clock, histogram, scattergram, and other analysis tools
- Capability to send graphics and information between workstations
- Track animation capability
- Filtering and display of operator-defined data subsets
TOPSCENE is the US Navy's mission rehearsal program. It generates high-quality, flee-roam perspective views in 3-D and in real-time, allowing views
of the terrain at high and low altitudes while the user maneuvers through the high-resolution terrain and among the 3-D cultural features. The system allows complete six degrees of freedom maneuverability and the following key features:
- Real-time, free roam, terrain and cultural features from all-source imagery at the best available resolution.
- Allow a user to "fly" down a valley or under a bridge.
- Utilizes country-sized databases.
- Has display frame rates generally exceeding 30 Hz {hertz: cycles per second).
- Capable of networking with other intelligence, imagery, and planning systems.
- Uses existing infrastructure for database support.
- Out-the-window and night vision device {NVD) views show effects of varying light conditions, fog, haze, etc.
- Screen displays ownership coordinates, target coordinates, altitude, velocity, rate of climb,
- HUD (heads-up display) symbols including current pitch and roll. heading and range to target, radar, RWR (radar warning receiver), threat, moving map display.
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