ICOM Name | ICOM Definition |
Activities | Threat actions that will confirm or deny the threat's choice of a particular course of action. |
Addressed Reports | Intelligence reports that include message addresses, precedence, and routing information. |
Alternate Means | Communication means in addition to the primary means used as backup. |
Approved Reports | Intelli gence reports that have been reviewed and meet reporting criteria, quality standards, dissemination means, and are ready to be sent to the user. |
Area Reports | Timely weather and terrain products covering the area of operations. |
Assessed Impacts | Determination of potential adverse effects of friendly electronic attack operations on friendly command, control, communications, and computer operations. |
Asset Status | Information pertaining to the location of subordinate IEW units and systems and their capability to perform a mission. Also may include a report of mission effectiveness, degree of completion, or satisfaction of mission requirements. |
Asset Tasking | Specific planning and mission direction provided by MI or other units for the execution of intelligence collection, CI, or EA activities. Tasking includes detailed instructions to a specified collector or position with necessary mission parameters, technical da ta, reporting instructions, timeliness factors, and may include dynamic retasking based on cross-cueing information. |
Audit Trail | An accounting system to keep track of who was sent which information, when the information was sent, and by what means the information was sent. |
Available CI Assets | CI assets capable of performing or satisfying a CI task that are free or can have their mission changed to accommodate the new or modified mission. |
Ava ilable EA Systems | EA systems capable of satisfying an EA requirement that are free or can have their mission changed to accomplish a new or modified mission. |
Available Systems | Collection systems capable of satisfying a requirement that are free or can have their mission changed to accomplish a new or changed mission. (Available implies both crew and equipment readiness.) |
Available Trunks | Information on available communication trunks required to prior itize report dissemination. |
Candidate Systems | Organic or nonorganic systems that are capable of satisfying a specific requirement for IEW support. |
Capable CI Assets | CI assets who have been assessed as able to contribute to a CI task by virtue of their background, training, or experience. |
Capable EA Systems | EA systems that have been assessed as able to accomplish a particular EA task by virtue of their technical characteristics. | < /tr>
Capable Systems | Systems that have been assessed as able to contribute to a particular IEW task by virtue of their technical characteristics. |
CI Requirements | The varied requirements levied on CI assets of an echelon. Requirements may include investigations, force protection measures, force protection source operations, and screening of EPW, detainees, or refugees of counterintelligence interest. Additionally, these requirements may include threat electronic warf are (EW) assessments versus friendly communications and methods of countering threat imagery systems. |
CI Strategy | A broad planning strategy for the effective employment of CI assets of an echelon. |
Collection Plan | A tool used by collection managers to determine the most appropriate asset to task against a particular PIR or IR. The collection plan has no universal standard format; therefore format is normally prescribed by the unit's SOP. A collection plan n ormally includes PIR/IR, indicators, SIR, available agencies and assets, time/place information is required, priority, and remarks. When produced, the collection plan replaces PIR/IR as the major control on the IEW process. |
Collection Plan CI Input | Data or briefings regarding planned CI activities which may be included in the echelon intelligence collection plan, and in the echelon OPLAN/OPORD. The Intelligence Estimate to the OPLAN/OPORD contains a CI paragraph which outlines task s to be accomplished. |
Collection Systems | Equipment and human means specifically designed or tasked to obtain enemy, weather, or terrain data from the battle area for purposes of generating intelligence, counterintelligence, or terrain and weather products. |
Combat Information | Unevaluated data gathered by or provided directly to the commander which, due to its highly perishable nature or the criticality of the situation, cannot be processed into tactical intel ligence in time to satisfy the user's intelligence requirements; or information or data collected by sensors or assets but which have not been validated, integrated, compared, and analyzed into intelligence. |
Commander's Intent Priority | Prioritized requirements based on the criticality to the commander's intent. |
Communication Systems | Communication and data distribution equipment and systems required to accomplish the IEW mission. |
Compartmente d Information | Information that is only to be seen by personnel authorized within a specific "compartment", or category of data. |
Complete EA Requirements | Information regarding requirements for EA that have been reviewed and found to be complete in terms of target and operational characteristics. |
Complete Requirements | Requirements for intelligence that have been reviewed and found to specify all information needed in terms of what, where, when, why, an d who. |
Completed SOR | A SOR that has been fully satisfied and no further action is required by the collectors. |
Consolidated EA Requirements | Requirements for EA that have been combined in terms of time, location, target or system to execute the EA task. |
Correlated Reports | Information that links intelligence, counterintelligence, or EA reports with requirements. |
Data Base Transaction | Information flow from a lowe r to higher echelon of a distributed data base containing data about the enemy, weather, terrain, or friendly situation which has been refined, added to, or changed at the lower echelon. The higher echelon controls its data base and has the prerogative to accept or reject the proposed changes. A data base transaction may also be a query of the higher echelon data base of interest. |
Data Base Update | Information flow from a higher to lower echelon of a distributed data base containi ng information processed by the higher echelon about the enemy, weather, terrain, operational environment, friendly force, or friendly operations of interest to enemy intelligence that results in the adding to, refining, deleting, or changing of the distributed data base. Also includes technical data defining aspects of enemy and friendly communications and non-communications emitters such as information about equipment, signal characteristics, net structures, frequency and call signs, operating techniques , and code and cipher systems. Friendly emitter data is vital to counter-SIGINT and deception operations. Technical data bases on the enemy can be used to determine how best to employ a collector or jammer against an electronic target. |
Decision Point | The point in space and time where the commander or staff anticipates making a decision concerning a specific friendly course of action. |
Directives/ SOP | Military communications that establish policy for a specific action; or which govern actions, conduct, or procedures. |
Draft Collection Strategy | The initial attempt to capture the scheduling of collection operations. |
Draft Reports | Unapproved reports. |
EA Requirements | Requests or taskings for EA support that have been reviewed and either determined to be a new requirement or combined with ongoing or planned missions, and arranged in order of importance to the mission. EA requirements o riginate with the G3 or with brigade commanders. |
Electronic File | An electronic representation of a textual, graphic, imagery, other documents, or information. |
Environmental Factors | The natural or man-made characteristics of terrain, meteorological conditions, and enemy capabilities and intentions that may physically impact on intelligence and electronic warfare operations in an area of operations. |
Equipment Parameters | Specific opera ting characteristics of electronic equipment that may be affected by electronic attack operations. |
Evaluated Report Elements | Information that correlates elements of an intelligence report with stated requirements for information. |
EW Systems | The systems, equipment, and procedures required to conduct electronic attack. |
Feasible EA Requirements | Requirements for EA that have been reviewed and found to be possible, appropriate and suitabl e for EA systems. |
Feasible Requirements | Requirements for intelligence that have been reviewed and found to be within the capability of the intelligence system to satisfy in the time requested. |
Friendly Information | Condition of any friendly force resource (person, group, relationship, instrument, system, or supply) that affects the capabilities or activities of an IEW unit or would be of interest to an enemy. |
Friendly Information | Cond ition of any friendly force resource (person, group, relationship, instrument, system, or supply) that affects the capabilities or activities of an IEW unit or would be of interest to an enemy. |
Guarded Frequencies | Threat frequencies from which SIGINT or ES information of technical or tactical importance is derived. |
Indicators | Positive or negative evidence of threat activity or any characteristic of the AO which points toward threat vulnerabilities or rejecti on by the threat of a particular capability, or which may influence the commander's selection of a COA. |
Indicators/Time | Positive or negative evidence of threat activity or any characteristic of the AO which points toward threat vulnerabilities or rejection by the threat of a particular capability, or which may influence the commander's selection of a COA, and the time the activity is expected to occur. |
ISM | The product of horizontal and vertical integration o f IEW activities to support the commander's decision-making needs and process. Used by intelligence collection and production managers to prioritize, schedule, and dynamically focus IEW resources to provide answers on time to positively affect operational outcomes. |
ISM | The product of horizontal and vertical integration of IEW activities to support the commander's decision-making needs and process. Used by intelligence collection and production managers to prioritize, schedule, and dynamically focus IEW resources to provide answers on time to positively affect operational outcomes. |
Jamming Controls | Information regarding how EA operations will be positively and/or negatively controlled. |
Jamming-to Signal Ratio Information | Information pertaining to the measure of the jamming-to-signal ratio achieved by a jammer at the targeted receiver. |
Justified Priority | Prioritized requirements based on justification. |
LTIOV | The time by which information must be delivered to the requestor in order to provide decision makers with timely intelligence. |
Maximum Jammer Distance | The maximum distance in kilometers that a jammer may be and still effectively attack the designated target. |
Merged Requirements | The result of the process of reviewing new and current intelligence requirements and where possible merging the requirements to reduce the number of outstanding requirements, improve coverage, reduce duplication, etc. |
MI Unit/ Intel Staff | The personnel, both military and civilian, assigned to or attached to the Division G2 staff or the Division MI Battalion required to accomplish IEW missions. |
Mission Feedback | Information concerning a specific mission provided to the asset manager by the collection manager based on evaluation of the mission reports. |
Mission Jammer Power Output | The power out put required to effectively conduct a required EA mission. |
NAI | (Named Area of Interest) The geographic area where information that will satisfy a specific information requirement can be collected. Usually selected to capture indications of threat courses of action (COA) but may also be related to conditions of the battlefield. |
Necessary Requirement | A requirement that must be collected against to satisfy because data bases do not contain the requested inform ation. |
New Leads | New counterintelligence investigative leads developed during the course of the investigation. |
Non-Capable Requirements | Requirements which exceed the capabilities of organic systems. |
Operational Environment Information | Information flow that provides data on significant regional features to include political, economic, industrial, cultural, lingual, historical, and psychological factors which might affect the conduct of military operations within an area. |
OPLAN/ OPORD | The collection of approved documents which present the commander's instructions for the tactical decisionmaking process, or execution of the mission. These controls which include alerts, commander's guidance, plans, and orders will impact on the model at different times in the cycle or through different cycles. The documents also include High Payoff Target (HPT) and High Value Target (HVT) lists. |
PIR/IR | Priority Information Requirements/Information Requirements. PIR - those intelligence requirements for which a commander has an anticipated and stated priority in his task of planning and decision-making. IR - those items of information regarding the enemy and his environment which need to be collected and processed in order to meet the intelligence requirements of the commander. PIR/IR are the reason for, and give direction to the intelligence collection effort. May also include those Essential Elements of Friendly Information which, if known by the enemy, would jeopardize the friendly mission. |
Potential Asset Mix | The proposed mix of intelligence collection assets to provide complimentary coverage by a combination of assets from multiple disciplines. |
Potential CI Asset | CI agents or teams which have been determined to be capable and available to perform a specific mission. |
Potential External CI Asset | The identification of an MDCI as set of another echelon who may be capable of fulfilling a requirement that can not be satisfied by the echelon's organic MDCI capability. |
Potential External EA Assets | Non-organic EA assets identified as capable of satisfying an EA mission or tasks. |
Preplanned Task | A task which has been preplanned but is not considered urgent. |
Prioritized EA Requirements | EA requirements that have been listed in order of precedence. |
Pr ioritized EA Targets | An updated prioritized listing of preplanned threat targets for attack by electronic attack (EA) assets. The initial list is prepared by the S3/G3 of the echelon in coordination with the S2/G2 and arrives as EA Requirements. The MI Battalion staff revises the initial requirements to determine how best to accomplish the tasking. An informal list of targets of opportunity, and on-call targets may also be kept. The preplanned EA target list equates to the "Decide" phase of targ eting. |
Prioritized Requirements List | A valid list of requirements for collection that have been placed in the proper order of precedence. |
Processing Systems | Computer based systems, equipment, and procedures required to convert or assist in the conversion of raw data or information into intelligence. |
Proposed EA Tasking | Information resulting from the process of determining which assets to task. |
Protected Frequencies< /td> | Frequencies used by tactical friendly forces for a particular operational requirement. |
Qualified CI Assets | CI assets of an echelon which are technically qualified to carry out an CI tasking. Implies training, experience, etc. |
Query | A request for information submitted to a resident data base or a communication to determine the availability of information that might satisfy a requirement. |
Query Feedback | The results of a data b ase query that provides the information sought or tells the individual querying the data base that the information does not exist. Also includes technical data required for SIGINT, IMINT, HUMINT, and EA operations. |
Queued Reports | A released report that has been arranged in order of precedence for transmission. |
Recommended Systems | Collection or EA systems that have been selected based on type of mission and system availability, capability, and vulnerability.< /td> |
Recorded Requirements | An intelligence requirement received by an element which has been recorded to provide tracking or an audit trail of the requirement as it makes its way through the intel cycle. |
Reports | Information flow resulting from the processing of data obtained through the systematic observation of the battle area by means of sensors and systems for the purpose of providing timely combat information, intelligence, counterintelligence, OPSEC informat ion, terrain and weather products, and the results of electronic attack operations. Reports are reviewed and approved by competent authority before being transmitted electronically. |
Request Address | The destination of the request for support. |
Request For Technical Data | An internal requirement for collection generated as a result of not finding the required technical data in the EA or SIGINT data base. |
Requestor Feedback | Information f low that describes to the requestor whether his request has been accepted, or if rejected, why. |
Requests | Communication seeking intelligence, information, counterintelligence, or electronic warfare support from higher or adjacent echelons due to inability of organic means to satisfy requirements. |
Required Redundant Coverage | During the collection planning process, a conscious decision is made to task several same intelligence discipline assets to cover the sam e target. Used against high priority targets when the probability of success by any one collection system is low. |
Required Skills | Information on skills needed to accomplish a particular multidiscipline counterintelligence task. |
Requirements | Information flow from internal, higher, lower, or adjacent elements that initiates planning or coordination to carry out IEW operations. |
Revised EA Target List | An updated prioritized listing of p replanned threat targets for attack by electronic attack (EA) assets. The initial list is prepared by the S3/G3 of the echelon in coordination with the S2/G2 and arrives as EA Requirements. The MI Battalion staff revises the initial requirements to determine how best to accomplish the tasking. An informal list of targets of opportunity, and on-call targets may also be kept. The preplanned EA target list equates to the "Decide" phase of targeting. |
Screened Reports | A report that h as been determined to satisfy an SOR in terms of pertinence, completeness, timeliness, and opportunities for cueing. |
Selected Media | Method chosen to disseminate information, such as voice, graphics or text, where the selection is a function of volume, speed of delivery, amount of data, error rates and similar requirements. |
Selected Resources | The intelligence collection resources selected by the mission manager of the echelon to fulfill collection requirement s. |
Selected Unit | The unit or organization to which a request for EA support will be sent. |
SIGINT/EW Target List | The resultant product of adding technical data to the prioritized target list. |
Similar Requirements | Requirements that are similar in the type information requested. |
SIR | Specific Information Requirement. Developed by determining gaps in knowledge or unsatisfied requirements about the enemy and by an alyzing PIR/IR, determining indicators, LTIOV, and specific information needed to address those indicators. |
SOR | Specific Orders or Requests - The order or request that generates planning and execution of a collection mission or analysis of data base information. SOR to subordinates are orders. SOR to other commands are requests. |
SOR Sets | Developed during the mission management function when reporting criteria is tailored to the collection capabilities of the tasked asset. |
Specificity Priority | Prioritized requirements based on the most specific questions possible. |
Synchronization Reporting Requirements | Intelligence or EA reporting requirements prescribed by the Intelligence Synchronization Matrix. May include reporting times, means, and addresses. |
Synchronized Requirements | Requirements which have been associated with its corresponding decision points and timelines. |
S ystems Vulnerabilities | Attributes or characteristics of a system that make the system vulnerable to threat collection and location systems. |
TABOO Frequencies | Frequencies which must never be deliberately interfered with by friendly forces. |
Target Characteristics | Specific technical operating characteristics of threat electronic equipment designated as a target for collection or EA. |
Target Nominations | Results of (1) analyzing th e value to friendly operations of engaging particular types of enemy installations, systems, equipment, units, or personnel, and (2) developing a list of geographical areas, complexes, or installations, that when occupied by enemy materiel or personnel, are worthy of engagement by lethal or non-lethal means. These target nominations result from analysis and are provided to the division fire support element for possible inclusion in the HPT/HVT lists. Target nominations may also result from identification of predesignated targets or from intercepts that meet predesignated criteria for targeting purposes. These target nominations result from the collection effort and are reported directly to the fire support element for input into fire support channels. |
Task Rejection | A tasking received from the mission manager that the asset manager has deemed impossible to accomplish. |
Task Rejection | A tasking received from the mission manager that the asset manager has deem ed impossible to accomplish. |
Tasking Method | The means of conveying a CI task to the responsible agency. Tasking methods vary and depend upon the type of task. |
Taskings | The communication providing selected organic IEW units or assets with specific orders for collection, analysis, counterintelligence operations, or electronic attack. Taskings result from the process of analyzing and translating requirements. |
Technical Data | Technica l aspects of enemy communications emitters such as information about equipment, signal characteristics, net structures, frequency and call sign usage, operating techniques, and code and cipher systems. It can tell a collector or jammer how best to receive or attack the electronic target with the EW systems available. Additionally, technical can include non-communications information. |
Technical Factors | Information about the specific aspects of an electronic attack mission to inclu de threat system, parameters, frequencies, call signs and similar characteristics. |
Terrain Information | Information flow describing the natural and manmade features of an area, their effect on military operations, and the effect of weather and climate on these features. |
Threat Information | Any information pertaining to the enemy in the area of operations. |
Threat Reports | The compilation of all pertinent, relevant, and credible single-s ource threat information organized into established report formats for dissemination. |
Time Phased Priority | Prioritized requirements based on time the answer to the requirement will be important to the decision making process or when the requirement will no longer be valid. |
Transmission Means | A decision which has been made to use a particular type means of transmission or combination of means to disseminate evaluated intelligence. Transmission means include graphics, combat net radio, area communications, messenger, or other type. |
Unanticipated Event | An activity observed in the area of operations that had not been included in the proposed plan of the threat COA. Unanticipated events may indicate the rejection of an identified threat COA, or a lack of proper planning on the part of the intelligence staff. |
Unfulfilled Requirement | An intelligence collection or EA requirement which has not been satisfied or the in formation collected does not fully satisfy the requirement. If the requirement timelines have not expired or the requirement is of high priority, the requirement will be relevied for collection or EA effort. |
Unsupported Targets | Targets for which insufficient technical data is available to enable attack of the target. |
Urgent Task | A task which must be satisfied rapidly. |
Validated CI Requirements | Confirmed requirements for CI support t hat have been reviewed; found to be appropriate, complete, and feasible; and once accepted, are binding and must be addressed by a specific reporting time. |
Validated EA Requirements | Confirmed requirements for EA support that have been reviewed; found to be complete, appropriate, and feasible; and once accepted, are binding and must be addressed by a specified time. |
Validated Requirements | Confirmed requirements for intelligence support that have been reviewed ; found to be complete, appropriate, and feasible; and once accepted, are binding and must be addressed within a specified reporting time. |
Weather Information | Information flow describing climatic conditions affecting military operations within the area of operations. |