Appendix B

Activity Definitions

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CONSIDER SITUATION TEMPLATE< td>The process of determining the availability of nonorganic systems to support the echelon requirements usually through perusal of schedules, OPLANs, or other documents.< td>The process of examining a message to determine its content for the purpose of routing it to the appropriate analyst position.< tr>< td>The process of looking up message addresses for recipients of intelligence reports who requested information.DETERMINE SYSTEM RESPONSIVENESS HISTORYEVALUATE INFORMATION< td>The process of analyzing the identified or estimated mission to determine which terrain features or area will afford a significant tactical advantage to the owner.
Activity NameActivity Definition
ADD TECHNICAL DATA TO TARGET LISTThe activity of incorporating the target technical data into the EW target list.
ADDRESS INTELLIGENCE REPORTSThe process of ensuring intelligence reports are sent to the appropriate user of the intelligence report.
ADDRESS MESSAGEThe process of labeling the incoming message with the appropriate router to cause it to be transferred to the appropriat e analyst.
ADJUST FOR MOBILITY FACTORSThe process of adjusting doctrinal rates of march based on the impacts of weather and terrain.
ANALYZE AREA ECONOMICS The process of considering and evaluating the methods of producing and managing commodities and finances in the local area to determine the impact on potential COA.
ANALYZE AREA of OPERATIONSThe process of examining the military aspects of weather and terrain and determining t heir potential effects on the area of operations, and on potential friendly and enemy courses of action.
ANALYZE AREA of OPERATIONSThe process of examining the military aspects of weather and terrain and determining their potential effects on the area of operations, and on potential friendly and enemy courses of action.
ANALYZE AREA POLITICSthe process of considering and evaluating the official and unofficial local, regional, and international government s ystems, treaties, agreements, and legal restrictions to determine the impact on potential COA.
ANALYZE BATTLEFIELD EVENTSThe process of examining situation and event templates and the event analysis matrix to predict events in specific locations at specific times on the battlefield. The presence or absence of these events indicates the adoption or rejection of an identified threat COA.
ANALYZE CI REQIREMENTSThe process of determining the validity of CI re quirements for action by CI elements of the echelon.
ANALYZE CLOUD COVERThe process of considering how the forecasted cloud cover will affect military operations. Cloud cover affects ground operations by limiting light and the solar heating of targets. Heavy cloud cover can degrade many target acquisition systems, the use of infrared-guided artillery, and general aviation operations.
ANALYZE COMBINED WEATHER and TERRAIN PRODUCTSThe process of integratin g all existing weather products for the area of operations with all existing terrain products to gain an understanding of the comprehensive weather and terrain picture.
ANALYZE DOCTRINAL RATES OF MARCHThe process of determining, based on existing doctrinal information, how quickly the threat forces may cover the identified terrain, in the situation.
ANALYZE ELECTRONIC ATTACK REQUIREMENTSThe process of identifying and dissecting the commander's concept of t he operation to determine the needs for electronic attack support and defining those needs.
ANALYZE EVENTS IN NAIThe process of evaluating reports of threat activity in NAI with the event analysis matrix and event template to determine if a particular threat COA has been adopted or rejected by the enemy.
ANALYZE LIGHT DATAThe process of considering how the forecasted illumination will affect military operations. Light data have been computed for any locat ion to tell sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and moon phase. Illumination is a measure of sunlight, moonlight, starlight, and air glow, and is a critical factor in the consideration of night vision goggles, cloud cover, and terrain masking.
ANALYZE LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTUREThe process of considering and evaluating land us patterns, sources of potable water, bulk fuel storage and transport systems, canals and waterways, communications systems, transportation means and systems, na tural resources, industries and technologies, power production facilities, and chemical or nuclear facilities to determine their impact on the potential COA.
ANALYZE MILITARY ASPECTS of WEATHER The process of determining the impacts of weather on military (friendly and threat) operations.
ANALYZE MILITARY ASPECTS of TERRAINThe process of determining the impacts of terrain on military operations.
ANALYZE MOVEMENT RATES BETWEEN NAIThe process of evaluating the speed of movement between identified NAI to determine how quickly the enemy is moving. This information impacts time estimations on the event analysis matrix, event template, and decision support templates.
ANALYZE OB FACTORSThe process of examining order of battle data as a whole to determine additional data base changes that are needed.
ANALYZE OB FACTORS as a WHOLEThe process of evaluating and integrating existing intelli gence pertaining to composition, disposition, strength, tactics, training, logistics, combat effectiveness, electronic technical data, and miscellaneous data.
ANALYZE OB INFORMATIONThe process of evaluating and integrating existing intelligence pertaining to enemy identification, strength, command structure, and disposition of personnel, units and equipment, to determine the effect of weapons capabilities and characteristics on enemy tactics, combat effectiveness, and organization.
ANALYZE OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF BATTLEFIELDThe process of determining the impacts of significant regional features on military operations.
ANALYZE POPULATION DEMOGRAPHICSThe process of considering and evaluating the living conditions, cultural distinctions, religious beliefs, political grievances, political affiliations, and education levels of the local population to determine the impact on potential COA.
ANALYZE PRECIPITATION The process of considering how forecasted rain or snow may affect military operations. Precipitation affects soil trafficability, visibility, air operations, communications systems, and the functioning of may electro-optical systems.
ANALYZE REQUIREMENTSThe process of determining how best to satisfy each requirement while ensuring the most effective use of collection assets.
ANALYZE SITMAPThe process of examining the information posted on the situation ma p to evaluate, assess, integrate, and interpret the information to develop a visual understanding of the current situation.
ANALYZE TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITYThe process of considering how the forecasted temperature and humidity may affect military operations. Extreme temperatures, coupled with high humidity reduce personnel and equipment capability and affect the use of thermal target acquisition systems. Temperature and humidity affect air density which may require reduced aircr aft payloads.
ANALYZE VISIBILITYThe process of considering the effects of all aspects of the weather to determine how the combination of weather factors will affect the ability of soldiers to see on the battlefield. Weather factors affecting visibility include cloud cover, precipitation and other obscurants, and available light.
ANALYZE WINDSThe process of considering how the forecasted winds will affect military operations. Wind factors include speed and direction at surface and varying altitudes. Winds can affect visibility by blowing sand, dust, rain, or snow. Strong winds can affect directional antenna systems, use of NBC agents, or hamper air operations.
ANSWER INQUIRYThe process of assessing data base holdings to determine if the answer to an inquiry is sufficient and accurate.
APPRAISE SIGNIFICANT TECHNICAL FACTORSThe process of examining technical and operational characteristics for each jammi ng target to include unit, frequency, call signs, power, antenna type, antenna height, link distance, enemy transmitter location, enemy transmitter location elevation, target receiver location, and target receiver location elevation.
APPROVE REPORTS for DISTRIBUTIONThe process by competent authority of approving for release the reviewed narrative and graphic overlays and reports on the area of interest.
APPROVE REPORT CONTENTThe process of approving an in telligence report based on the completeness, pertinence, accuracy and timeliness of the content.
APPROVE REPORT RELEASEThe process of sanctioning the issuance of intelligence reports that have been reviewed and determined to meet reporting criteria, quality standards, dissemination means, and deemed ready to be sent to the user.
APPROVE TARGET INTELLIGENCEThe process of approving target intelligence developed through the intelligence analysis process. Pro vides additional target intelligence for possible attack.
ARRAY THREAT FORCESThe process of positioning threat forces according to threat doctrine without regard to terrain considerations.
ASCERTAIN FREQUENCYThe activity of ascertaining the frequency of the target signal for use in the jamming formula.
ASCERTAIN TASK URGENCYThe process of determining how rapidly a task must be satisfied in order to facilitate selection of a taskin g means.
ASSESS AGENCY RELIABILITYThe process of assessing the confidence one should have in a particular reporting agency as a function of previous experience, knowledge of their training and past performance.
ASSESS ANALYST INFORMATION NEEDSThe process of considering which analyst or analysts could best use the combat information just received.
ASSESS ATTACK SUPPORT OPERATIONSThe process of determining support operations that mu st be conducted by the threat forces to conduct an attack.
ASSESS CAPABILITY TO REINFORCEThe process of analyzing threat force activities, composition, disposition, strength and doctrine to assess the likelihood of reinforcing one force with another, and if so, where, when, and in what strength.
ASSESS CAPABILITY TO ATTACKThe process of analyzing threat force composition, disposition, strength, training status and situation to determine the likelihood of conducting an attack, and if so, where, when and in what strength.
ASSESS CAPABILITY TO CONDUCT RETROGRADEThe process of analyzing threat force activities, composition, disposition, strength, and doctrine to assess the likelihood of conducting a retrograde operation, and if so, where, when, and in what strength.
ASSESS CAPABILITY TO DEFENDThe process of analyzing threat force composition, disposition, time, activity, training status and morale to assess th e likelihood of conducting defensive operations, and if so, where, when, and in what strength.
ASSESS CAPABILITY TO EMPLOY SPECIAL WEAPONSThe process of analyzing threat force activities, composition, dispositions, and doctrine to assess the likelihood of employing nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, and, if so, where and when.
ASSESS CI ASSETS AVAILABILITYThe process of determining if a specific CI asset is accessible to respond to a CI requiremen t. Factors for consideration may include current taskings, physical location, and time required to respond.
ASSESS CI ASSETS CAPABILITIESThe process of determining whether a given CI asset has the ability to satisfy a requirement. Factors for consideration may include individual and team training, specialized skills, and location.
ASSESS CI CAPABILITIESThe process of determining whether a CI element has the ability to satisfy a requirement. Factors to b e considered may include training, specialized skills, and location.
ASSESS CIVIL-MILITARY OPERATIONSThe process of analyzing threat civil-military operations to determine their impact on threat operations, tactics and options.
ASSESS COMBINED ARMS TRAININGThe process of analyzing threat combined arms or multiple unit training exercises to determine the impact of such training, or lack thereof, on combat effectiveness.
ASSESS COMMAND and CONTROL SYSTEMSThe process of analyzing threat command, control, communications and computer systems to determine shortages, weaknesses and vulnerabilities that may be exploited by friendly forces.
ASSESS COMMAND and CONTROL TRAININGThe process of analyzing threat command and control training to determine weaknesses, shortcomings and vulnerabilities.
ASSESS COMMANDERS' PERSONALITIES The process of analyzing the impact of threat force commanders' p ersonalities on likely operations, tactics and options.
ASSESS COVER and CONCEALMENT AFFORDED BY TERRAINThe process of analyzing the terrain in the area of operations to determine its ability to provide protection from air and ground observation, and protection from the effects of fire.
ASSESS CURRENT ASSET STATUSThe process of evaluating current operational status of organic or attached EA systems for purpose of selecting systems to conduct a new missio n.
ASSESS CURRENT MISSION TASKINGSThe process of evaluating current mission taskings for organic EA systems for determining which systems to task for new missions.
ASSESS DAMAGE IN TAIThe process of evaluating reports to maintain status of destruction in TAIs.
ASSESS DAMAGE TO PRIORITY TARGETSThe process of determining if damage to priority targets has reached an acceptable level of destruction or disruption.
AS SESS DAMAGE TO RESTRIKE AND NEW TARGETSThe process of evaluating the degree of damage already sustained by restrike target nominations or new targets in order to prioritize them.
ASSESS DAY/NIGHT EFFECTIVENESSThe activity of determining how effective a potential collection system is during daylight and at night.
ASSESS DEFENSE SUPPORT OPERATIONSThe process of analyzing support operations needed by threat forces to conduct defensive operations.
ASSESS EA ASSETS LOCATIONSThe process of evaluating organic and attached systems physical location on the battlefield for purpose of determining which systems to task for a new mission.
ASSESS EA EFFECTIVENESSThe activity of ascertaining whether the EA operation has accomplished the results for which it was intended or how effective the o peration was in achieving the desired results.
ASSESS EA IMPACTS ON FRIENDLY OPERATIONSThe process of determining if and how much the execution of EA missions will interfere with or impede friendly operations.
ASSESS EA INTERFERENCE WITH FRIENDLY COMMUNICATONSThe process of evaluating whether tasked EA missions will interfere with friendly communications and, if so, to what extent.
ASSESS EA INTERFERENCE WITH TASKED COLLECTION MISSIONSThe process of evaluating whether tasked EA mission will interfere with tasked collection missions and if so, how extensive the interference.
ASSESS EA SYSTEM AVAILABILITYThe determination of an EA asset's accessibility for use to conduct the EA, provided the EA has the capability to conduct the required EA. Key factors for consideration may include current EA taskings, location, and equipment status.
ASSESS EA SYSTEM CAPABILITIESThe determination o f the ability of organic or supporting EA assets to fulfill an EA requirement levied for action. Assessment centers on the technical capabilities of EA assets to conduct the EA and to achieve the desired results. Factors may include range to target, type emitter, power requirements, and impact on friendly operations.
ASSESS ELECTRONIC ATTACK CAPABILITIESThe process of determining what electronic attack assets or systems are available and have the ability to satisfy the electronic attack requirements.
ASSESS GEOLOCATION ACCURACYThe activity of determining how accurately a collection system can locate a threat target.
ASSESS HIGHER and ADJACENT UNITS' EWTLThe process of examining higher and adjacent units' target lists to determine if they are targeting the same targets tasked to the echelon or to preclude mutual interference with other EA missions.
ASSESS HPT DAMAGEThe process of evaluating threat reports to maintain status of damage to HPTs.
ASSESS HVT DAMAGE The process of evaluating reported information to update knowledge of HVTs.
ASSESS IF INFORMATION AGREES WITH AVAILABLE INFO The assessment of reported facts to determine if they agree or disagree with other reported information.
ASSESS IF INFO IS POSSIBLEThe process of assessing the possibility that the reported fact has taken place.
ASSESS IMPACT of TAR GET DAMAGEThe process of analyzing the effect on enemy operations of destroying or damaging particular targets.
ASSESS IMPORTANCE OF DATA BASE GAPThe process of evaluating the relative value of information determined to be missing in the data base.
ASSESS INDIVIDUAL TRAININGThe process of analyzing threat force individual training to determine shortfalls, weaknesses and vulnerabilities created by this factor.
ASSESS INFORMATION C ONSISTENCYThe assessment of compatibility and agreement among acts, ideas, or events within the reported fact.
ASSESS INFORMATION CORROBORATIONThe assessment of information confirmation or corroboration from different sources or agencies.
ASSESS INTELLIGENCEThe process of analyzing threat force intelligence capabilities to determine the impact of these factors on operations, tactics and options.
ASSESS LINE of SIGHT The p rocess of determining engagement areas, sensor and obscurant vulnerabilities areas, and likely low altitude air avenues of approach. Examines terrain elevation, tree and vegetation height, built-up structures or areas, density of ground vegetation, subsurface terrain features (defiles), effects of weather (fog or precipitation), friendly and enemy smoke obscurants, and friendly and enemy sensors.
ASSESS LOGISTICAL EQUIPMENTThe process of analyzing threat logistical equipment to de termine shortages, weaknesses or vulnerabilities that can be exploited by friendly forces.
ASSESS LOGISTICAL SUPPORTThe process of analyzing threat force unit logistical supportability factors to determine their impact of operations, tactics and options.
ASSESS MOBILITY CORRIDORS and AVENUES of APPROACHThe process of examining identified mobility corridors and avenues of approach to determine what effect the forecasted weather will have on trafficability and COA.
ASSESS NEW TARGETSThe process of identifying new targets to strike after the completion of battle damage assessment.
ASSESS OB DATA WITH FRIENDLY DOCTRINEThe process of considering friendly doctrine in light of OB data.
ASSESS OB DATA WITH THREAT DOCTRINEThe process of considering threat doctrine in light of OB data.
ASSESS OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESSThe process of analyzing threat force unit ope rational effectiveness to determine the impact of these factors on operations, tactics and options.
ASSESS OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL (OE) IMPACTSThe process of examining significant regional features to include political, economic, industrial, demographic, cultural, lingual, historical, and psychological features which might have an effect on the conduct of operations within an area.
ASSESS PERFORMANCE HISTORYThe process of considering a systems reliability his tory and the necessity of requiring confirmation if targeting is an issue.
ASSESS PERSONNELThe process analyzing threat force personnel strength and morale to assess the impact of these factors on operations, tactics, and options.
ASSESS PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT IMPACTThe activity of ascertaining how the physical environment impacts on a collection system's capability.
ASSESS POLITICAL- MILITARY FACTORS The process of analyzing politi cal-military factors to determine how such factors may impact the selection of operations, tactics and options by the threat force.
ASSESS POTENTIAL FOR INTERFERENCE WITH ADJACENT UNITS' EA OPERATIONSThe activity of determining if, how, and to what extent adjacent units planned EA operations will interfere with own unit's operations, or own unit will interfere with adjacent units.
ASSESS POTENTIAL FOR INTERFERENCE WITH HIGHER UNIT'S EA OPERATIONSThe activi ty of determining if, how, and to what extent, EA operations scheduled by a higher unit will interfere with planned operations by own unit, or own unit operations will interfere with higher.
ASSESS POTENTIAL IMPACT WITH ADJACENT UNITS COMMUNICATIONSThe activity of determining if, how, and to what extent planned EA operations by adjacent units will interfere with own unit communications.
ASSESS POTENTIAL IMPACT WITH HIGHER UNIT COMMUNICATIONSThe activity of determining if, how, and to what extent planned EA operations by a higher unit will interfere with communications of own unit.
ASSESS POTENTIAL IMPACT WITH OWN UNIT COMMUNICATIONSThe activity of determining if, how, and to what extent planned EA operations by own unit will interfere with own unit communications.
ASSESS POTENTIAL INTERFERENCE WITH ADJACENT UNITS ES OPERATIONSThe activity of determining if, how, and to what extent planned EA operations by a djacent units will interfere with tasked collection missions at own unit.
ASSESS POTENTIAL INTERFERENCE WITH HIGHER UNIT ES OPERATIONSThe activity of determining if, how, and to what extent planned EA operations by a higher unit will interfere with tasked collection missions of own unit.
ASSESS POTENTIAL INTERFERENCE WITH OWN UNIT'S ES OPERATIONSThe activity of determining if, how, and to what extent planned EA operations at own unit level will interfere w ith tasked collection missions at own unit level.
ASSESS PREFERRED TACTICS and OPTIONSAfter wargaming likely operations, the process of determining the most likely threat tactics based on doctrine.
ASSESS RANGEThe activity of determining the range in actual distance or electromagnetic range of a potential collection system.
ASSESS REINFORCEMENT SUPPORT OPERATIONS The process of analyzing support operations needed by threat forces to conduct reinforcing operations.
ASSESS REPORTING TIMELINESSThe activity of determining how timely a reporting capability is possessed by a potential collection system.
ASSESS RESOURCE AVAILABILITYThe process of considering which potentially useful collection systems have the requisite readiness and are available for tasking to meet a particular information requirement.
ASSESS RESOURCE CAPABILITYThe process of considering collec tion systems or assets either singly or together with multi-sensor combinations that are able to detect, locate, and report on the indicators required to satisfy an information requirement.
ASSESS RESOURCE VULNERABILITYThe process of determining how vulnerable a particular system assigned a specific mission would likely be to hostile action and ascertaining the probability that a particular system can satisfy the mission in the face of hostile activity.
ASSESS RETROGRADE SUPPORT OPERATIONSThe process of analyzing support operations needed by threat forces to conduct retrograde operations.
ASSESS SOURCE RELIABILITYThe process of assessing the degree of confidence one should have with the source of a particular element of information based on previous experience with that source.
ASSESS SPECIAL WPNS SUPPORT OPERATIONSThe process of analyzing support operations needed by threat forces to prepare for and use special weapons.
ASS ESS TARGET DAMAGEThe process of determining the impact of an attack on enemy targets and the target's ability to perform after the interdiction.
ASSESS TARGET INTELLIGENCEThe process of determining the relative importance of an identified high value target after a friendly strike.
ASSESS TARGET NOMINATIONSThe process of updating target nominations to insure intelligence analysts are working off the most current priority list.
ASSE SS TARGETS FOR RESTRIKEThe process of determining the feasibility or relative worth to the operation of attempting to restrike an HVT.
ASSESS TECHNICAL DATA The process of assessing the provided technical data on the target system to determine if organic system capabilities will satisfy the requirement.
ASSESS TECHNICAL FEATURESThe activity of determining the technical characteristics of a potential collection system.
ASSESS TERRA IN IMPACTSThe process of examining the military aspects of terrain and its impacts on potential friendly and enemy courses of action.
ASSESS THREAT ENVIRONMENT IMPACTThe activity of determining the impact the threat environment will have on a potential collection system.
ASSESS THREAT ABILITY TO ATTACK COLLECTORThe activity of determining how vulnerable a potential collector is to attack by threat lethal and nonlethal means. This may include neu tralization, suppression, or destruction.
ASSESS THREAT ABILITY TO IDENTIFY COLLECTORThe activity of determining how vulnerable a potential collector is to being identified by the threat.
ASSESS THREAT ABILITY TO LOCATE COLLECTORThe activity of determining how vulnerable a potential collector is to being located by the threat.
ASSESS THREAT ACTIVITIESThe process of analyzing threat activities displayed on the SITMAP for the purpos e of detecting trends, and tactics, and to predict future actions.
ASSESS THREAT BOSThe systematic analysis and evaluation of threat battlefield operating system based on the roles these BOS should doctrinally perform. This includes assessments of the BOS the effectiveness, and impact of threat options.
ASSESS THREAT COURSES of ACTIONThe process of examining the known threat doctrine and the analysis of the area of operations to determine what the potent ial courses of action (COA) may be taken. Includes analyzing the enemy's posture and movement and the projection of battlefield events in specific locations.
ASSESS THREAT DISPOSITIONSThe process of analyzing threat unit and weapon system locations for the purpose of deducing capabilities, potential courses of action, and intentions.
ASSESS THREAT SITUATIONThe process of evaluating all known threat information, particularly that presented in graphic forma t on the threat SITMAP, for the purpose of assessing activities, dispositions, compositions, equipment, capabilities and intentions.
ASSESS UNIT TRAININGThe process of analyzing threat force unit training status, shortfalls, weaknesses and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by friendly operations.
ASSESS WEAPONS SYSTEMSThe process of analyzing threat weapons systems to determine shortages or other weaknesses.
ASSESS WEATHER IMPACTS The process of examining the military aspects of weather and terrain and determining their potential effects on the area of operations, and on potential threat and friendly courses of action.
ASSESS WX and TERRAIN EFFECTS ON SPECIFIC COAThe process of integrating weather and terrain data and overlays with existing threat information to determine how weather and terrain will impact identified COA.
ASSESS WX EFFECTS ON THREAT DOCTRINEThe process of compa ring the results of the weather analysis with known threat doctrine information to determine how it may potentially affect established practices and procedures.
ASSIGN REPORT PRECEDENCEThe process of designating the relative order of handling a particular report, using terms such as flash, immediate, priority, and routine.
ASSIGN REQUIREMENT CONTROL NUMBERThe process of assigning a control number to a received requirement for ease of tracking and recovery of the requirement.
ATTEMPT TO INTEGRATE NEW REQUIREMENTS INTO ONGOING MISSIONS The effort of trying to integrate new requirements into planned or ongoing missions to avoid under tasking capable collectors.
AUTHORIZE SPECIFIC FREQUENCIES FOR JAMMINGThe process of authorizing specific frequencies for jamming on an individual basis or by publishing a list of frequencies cleared for jamming.
AUTHORIZE SPECIFIC THREAT FUNCTIONS TO JAM The process of authorizing specific threat functions to be jammed unless they operate on a TABOO frequency.
BACKUP INTELLIGENCE DATAThe process of storing selected intelligence data.
BACKUP THREAT OB DATAThe process of storing selected threat OB data.
BACKUP THREAT PRODUCTSThe process of storing selected threat products.
BUILD AVENUE of APPROACH OVERLAYThe process of incorporating all available informatio n pertaining to identified avenues of approach to depicting in on an overlay.
BUILD COMBINED OBSTACLE OVERLAYThe process of depicting all known obstacles, their impact on military movement, and the impact of weather on those obstacles on a single overlay.
BUILD MODIFIED COMBINED OBSTACLES OVERLAY The process of combining all known terrain and weather information and their impact on both friendly and threat operations.
BUILD SITUATION TEM PLATEThe process of depicting how the threat commander might deploy or use his existing assets given the battlefield constraints.
CALCULATE JAMMING-TO- SIGNAL RATIOThe process of using the jamming equations to determine the proper application of jamming power and location of jammer to effectively disrupt the threat emitter.
CALCULATE MAXIMUM JAMMER DISTANCE FROM TARGET RECEIVER LOCATIONThe process of using a jamming formula, GTA 30-6-5 calculator, jamming table, or JAMPOT fan to determine the maximum distance the jammer can be from the target and still effectively jam the target.
CALCULATE MINIMUM JAMMER POWER OUTPUT REQUIRED FOR EFFECTIVE JAMMINGThe process of using a jamming formula, GTA 30-6-5 calculator, jamming table, or JAMPOT fan to determine the minimum power output required to effectively jam the target.
CHECK CI DATA BASEThe activity involved in checking the current CI data base to determ ine if the CI requirement can be satisfied by existing information.
COMBINE NEW AND CURRENT EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of combining new and current requirements for EA that duplicate or are similar to existing requirements to maximize resources.
COMBINE WEATHER and TERRAIN PRODUCTSThe process of bring together all existing terrain analysis assessments and overlays to gain an understanding of the comprehensive terrain picture.
COMPARE WITH CURRENT DB HOLDINGSThe process of comparing the incoming threat information, database update, or database transaction with existing database holdings to determine which information should be retained.
COMPARE ACTUAL EVENT WITH EXPECTED EVENTThe process of comparing observed threat activity with expected activity to determine discrepancies.
COMPARE and CONTRAST THREAT APPROACH to FRIENDLY APPROACHThe process of wargaming threat versus friendly C OA to determine the probability of success of the friendly COA. A conscious attempt to visualize the flow of an operation and to foresee the action, reaction, and counteraction dynamics of operations. This comparative analysis results in the selection of high value targets (HVT), high payoff targets (HPT), a decision support template, and its associated synchronization matrix.
COMPARE CONTENT TIMELINESS WITH ESTABLISHED CRITERIAThe process of determining if contents of an intelli gence report have value based on information timeliness.
COMPARE EA SYSTEM PARAMETERS AGAINST TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTSThe process of evaluating the technical system parameters of organic EA equipment with the technical equipment parameters of the target. These parameters include frequency range, power outputs, modulation, antenna height, and antenna type.
COMPARE INQUIRY WITH DBThe process of matching an incoming inquiry with information regarding that sub ject in the data base.
COMPARE OBSERVED RATE WITH EXPECTED RATEThe process of comparing the threat doctrinal rates of march against the incoming threat reports to determine actual movement rates.
COMPARE REPORT AGAINST SYNCHRONIZATION PLANThe process of comparing an intelligence report with the requirements of the intelligence synchronization plan to ensure the information is obtained by the user within sufficient time to allow for planning and execution of an operation.
COMPARE REPORT WITH ESTABLISHED FORMAT CRITERIA The process of examining a report against the standards of completeness for type reports.
COMPARE TARGETS WITH CDR'S INTENTThe process of evaluating restrike and new target nominations with stated intent.
COMPARE WITH CI DATA BASEThe process of matching incoming CI reports with information currently in the CI data base.
COMPARE WITH HUMINT DATA BASE< /td>The process of matching incoming HUMINT reports with information currently in the HUMINT data base.
COMPARE WITH IMINT DATA BASEThe process of matching incoming IMINT with holdings in the data base.
COMPARE WITH SIGINT DATA BASEThe process of matching incoming SIGINT reports with information already in the data base.
CONDUCT CI PLANNINGThe process of planning the CI effort of the echelon. No formal CI plan is required, but CI investigative and operations workload must be balanced to ensure maximum effective use of available CI assets.
CONDUCT BATTLEFIELD AREA EVALUATIONThe process of integrating enemy, weather, terrain, and other information into reports on the area of interest.
CONDUCT HINDSIGHT WARGAMINGThe process of comparing the results of the operation with the expected results to determine the differences. The analysis should include a study of proposed COA and actual COA, apparent changes or deviations from doctrine, new equipment, and tactics. The results should be incorporated into planning for the next operation.
CONDUCT IEW OPERATIONSThe process of executing specific IEW operations to satisfy approved, valid requirements. Operations include collection, CI, and electronic attack.
CONDUCT TARGET VALUE ANALYSISThe process of determining target areas of interest through the evaluation of enemy doctrine, curren t threat data, and the effect of interdiction on the accomplishment of friendly missions. Targets are prioritized to maximize the allocation of attack resources. Two primary categories of targets include high value targets (enemy elements identified as key to the enemy's success), and high payoff targets (the interdiction of which is advantageous to friendly operations).
CONFIRM OR REJECT SPECIFIC COA The process of deciding if actual observed threat activity matches expected act ivity (and therefore supports the identified course of action) or contradicts the expected activity (and therefore rejects the specific course of action).
CONFIRM RESTRIKE AND NEW TARGET NOMINATIONSThe process of approving intelligence-based restrike and new target nominations before these recommendations are forwarded into fire support channels.
CONSIDER TASKING BY MATM The process of determining if a tasking should be disseminated via a multiple asset tasking message which is an IEW COMCAT standard format message.
CONSIDER ASSETS FOR EACH COAThe process of identifying the assets the threat can employ on each course of action.
CONSIDER BROADCAST DISSEMINATIONThe process of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of disseminating intelligence via broadcast dissemination.
CONSIDER COMBAT NET RADIO DISSEMINATIONThe process of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of dissemin ating intelligence via combat net radio.
CONSIDER CURRENT THREAT REPORTSThe process of reviewing current threat situation reports to ascertain where the threat forces are and when they arrived.
CONSIDER DISSEMINATION VIA AREA COMMUNICATIONSThe process of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of disseminating intelligence via area communications systems.
CONSIDER DISTANCE BETWEEN NAIThe process of determining how far apart the named areas of interest are.
CONSIDER DOCTRINAL RATES OF MOVEMENT The process of determining, based on existing doctrinal information, how quickly the threat forces may cover the identified terrain, in the situation.
CONSIDER EXPLOITATION REQUIREMENT (ER)The process of determining if an ER, an IEW COMCAT standard message text format, can be used to request IMINT support.
CONSIDER FILE TRANSFER BETWEEN AUTOMATED SYSTEMSThe proces s of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of disseminating intelligence by exchanging files between automated systems.
CONSIDER MESSENGERThe process of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of disseminating intelligence via messenger.
CONSIDER OTHER FACTORSThe process of analyzing and evaluating additional factors which may affect the potential threat COA to include unit strength, logistics status, training level, time element, social or political factors.
CONSIDER OTHER MEANSThe process of determining whether a tasking should be disseminated via a means such as telephone (MSE) or radio due to the urgency of the task.
CONSIDER RATES OF MARCHThe process of determining the doctrinal rate of march between NAI in an identified COA.
CONSIDER RELATIVE SIGNIFICANCE TO THE COMMANDERS INTENTThe process of determining which activities on the battlefield are more critical to the com mander's intent than others.
CONSIDER REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RI)The process of determining if the RI, a standard JCS message text format, can be used to request support.
CONSIDER REQUIREMENT JUSTIFICATIONThe process of prioritizing collection requirements based on the importance of the decision the requirement supports.
CONSIDER REQUIREMENT SPECIFICITYThe process of prioritizing collection requirements based upon how narrow and refined to the most precise questions possible.
CONSIDER REQUIREMENT TIME PHASINGThe process of prioritizing collection requirements based on the time relative to a point in the battle when answering the requirement will be important and a time when the requirement will no longer be valid.
CONSIDER REVISED ESTIMATE OF THREAT INTENTIONSThe process of reviewing the estimate of threat intentions to make changes based on demonstrated actions.
The process of examining existing situation templates and threat reports to predict events and their locations on the battlefield.
CONSIDER SYSTEM FORMAT REQUIREMENTSThe activity of determining whether the system to be tasked requires a specific or unique format.
CONSIDER TASKING VIA PARA 3, INTEL ANNEX TO OPORDParagraph 3 of the intelligence annex to the OPORD implements the collection plan and is a standardized taski ng vehicle at echelons corps and below. This method would only be used for a preplanned operation.
CONSIDER THREAT DOCTRINE The process of evaluating all available doctrinal information pertaining to the threat for the purpose of determining potential doctrinal adjustments.
CONSIDER WEATHER FACTOR OVERLAYSThe process of evaluating the results of the weather analysis to determine the effect of weather on the battlefield.
CONSOLIDATE and PR IORITIZE CI REQUIREMENTS The activity of combining new CI requirements with existing requirements when possible. Consolidation may result in a new, more comprehensive CI requirement which incorporates both existing and new requirements.
CONSOLIDATE EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of combining like requirements for EA in terms of time, location, target or system to execute the EA task in order to maximize the use of resources.
CONSOLIDATE REQUIREMENTS The process of merging similar requirements.
CONTRAST ENEMY APPROACH TO FRIENDLY APPROACHThe process of comparing threat and friendly doctrine with regard to current OB holdings.
CONTROL DIVISION IEW OPERATIONSThe process of planning and directing, collecting, processing, and disseminating intelligence and target information and conducting counterintelligence and electronic warfare operations.
COORDINATE CHANGES IN LTIOVThe activ ity of coordinating changes in reporting times caused by changes in the operation tempo with asset managers and other concerned parties.
COORDINATE CI OPERATIONSThe integration of CI operations into other operations of the command. Activity may require coordination with higher, adjacent, and lower echelons when CI coverage is on an area basis.
COORDINATE ELECTRONIC ATTACK OPERATIONSThe process of integrating and coordinating EA operations with other opera tions. Process is critical due to the possible disruption or interference of EA operations on other friendly operations. Purpose is to achieve maximum effect of fire support, maneuver, and EA operations on the enemy force.
CORRECT OR REJECT INACCURATE REPORTSThe process of improving the accuracy of reports based on the knowledge of the reviewer, or by returning the report to the original author for rewriting.
CORRELATE REPORTS TO REQUIREMENTSThe process of identifying the original SOR and requirement that the reported information satisfies.
CORRELATE REPORTS and REQUIREMENTSThe process of identifying the original requirement that the reported information satisfies.
CORRELATE REPORTS TO EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of identifying the original SOR and EA requirement that the reported EA information satisfies.
DECIDE ON BEST COMBINATIONThe process of determining the most appropriat e combination of media to be used to disseminate intelligence reports.
DESCRIBE IMPACT on FRIENDLY OPERATIONSThe analysis and articulation of the impact of threat force unit personnel, intelligence, operational effectiveness, logistical supportability, and civil-military operations strengths and weakness on friendly operations.
DESCRIBE IMPACT ON THREAT CAPABILITIESThe process of articulating the impact of other factors on threat operations, tactics and op tions. This description may be verbal, written, or graphic in form.
DESCRIBE SUPPORT OPERATIONSThe process of articulating support operations needed by threat forces to conduct operations. These support operations may be described in verbal, written or graphical format.
DESCRIBE TACTICS and OPTIONSThe process of addressing the operations of the major units or elements portrayed on the doctrinal templates and the activities of the different battlefield op erating systems. It contains a listing or description of the options available to the threat should the operation fail, or subsequent operations if it succeeds. The description addresses typical timelines and phases of the operation, points where units transition from one formation to another, and how each BOS contributes to the operation's success.
DESCRIBE THREAT COAThe process of articulating likely threat courses of action resulting from analysis of capabilities and the curre nt situation. This description may be in written, verbal or graphical format.
DESCRIBE THREAT EQUIPMENT SHORTAGESThe process of articulating threat equipment shortages and weaknesses that lead to vulnerabilities that can be exploited by friendly forces.
DESCRIBE TRAINING DEFICIENCIESThe process of articulating identified training deficiencies, shortcomings, weakness and vulnerabilities that can impact decisions regarding friendly operations and options.
DESIGNATE AVAILABLE CI ASSETSThe process of selecting potential teams or individuals to assign a specific tasking based on their availability.
DETERMINE ALTERNATE COMMUNICATIONS MEANSThe process of ascertaining different communications equipment to be used for the dissemination of intelligence reports in the event that the primary means selected is unavailable.
DETERMINE AMOUNT OF INFORMATIONThe process of examining the informa tion to be disseminated to ascertain how lengthy the transmission will be.
DETERMINE APPROPRIATE DATA BASEThe process of determining which database should receive the reviewed information.
DETERMINE BATTLEFIELD FEATURES THAT MAY IMPACT COAThe process of determining how battlefield features will impact threat courses of action.
DETERMINE CRITICALITY OF INFORMATIONThe process of assessing the nature of the information to be dis seminated and how crucial the information is to the success of the operation.
DETERMINE DECISION POINT INDICATOR SUPPORTSThe process of determining which decision point a particular indicator, or activity, will support by confirming the event specified in the intelligence requirement.
DETERMINE DISPOSITION OF REQUESTS FOR OE INFORMATIONThe process of determining if requests for other environmental information may be satisfied with organic assets, or if outside agencies must be utilized.
DETERMINE DOCTRINAL ADJUSTMENTSThe process of determining how the threat must adjust his doctrine in order to effectively use the equipment and resources available to him.
DETERMINE IF TARGETS ARE ATTACKABLEThe process of determining if potential targets as identified in previous activities can be interdicted by friendly assets.
DETERMINE IMPACT OF FORECASTED VISIBILITY ON MISSIONThe process of evaluating the forecasted visibility to ascertain if it falls within established critical values and how it will impact on the planned operation (threat or friendly).
DETERMINE INFORMATION TIMELINESSThe process of evaluating incoming information to determine if it is timely or has been overtaken by events.
DETERMINE NUMBER OF COMMUNICATIONS TRUNKSThe process of ascertaining the availability of organic communications means to be used for the dissemi nation of intelligence reports.
DETERMINE PERISHABILITYThe process of analyzing the item of incoming information and deciding how long the information will be of value to a potential user. Perishability of information may depend on the intelligence requirement. For example, a commander may want to know where the threat force will cross a river, but the information will no longer be of value after the enemy has already crossed it. Perishability may depend on the information itse lf. A report of an enemy recon platoon located in a clearing may no longer be of value 30 minutes after they have moved.
DETERMINE PERTINENCE REGARDING THREAT or AREA of OPERATIONSThe process of assessing recorded information to determine if it pertains to the threat in the area of operations or area of interest.
DETERMINE REQUEST MECHANISMThe process of determining which of various request documents to use to levy intelligence requirements on external collection agencies.
DETERMINE ADDRESS OF OTHER POTENTIAL USERS The process of looking up message addresses for units or agencies who probably need the information contained in intelligence reports, but have not requested it.
DETERMINE ASSETS TO TASKThe process of determining which organic or attached EA asset or combination of assets to task for a specific EA mission.
DETERMINE CI ASSETSThe process of designating CI assets to fulfill a CI requirement based upon asset capability and availability factors. The result of this activity is the identification of a potential CI asset to task.
DETERMINE CI ASSET MIXThe process of determining the best combinat ion of CI assets to ensure coverage of the assigned operation or to satisfy a tasked requirement.
DETERMINE CLOUD COVER REQUIREMENTS TO ACCOMPLISH MISSIONThe process of determining the critical values for cloud cover for the unit, based on type of mission, equipment, personnel, and unit standard operating procedures.
DETERMINE COA FAIL PATHSThe process of determining what might happen if the threat commander's plan fails and what actions comprise the threa t commander's failure options.
DETERMINE COMPARMENTATION REQUIREMENTSThe process of examining the intelligence information and its source or agency to ascertain if any security compartmentation restrictions apply to the dissemination of the report. If the information is compartmentation, the releaser must ensure that the potential user is authorized to receive, store, and process the information.
DETERMINE COVER and CONCEALMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR MISSIONThe process of analyzing the mission to determine the commander's requirements for protection fro air and ground observation, and the effects of fire.
DETERMINE CREDIBILITYThe process of examining the incoming information to ascertain the probable truth of the information. Judgment of credibility is based on probability of occurrence, consistency, or confirmation of information with other sources.
DETERMINE CRITICAL FUNCTIONSThe process of ascertaining the functions or activities, the failure of which would render the adopted course of action untenable.
DETERMINE DATA BASE GAPSThe process, after matching inquiries and data base holdings, of determining information empty spaces that might also lead to collection requirements.
DETERMINE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DOCTRINE and PRESENT ASSETS The process of determining the differences between actual and authorized assets.
DETERMINE DISPOSITION OF OE INFORMATIONThe process of determining to whom other environmental information will be sent.
DETERMINE DISPOSITION OF REQUESTS FOR WEATHER INFORMATIONThe process of determining if requests for weather information may be satisfied with organic assets, or if outside agencies must be utilized.
DETERMINE DISPOSITION OF REQUESTS FOR TERRAIN INFORMATIONThe process of determining if requests for terrain information may be satisfied with organic assets, or if outside agencies must be utilized.
DETERMINE DISPOSITION OF TERRAIN INFORMATIONThe process of determining to whom terrain information will be sent.
DETERMINE DISPOSITION OF WEATHER INFORMATIONThe process of determining to whom weather information will be sent.
D ETERMINE EA SYSTEMSThe process which combines the EA system capability and availability analysis to determine which EA asset is capable and available to conduct the EA mission. Result of this activity may be a single EA asset or multiple assets capable and available for the mission. If no organic EA asset can fulfill the mission, a request for support from a higher echelon will be initiated.
DETERMINE EA TARGET CHARACTERISTICSThe process of ascertaining the technical cha racteristics of the target system in terms of frequency, power output, and other technical parameters to facilitate EA planning.
DETERMINE ECHELONThe process of selecting the threat echelon of concern based upon the elements of METT and the commander's PIR.
DETERMINE ENVIRONMENT RELATED HISTORYThe activity of determining how well a system has performed over time under local weather or terrain patterns.
DETERMINE FEASIBILITY of REQUIREMEN TThe process of determining if the MDCI requirement can be satisfied by organic CI assets.
DETERMINE FIELDS of FIREThe process of determining the combined effects of vegetation, terrain and elevation features on direct fire weapons, communications, and collection or target acquisition systems.
DETERMINE HIGHER ECHELON ASSET AVAILABILITYThe process of determining the availability of higher echelon assets to support a requirement.
D ETERMINE HOW MUCH TO DISSEMINATEThe process of ascertaining the amount of information the potential user will require. The amount of information disseminated may depend on the echelon and the ability of the potential user to process it, compartmentation requirements, or legal restrictions.
DETERMINE IF EVENT REPORTED WAS UNANTICIPATEDThe process of comparing the report of an actual event to the outline of the apparent COA to ascertain the adoption or rejection of an id entified COA, or the accuracy of friendly planning.
DETERMINE IF REPORTED EVENT WILL MODIFY A COAThe process of ascertaining if the unanticipated event indicates a rejection or modification to an identified threat or friendly COA.
DETERMINE IF INFORMATION IS NEEDED NOW or IN FUTUREThe process of determining the time-pertinence of information to assess if it has immediate utility or is needed later.
DETERMINE IF REPORT SATISFIES REQUIRE MENTThe process of comparing the information contained in a report against the initial request for intelligence to ensure the requirement is completely fulfilled
DETERMINE IF REPORT CONTAINS COMPARTMENTED INFORMATIONThe process of examining the content of the intelligence report to ascertain if the information may only be seen by personnel authorized within a specific "compartment", or category of data.
DETERMINE IF REPORT SATISFIES REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER USERS The process of examining the contents of the intelligence report to ascertain if the information may fulfill other intelligence requirements.
DETERMINE IF REPORTED EVENT IF UNANTICIPATED WOULD IMPACT A DP The process of ascertaining if an unanticipated event that has been reported may affect an identified decision point for friendly action.
DETERMINE IF SUFFICIENT TECHNICAL DATA IS AVAILABLEThe process of determining if sufficient data is o n hand in order to effectively assess the capability of organic systems to satisfy the requirement.
DETERMINE IF SYSTEM REQUIRES CONFIRMATIONThe activity of determining whether a system requires confirmation prior to tasking it with a targeting mission.
DETERMINE IF TARGETS ARE AQUIRABLEThe process of determining if identified potential targets are capable of being located and tracked by friendly assets.
DETERMINE IF USER IS AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATIONThe process of ascertaining if a potential recipient of an intelligence report has been authorized by security personnel for compartmented information.
DETERMINE IF USER IS AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE COLLATERAL INFORMATION ONLYThe process of ascertaining if a potential recipient of an intelligence report has not been authorized by security personnel to receive compartmented information.
DETERMINE IMPACT OF IDENTIFIED OBSTACLE S ON MISSIONThe process of analyzing the potential impact of identified obstacles on the identified or estimated mission.
DETERMINE IMPACT OF FORECASTED CLOUD COVER ON MISSIONThe process of evaluating the forecasted cloud cover to ascertain if it falls within established critical values and how it will impact on the planned operation (threat or friendly).
DETERMINE IMPACT OF FORECASTED PRECIPITATION ON MISSIONThe process of evaluating the forecas ted precipitation to ascertain if it falls within established critical values and how it will impact on the planned operation (threat or friendly).
DETERMINE IMPACT OF FORECASTED TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY ON MISSION The process of evaluating the forecasted temperature and humidity to ascertain if it falls within established critical values and how it will impact on the planned operation (threat or friendly).
DETERMINE IMPACT OF FORECASTED WINDS ON MISSIONTh e process of evaluating the forecasted winds to ascertain if it falls within established critical values and how it will impact on the planned operation (threat or friendly).
DETERMINE IMPACT OF LIGHT DATA ON MISSIONThe process of evaluating the forecasted light data to determine if it falls within established critical values and how it will impact on the planned operation (threat or friendly).
DETERMINE INFORMATION PERTINENCEThe process of evaluating inco ming information in terms of its relevance to ongoing or planned operations.
DETERMINE INFORMATION RETAINABILITYThe process of determining if the incoming information is valuable and should be stored in an existing data base.
DETERMINE INTERDICTION RESPONSEThe process of determining how the threat commander will react to interdiction of an identified target.
DETERMINE JAMMER LOCATION ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVELThe activity of determ ining the elevation of the jammer above mean sea level for use in the jamming formula.
DETERMINE JAMMER TO TARGET RECEIVER DISTANCEThe activity of determining the distance in kilometers between the jammer location and the location of the target receiver for use in the jamming formula.
DETERMINE JAMMER TUNING ACCURACYThe activity of determining the frequency modulated (FM) tuning accuracy of the jammer for use in the jamming formula.
DETERM INE LEGAL RESTRICTIONSThe process of ascertaining if the dissemination of an intelligence report will be limited by established legal restrictions.
DETERMINE LIGHT DATA REQUIREMENTS TO ACCOMPLISH MISSIONThe process of determining the critical values for light data for the unit, based on type of mission, equipment, personnel, and unit standard operating procedures.
DETERMINE LOCATIONS TO SEARCH FOR IDENTIFIED TARGETSThe process of determining locat ions on the battlefield where identified are predicted to appear based on threat situation, doctrine, and analysis of the area of operations.
DETERMINE LOWER ECHELON ASSET AVAILABILITYThe process of determining the availability of lower echelon assets to support a requirement.
DETERMINE NATIONAL ASSET AVAILABILITYThe process of determining the availability of national assets to support a requirement by reviewing various scheduling mechanisms.
DETERMINE NECESSITY FOR COLLECTIONThe process of determining if the requirement can be answered with data or information already on hand, whether the information exists but not in the requested format, or whether a collection mission must be generated to acquire the information.
DETERMINE NEED FOR INSTANT FEEDBACK AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe process of ascertaining if the recipient of the intelligence information is required to report the receipt of the intelligence inform ation and express how useful the report is in fulfilling their intelligence requirements.
DETERMINE NEED FOR INTREP/ PERINTREPSThe process of evaluating incoming information to determine if it meets the reporting requirements established by the commander. The INTREP is required for intelligence information that depicts a significant change in threat capability. The PERINTREP is normally disseminated every 24 hours and contains a summary of all significant intelligence activity d uring the reporting period.
DETERMINE NEED FOR REDUNDANT CI COVERAGEThe process of determining if the assigned operation or tasking requires more than one team or individual to ensure successful coverage of the operation.
DETERMINE NOT EARLIER THAN TIME (NET)The process of determining when the earliest expected time the lead element of a threat formation can arrive at or activate an NAI.
DETERMINE NOT LATER THAN TIME (NLT)The proc ess of determining when the latest expected time the lead element of a threat formation will arrive at or activate an NAI.
DETERMINE OBSERVATION and FIELDS of FIRE REQUIREMENTS FOR MISSIONThe process of analyzing the mission to determine the commander's requirements for observation and fields of fire. Depends on the type of unit, weapon system, radio systems, or jammers.
DETERMINE ORDER OF BATTLE GAPSThe process of assessing OB holdings and determining gaps based on an analysis of OB as a whole.
DETERMINE ORGANIC SYSTEM AVAILABILITYThe process of determining the readiness posture of an organic asset and scheduled down and projected up times.
DETERMINE OTHER SERVICE ASSET AVAILABILITYThe process of determining the availability of other service assets to support a requirement by reviewing various scheduling mechanisms.
DETERMINE OTHER RELEVANT DATA BASESThe process of assessing w hat other data bases should also be updated with the incoming information.
DETERMINE PERTINENCEThe process of evaluating incoming information to ascertain if it applies or relates to the situation.
DETERMINE POWER OUTPUT of THREAT TRANSMITTERThe activity of determining the power output of the threat transmitter in watts for use in the jamming formula.
DETERMINE PRECIPITATION VALUES The process of determining the critical values fo r precipitation for the unit, based on type of mission, equipment, personnel, and unit standard operating procedures.
DETERMINE PREFERRED TYPE OF OPERATIONThe process of analyzing the threat doctrine in a given situation to decide what operation (i.e., attack, defend, reinforce, withdraw, or delay) threat forces are most likely to perform.
DETERMINE PRESENCE OF TECHNICALLY CAPABLE SYSTEMSThe process of determining which units have systems with the technic al capabilities to perform the required mission.
DETERMINE PROCEDURES and FORMATSThe process of determining what procedures and formats are needed to request support from certain agencies.
DETERMINE RELIABILITYThe process of examining the historical reporting record of the source or agency of the incoming information to ascertain if the information should be trusted.
DETERMINE REPORTABLE DATAThe process of examining and evaluating incoming information to ascertain if it satisfies the commander's requirement for reporting. This may include a report that satisfies an existing intelligence requirement, a report that would significantly change the friendly estimate of threat capabilities or expected COA, or indications of an escalation of the situation to a new level of war.
DETERMINE REQUEST ADDRESSThe process of determining where the request is to be sent.
DETERMINE REQUIRED JAMMING RATIOSThe process of ascertaining the proper jamming equipment power output and the optimum distance to EA target in order to maximize signal disruption.
DETERMINE REQUIREMENT COMPLETENESSThe process of determining if the requirement specifies everything necessary to develop a specific information requirement to includ e who, what, when, where, and why.
DETERMINE REQUIREMENT FEASIBILITYThe process of determining whether the requirement specifies what, where, when, why, and who.
DETERMINE SYSTEM ACCURACY HISTORYThe activity of determining a systems history over time of reporting accurate locations.
DETERMINE SYSTEM READINESS RATESThe activity of determining the readiness rate history of a system prior to tasking it for a mission.
The activity of determining a systems responsiveness to taskings over time prior to tasking it for a mission.
DETERMINE TASKING MECHANISMThe process of determining which of various tasking documents to use to levy intelligence requirements on organic collection agencies.
DETERMINE TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY VALUESThe process of determining the critical values for temperature and humidity for the unit, based o n type of mission, equipment, personnel, and unit standard operating procedures.
DETERMINE TERRAIN and GROUND CONDUCTIVITY FACTORThe activity of determining the terrain and ground conductivity factor for use in the jamming formula.
DETERMINE THREAT ADJUSTMENTSThe process of determining what adjustments the threat commander must make as a result of the differences in available versus authorized resources.
DETERMINE THREAT and FRIENDLY EQUIP MENT PARAMETERSThe process of examining technical information pertaining to threat and friendly communications systems to effectively jam the target. Technical parameters include frequency, enemy transmitter location-to-target receiver location distance, jammer location-to-target receiver location distance, power output of the enemy transmitter, minimum amount of jammer power output required, elevation of enemy transmitter location, elevation of jammer location, and terrain and ground conductivity .
DETERMINE THREAT ASSETS AVAILABLEThe process of determining what assets are actually available to the threat commander.
DETERMINE THREAT ASSETS THAT CAN IMPACT FRIENDLY COAThe process of determining the threat assets that can adversely impact identified friendly course of action.
DETERMINE THREAT DOCTRINAL ASSETSThe process of determining what assets the threat commander is authorized by doctrine.
DETERMINE THRE AT INTENTIONSThe process of comparing reports of enemy activity with expected activity in identified NAI to ascertain which COA the enemy is most likely to adopt in the situation.
DETERMINE THREAT SITUATIONThe process of analyzing the event template, event analysis matrix, and battlefield events at identified NAI to ascertain the threat situation.
DETERMINE THREAT TRANSMITTER LOCATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL The activity of determining the elevation of th e threat transmitter above mean sea level for use in the jamming formula.
DETERMINE THREAT TRANSMITTER TO TARGET RECEIVER DISTANCEThe activity of determining the distance in kilometers between the threat transmitter location and the target receiver location for use in the jamming formula.
DETERMINE TIME SENSITIVITY OF REPORTThe process of deciding if the information contained in a report will still be useful to the potential user.
DETERMI NE TIME REQUESTOR NEEDS INTELLIGENCE TO SUPPORT DPThe process of determining the time the requestor requires the requested intelligence in order to support a particular decision point.
DETERMINE TIME REQUIRED TO PRODUCE THE REQUIRED INTELLIGENCEThe process of determining how much time will be required to produce the requested intelligence and comparing that time with the time the requestor requires the intelligence.
DETERMINE TO WHICH UNIT A REQUEST SHOULD BE SENTThe activity of determining to which unit to send a request for EA support.
DETERMINE UNIT'S OB DATA NEEDSThe process of assessing the particular needs of a subordinate unit for updated OB data.
DETERMINE VISIBILITY REQUIREMENTS TO ACCOMPLISH MISSIONThe process of determining the critical values for visibility for the unit, based on type of mission, equipment, personnel, and unit standard operating procedures.
DETERMINE WE AK POINTSThe process of identifying vulnerabilities in the threat situation that if exploited could cause failure of the threat's course of action.
DETERMINE WHEN IDENTIFIED TARGETS WILL BE IN DESIGNATED LOCATIONSThe process of predicting when identified targets will be in designated locations.
DETERMINE WHICH INFORMATION TO BELIEVEThe assessment of conflicting reported pieces of information to determine which source or agency should be believed in a particular instance.
DETERMINE WHO REQUESTED THE INFORMATIONThe process of ascertaining which agency or individual requested the information contained in the report in order to ensure proper dissemination.
DETERMINE WIND REQUIREMENTS TO ACCOMPLISH MISSIONThe process of determining the critical values for wind for the unit, based on type of mission, equipment, personnel, and unit standard operating procedures.
DETERMINE WX IMPACTS ON PERSONNEL EFFECTIVENESSThe process of considering how the forecasted weather will affect personnel. Extreme temperatures and humidity cause fatigue. Cloud cover, high winds, or illumination may adversely affect visibility. Weather may also create the requirement for specialized equipment or additional shelter.
DETERMINE WX IMPACTS ON EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESSThe process of considering how the forecasted weather will affect the use of assigned equipment or create the need for specialized equipment. Precipitation and humidity will affect thermal sights, and infrared-guided artillery. Weather will affect the functioning of mechanical and electronic equipment, ballistic trajectories, and mobility.
DETERMINE WX IMPACTS ON OPERATIONS EFFECTIVENESSThe process of considering how the forecasted weather will affect military operations. This activity involves studying the weather effects on personnel and equipment together and how the combination will impa ct the potential COA.
DEVELOP INTELLIGENCE SYNCHRONIZATION MATRIXThe activity of developing and producing the IEW synchronization matrix which is used to link and synchronize the collection strategy with the expected flow of the operation it supports.
DEVELOP AIR and GROUND AVENUES of APPROACH OVERLAYSThe process of analyzing potential avenues of approach to determine which will best support both threat and friendly force capabilities. Overlays are prepa red showing each avenue of approach and mobility corridors within each avenue.
DEVELOP and MAINTAIN COLLECTION PLANThe process of establishing a plan for collecting information from all available sources to meet intelligence requirements and for transforming those requirements into orders and requests to appropriate agencies.
DEVELOP and MAINTAIN OE DATA BASEThe process of incorporating newly received information into the significant regional features data base.
DEVELOP and MAINTAIN TERRAIN DATA BASEThe process of incorporating newly received terrain information into the terrain data base.
DEVELOP and MAINTAIN WX DATA BASEThe process of incorporating newly received weather information into the weather data base.
DEVELOP CI INPUT TO COLLECTION PLANThe process of developing multi-disciplined counterintelligence input for the collection plan of the echelon. Counterintelligence requir ements are integrated into the echelon's overall collection plan.
DEVELOP CLOUD COVER EFFECTS PRODUCTSThe process of preparing specialized reports, overlays, impact studies, or evaluations to depict the impact of cloud cover on operations.
DEVELOP COLLECTION STRATEGYThe process of scheduling organic collection operations and leveraging nonorganic intelligence resources to result in the provision of high quality intelligence focused on the commander's needs in terms of information content and timeliness. There are two products of the collection strategy, the synchronization matrix and the collection plan.
DEVELOP COMBINED OBSTACLE OVERLAY The process of integrating individual terrain analyses to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the effects of terrain on the potential mission. Terrain Factor Overlays depict any possible combination of terrain to include: built-up areas, lines of communication, hydrology, fording sites, bank heights, embankments, the effect of seasonal precipitation on soils, and vegetation, etc.
DEVELOP COVER and CONCEALMENT OVERLAYThe process of depicting on an overlay the results of the analysis of cover and concealment in the area of operations.
DEVELOP DOCTRINAL TEMPLATESThe process of developing usually scaled graphic depiction's of threat dispositions for a particular type of standard operation.
DEVELOP EA MISSION TASKSThe p rocess of determining mission assignments for specific type organic EA systems and preparing taskings for those systems.
DEVELOP EVENT ANALYSIS MATRIXThe process of correlating when and where expected activities are likely to occur on the battlefield. The matrix supports the event template by depicting expected movement between NAI in an avenue of approach or mobility corridor.
DEVELOP EVENT TEMPLATESThe process of expanding the situation template to pr edict battlefield events in specific locations and includes the dimension of time.
DEVELOP KEY TERRAIN OVERLAYThe process of depicting identified areas of key terrain on an overlay.
DEVELOP LIGHT DATA PRODUCTSThe process of preparing light data and illumination products based on analysis of illumination impacts on friendly and threat operations.
DEVELOP MODIFIED COMBINED OBSTACLES OVERLAYThe Modified Combined Obstacles Overlay is the basic product of the battlefield area evaluation, terrain analysis, and weather analysis phase of the IPB process. It is a graphic terrain analysis on which all other IPB products are based, depicting Severely Restricted terrain, Restricted terrain, Unrestricted Terrain, built-up areas, rivers and water obstacles, key terrain, obstacles, avenues of approach and axes of advance, mobility corridors, friendly and threat objectives, contaminated areas, and friendly and threat air avenues and corridors.
DEVELOP NEW TARGETSThe process of developing detailed descriptions of new targets identified as gaps in the current target list.
DEVELOP OBSERVATION and FIELDS of FIRE OVERLAYThe process of depicting the results of Line of Sight Analysis, and Horizontal Visibility Analysis on an overlay or tactical decision aid.
DEVELOP OBSTACLE OVERLAYThe process of depicting on an overlay the location and type of obstacles identified in the are a of operations.
DEVELOP PRECIPITATION EFFECTS PRODUCTSThe process of preparing specialized reports, overlays, impact studies, or evaluations to depict the impact of precipitation on operations.
DEVELOP SITUATION TEMPLATEThe process of comparing known enemy doctrine in the form of doctrinal templates with information about the area of operations to determine what the potential impact will be on threat COA.
DEVELOP SOR SETS The pr ocess of translating SIR into sets of effective orders and requests or canceling SOR.
DEVELOP SPECIFIC INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS (SIR) SETSThe process of determining what information is required, where on the battlefield it can be obtained, and when it is to be answered.
DEVELOP SPECIFIC ORDERS and REQUESTS (SOR)The process of translating sir into orders or requests that generate planning and execution of a collection mission or analysis of data base infor mation or informing the asset manager of mission status.
DEVELOP TARGET RESTRIKE NOMINATIONSThe process of recommending restrike of priority targets based on an evaluation of damage as shown in intelligence reports.
DEVELOP TARGETSThe process of providing timely and accurate locations of enemy movers, emitters, shooters, and sitters that may impact on current and future operations.
DEVELOP TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY EFFECTS PRODUCTS The process of preparing specialized reports, overlays, impact studies, or evaluations to depict the impact of temperature and humidity on operations.
DEVELOP THREAT COURSES of ACTIONThe process of examining the known threat doctrine and the analysis of the area of operations to determine what the potential courses of action (COA) may be taken.
DEVELOP THREAT SITUATIONThe process of analyzing the threat doctrine, in conjunction with the current threat dat abase information, and the analysis of the area of operations to depict an assessment of the threat situation.
DEVELOP TPLThe process of determining where the threat force is predicted to be within a specific timeframe.
DEVELOP VISIBILITY EFFECTS PRODUCTSThe process of preparing weather visibility effects products based on analysis of visibility impacts on friendly and threat operations.
DEVELOP WIND EFFECTS PRODUCTSThe process of preparing specialized reports, overlays, impact studies, or evaluations to depict the impact of wind on operations.
DISPLAY THREAT DOCTRINAL INFORMATIONThe process of presenting threat doctrinal information in written or graphic form.
DISSEMINATE EACH INTELLIGENCE BLOCK BASED ON EVALUATIONSThe process of disseminating "blocks" of intelligence which have been evaluated against the requestors original requirement, against the requestors key decision point s, and against the SIR/SOR derived from the requestor's original requirement. Dissemination is tailored to ensure the requestor's requirements are met.
DISSEMINATE INTELLIGENCEThe process of sending out analyzed intelligence reports in response to requirements.
DISSEMINATE INTELLIGENCEThe process of sending out analyzed intelligence reports in response to requirements.
DISSEMINATE REPORTSThe process of addressing reports, selecti ng transmission means and releasing intelligence reports.
DRAFT INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATEThe process of compiling all available intelligence and information of operational significance and organizing it into the established format for a draft intelligence estimate. Specific information includes a restatement of the friendly mission; an analysis of the battlefield area (based on the results of IPB); an estimate of enemy strengths, capabilities, and limitations; and the intelligence off icer's conclusions about the total effects of the AO on friendly COA, the most likely threat COA, and the effects of exploitable enemy vulnerabilities.
DRAFT INTREP/ PERINTREPThe process of compiling and organizing available information pertaining to significant enemy activity or significant changes in threat capabilities into established draft formats for dissemination to authorized users.
DRAFT INTSUMThe process of reducing to writing the compiled summar y of intelligence activity during the established reporting period and organizing it into the established format for dissemination to authorized users.
ESTABLISH COLLECTION PRIORITIESThe process of prioritizing the collection precedence of an SOR so that the tasked system will know the order in which it is to respond to SOR.
ESTABLISH JAMMING CONTROLSThe process of establishing control methods to keep jamming directed at high payoff targets while minimizin g its effects on friendly systems and operations.
ESTABLISH LATEST TIME INFORMATION OF VALUEThe process of determining the timelines required to deliver the finished intelligence product to the requestor.
ESTABLISH NEGATIVE JAMMING CONTROLSThe process of creating negative control methods to control jamming. Negative methods include publication of frequencies restricted from jamming. Restricted frequencies are classified as TABOO, PROTECTED, or GUARDED fr equencies.
ESTABLISH ON-OFF CONTROLSThe process of establishing on-off control which allows for immediate starting or stopping of jamming.
ESTABLISH POSITIVE JAMMING CONTROLSThe process of establishing positive methods of controlling jamming. Positive methods include specifying frequencies for jamming on an individual basis or by publishing a list of frequencies cleared for jamming; authorizing specific enemy functions to be jammed; and establishing on-of f control procedures.
ESTABLISH REPORTING PRIORITIESThe process of prioritizing reporting requirements so that the system tasked can transmit the most important collected information first regardless of the order in which it is received.
ESTIMATE AO EFFECTS ON FRIENDLY FORCESThe process of compiling and evaluating all available information pertaining to the area of operations and its effect on friendly forces. It is based on the facts and conclusions of IPB and the analysis of the battlefield area.
ESTIMATE EXPLOITABLE THREAT VULNERABILITIESThe process of compiling and evaluating all available intelligence pertaining to the effects of threat peculiarities and weaknesses that may result in vulnerabilities that are exploitable by friendly operations.
ESTIMATE THREAT CAPABILITIESThe process of compiling and evaluating the available information pertaining to the threat capabilities and enumerating in order of probability potential enemy COA. Supporting evidence is also provided to include a discussion of the advantages or disadvanteges of adopting each capability.
ESTIMATE THREAT COAThe process of compiling and evaluating all available intelligence pertaining to the threat capabilities, weaknesses, vul nerabilities, and doctrine, combined with the results of the analysis of the area of operations to determine the relative probability of each potential threat COA. Each identified COA may have several subordinate COA that can be executed concurrently.
EVALUATE GRAPHIC DISPLAY FOR CONDENSING VOLUMINOUS INFORMATIONThe process of determining the most effective method to reduce a great quantity of intelligence information to be disseminated in a pictorial manner through the use of symbols, icons, abbreviations, colors, and codes displayed on an overlay, screen, or chart.
EVALUATE GRAPHIC DISPLAY FOR EASE IN UNDERSTANDINGThe process of determining the best way to effectively display the information to be disseminated pictorially to ensure that it can be understand without difficulty.
EVALUATE IMAGERY DISPLAY FOR CONDENSING VOLUMINOUS INFORMATIONThe process of determining the most effective method to reduce a great quantity of i ntelligence information to be disseminated in a pictorial manner through the use of symbols, icons, abbreviations, colors, and codes displayed on an overlay, screen, or chart.
EVALUATE IMAGERY DISPLAY FOR EASE IN UNDERSTANDINGThe process of determining the best way to effectively display the information to be disseminated to ensure that it can be understand without difficulty.
EVALUATE PERISHABILITY OF REPORT CONTENTSThe process of determining for how long the information contained in the report will be of value to a potential user.
EVALUATE REPORT CONTENT FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAYThe process of determining the content of the information to be disseminated and how it might be conveyed pictorially.
EVALUATE REPORT CONTENT FOR IMAGERY DISPLAYThe process of determining the content of the information to be disseminated.
EVALUATE REPORT ELEMENTS AGAINST USER'S SIR/SORThe process of c omparing elements contained in an intelligence report with the identified user's specific information requirement and specific order or request as depicted on the collection manager's worksheet. The purpose of this evaluation is to maintain an accurate status of each SIR/SOR to eliminate satisfied requirements or retask unfulfilled requirements.
EVALUATE THREAT INFORMATIONThe process of determining the pertinence of information to the operation, reliability of the source or agenc y, and the accuracy of the information.
EVALUATE THREAT INFORMATIONThe process of determining the pertinence of information to the operation, reliability of the source or agency, and the accuracy of the information.
EVALUATE VOLUME OF INFORMATIONThe process of evaluating the type and volume of information to be disseminated and determining if a textual presentation is the most efficient/effective method of ensuring that the recipient will be satisfied.
EVALUATE ACCESS TO KEY TERRAIN and OTHER AVENUES of APPROACHThe process of evaluating the access by friendly and threat to key terrain and other avenues of approach.
EVALUATE ALL POTENTIAL COMBINATIONSThe process of comparing the various combinations of methods of dissemination to attain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each combination.
EVALUATE ASSETS AGAINST REQUIREMENTThe process of evaluating the availa ble and capable CI assets against the CI requirement to ascertain the best asset to task to satisfy the requirement.
EVALUATE CI REPORTINGThe process of reviewing CI reports to determine if and how much of a requirement has been satisfied by the information contained in the report.
EVALUATE COMBINED OBSTACLE OVERLAYThe process of evaluating terrain factor overlays which incorporate terrain under dry, normal, or wet conditions to depict mobility and cross country movement rates for use in the avenue of approach analysis.
EVALUATE COVER and CONCEALMENTThe process of examining locations to determine the protection afforded from air and ground observation (concealment) and protection from the effects of fire (cover).
EVALUATE DISCREPANCIESThe process of examining identified discrepancies between expected and actual observed threat activity to determine if the threat commander has adopted or rejected the iden tified course of action.
EVALUATE DISSEMINATION BY GRAPHICSThe process of evaluating the type and volume of information to be disseminated and determining if a graphic or pictorial presentation is the most efficient/effective method of ensuring that the recipient will be satisfied.
EVALUATE DISSEMINATION BY A COMBINATION OF MEDIAThe process of evaluating the type and volume of information to be disseminated and determining if a combination of voice, gr aphic, or text would be the most efficient/effective method of ensuring that the recipient will be satisfied.
EVALUATE DISSEMINATION BY IMAGERYThe process of evaluating the type and volume of information to be disseminated and determining if an image is the most efficient/effective method of ensuring that the recipient will be satisfied.
EVALUATE DISSEMINATION BY TEXTThe process of evaluating the type and volume of information to be disseminated and determ ining if a textual presentation is the most efficient/effective method of ensuring that the recipient will be satisfied.
EVALUATE DISSEMINATION BY VOICEThe process of evaluating the type and volume of information to be disseminated and determining if voice is the most efficient/effective method of ensuring that the recipient will be satisfied.
EVALUATE EA SYSTEMS AGAINST EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of evaluating organic and attached systems against the tas ked mission to determine the best system or combination of systems to task.
EVALUATE EFFECTS OF OE ON OPERATIONSThe process of preparing significant regional features overlays, reports, and tactical decision aids.
EVALUATE EFFECTS OF OE ON FRIENDLY COAThe process of considering and analyzing how the logistics infrastructure, population demographics, economics and politics of the local area will impact on identified friendly COA.
EVALUATE EFFECTS OF OE ON THREAT COAThe process of considering and analyzing how the logistics infrastructure, population demographics, economics and politics of the local area will impact on identified threat COA.
EVALUATE GRAPHICS DISSEMINATION MEANSThe process of evaluating the various means available to disseminate graphics.
EVALUATE IMAGERY DISSEMINATION MEANSThe process of evaluating the various means available to disseminate imagery.
The process of examining incoming information for pertinence, reliability, and credibility.
EVALUATE KEY TERRAINThe process of identifying and analyzing any locality or area which if seized, retained, or controlled would afford a marked advantage to either combatant.
EVALUATE KNOWN THREAT DOCTRINEThe process of analyzing all pertinent information about the fundamental principles by which the threat forces guide their actions in support of achieving the objective.
EVALUATE KNOWN THREAT SITUATIONThe process of appraising all available information known about the current threat, their composition, disposition, weaknesses and strengths.
EVALUATE LEGAL RESTRICTIONS PERTAINING TO DISSEMINATION TO ALLIESThe process of ascertaining by analysis of legal treaties and agreements any limits imposed on the dissemination of intelligence reports to allies.
EVALUATE LEGAL RESTRICTIONS PERTAINING TO DISSEMINATION TO OTHER AGENCIES The process of ascertaining by analysis of legal restraints any restrictions on the dissemination of intelligence to other agencies within or without the US Government.
EVALUATE LEGAL RESTRICTIONS PERTAINING TO DISSEMINATION TO COALITION FORCESThe process of ascertaining by analysis of legal agreements any restrictions on the dissemination of intelligence reports to coalition forces.
EVALUATE MA NEUVER SUPPORT POTENTIALThe process of examining the identified terrain to determine the soil content and trafficability, combined with the effects of forecasted weather, to sustain the weight of projected maneuver operations.
EVALUATE MESSAGE DISSEMINATION MEANSThe process of ascertaining the possibility of disseminating intelligence information through the use of a formatted message via the area communications system.
EVALUATE MOBILITY CORRIDORSThe process of evaluating areas within the avenues of approach which permit movement or maneuver.
EVALUATE OBSERVATION and FIELDS of FIREThe process of determining the influence of terrain on reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition capabilities. It refers to optical and electronic line of sight.
EVALUATE OBSTACLESThe process of identifying and analyzing natural and manmade obstacles that may stop, impede, or divert military movement.
EVALUATE OTHER INTELLEGENCEThe process of evaluating other types of intelligence to ascertain the MDCI impacts to the echelon.
EVALUATE OTHER POTENTIAL OPS AREASThe process of evaluating areas of potential operations not covered by evaluations of offensive and defensive courses of action.
EVALUATE POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTSThe process of determining the potential adjustments the threat commander may make to threat doctrine to accommodate the s ituation, the battlefield, or other factors.
EVALUATE REPORT AGAINST USER DECISIONS, SIR, and REQUIREMENTSThe process of comparing the contents of the intelligence report against the specific information requirement to determine if all requirements have been satisfied.
EVALUATE REPORT ACCURACYThe process of examining an intelligence report to determine if the information contained in it is without error.
EVALUATE REPORT COMPLETENESS The process of comparing the requirements of a request for information with the information contained in a report to determine if all requirements are thoroughly satisfied.
EVALUATE REPORT DISSEMINATIONThe process of ensuring that all reports, including those going directly from the collector to the user, are evaluated.
EVALUATE REPORT ELEMENTS AGAINST USER'S DECISION POINTSThe process of comparing elements of the intelligence report with the identifie d decision points on the event template and event analysis matrix to ascertain if the information will satisfy the needs of the commander.
EVALUATE REPORT ELEMENTS AGAINST USER'S REQUIREMENTThe process of comparing elements of the intelligence report with the initial request for information to ensure that the requirement is completely satisfied.
EVALUATE REPORT RELEVANCYThe process of examining an intelligence report to determine if the contents pertain to the initial request and the operation at hand.
EVALUATE REPORT TIMELINESSThe process of examining the contents of the report and determining if the information will be received by the user in sufficient time for planning and execution of the operation.
EVALUATE REPORT WRITER'S CAPABILITYThe process of determining the ability of the report author to convey a coherent account of the intelligence information to be disseminated.
EVALUATE REPO RTINGThe quality control process of determining how well the system is satisfying the command's intelligence requirements.
EVALUATE RESOURCESThe process of matching prioritized requirements with suitable collection and exploitation assets.
EVALUATE TERRAIN IMPACTS ON DEFENSIVE COAThe process of analyzing the military aspects of terrain to determine how they will affect defensive COA. The military aspects of terrain include the OCOKA factors: obse rvation and fields of fire, cover and concealment, obstacles, key terrain, and avenues of approach.
EVALUATE TERRAIN IMPACTS ON OFFENSIVE COAThe process of analyzing the military aspects of terrain to determine how they will affect offensive COA. The military aspects of terrain include the OCOKA factors: observation and fields of fire, cover and concealment, obstacles, key terrain, and avenues of approach.
EVALUATE TERRAIN'S EFFECTS ON OPERATIONSThe pro cess of preparing terrain overlays, reports, and tactical decision aids.
EVALUATE TOTAL BATTLEFIELD ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS ON FRIENDLY COAThe process of analyzing the integrated analysis of the area of operations and determining the impact of the total battlefield on identified potential friendly COA.
EVALUATE TOTAL BATTLEFIELD ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS ON THREAT COAThe process of analyzing the integrated analysis of the area of operations and determining the imp act of the total battlefield on identified potential threat COA.
EVALUATE VOICE DISSEMINATION MEANSThe process of evaluating the various available voice dissemination means to determine the best means to use.
EVALUATE WX EFFECTS ON OPERATIONSThe process of evaluating effects of weather on threat and friendly operations and the operational environment (battlefield framework).
EVALUATE WX EFFECTS ON THREAT DOCTRINEThe process of co mparing the results of the weather analysis and the available threat doctrine to determine possible doctrinal adjustments the threat commander may adopt.
FEEDBACK EVALUATION RESULTSThe process of notifying MDCI asset managers as to how well the reported information satisfies a requirement.
FORMULATE CI OPERATIONS STRATEGYThe process of devising a strategy for covering CI operations with available assets.
FORWARD CI DRAFT REPORTS The process of passing CI reports into the all-source analysis process for further analysis and dissemination.
FORWARD DRAFT HUMINT REPORTSThe process of passing draft HUMINT reports into the all-source analysis process or for further dissemination.
FORWARD IMINT REPORTSThe process of passing draft reports based solely on IMINT into the all-source analysis process or for further dissemination.
FORWARD NEW INFORMATION TO APPROPRIATE DATA BASESThe process of sending new information to appropriate data bases.
FORWARD REPORT FOR DISSEMINATIONThe process of passing an approved report to be passed into appropriate dissemination means.
FORWARD REPORTABLE CI The process of passing CI info rmation, estimates, and force protections recommendations into the appropriate data or information streams.
FORWARD REPORTABLE HUMINTThe process of passing HUMINT-derived information into the appropriate data streams.
FORWARD REPORTABLE IMINTThe process of placing information from IMINT reports, that have been assessed to be relevant to particular units or customers of intelligence, into the appropriate information streams.
FORWARD REPORTA BLE SIGINTThe process of determining to whom specific pieces of SIGINT should be sent and then passing these reports into the appropriate communications streams.
FORWARD SIGINT DRAFT REPORTSThe process of passing draft SIGINT reports on for all-source analysis or dissemination.
ID GAPS IN CURRENT DATA BASEThe process of examining the existing database to determine what additional information is required to satisfy the commander's PIR/IR.
IDENTIFY RELEVANT DATA BASESThe process of considering and listing available data bases that are candidates of storage of incoming information.
IDENTIFY SUPPORTING OPERATIONSThe process of analyzing potential threat COA to determine which supporting actions will be necessary in order for the threat to accomplish the mission.
IDENTIFY ACTIVITIES TO CONFIRM OR DENY EVENTS IN REQUIREMENTThe process of identifying the activities that will c onfirm or deny the event specified in the intelligence requirement. The activities are called "indicators".
IDENTIFY AND CORRECT COMPLETENESS SHORTFALLSThe process, after comparing a type report with established content standards, of causing the report to be corrected.
IDENTIFY BROAD COAThe process of determining from an analysis of the threat database and incoming threat information, general statements about the threat capabilities and possible COA they may adopt.
IDENTIFY CAPABLE NONORGANIC CI ASSETS The process of identifying CI assets of higher, lower, or adjacent units which have the capability of satisfying a specific tasking beyond organic assets capability or availability.
IDENTIFY CAPABLE NONORGANIC EA ASSETSThe process of examining higher and adjacent unit EA capabilities to determine if they can support EA taskings which exceed echelon capability.
IDENTIFY CI ASSETS AVAILABLE B ASED ON CURRENT TASKINGS The process of reviewing the status of current taskings and operations to determine which specific assets could be made available to satisfy a new CI requirement.
IDENTIFY DECISIVE TERRAINThe process of determining the operational impacts of controlling or losing control of key terrain.
IDENTIFY FREQUENCY REQUIREMENTS EXCEEDING ORGANIC CAPABILITIESThe process of identifying frequency requirements which exceed the capabilit y of organic systems to jam or deceive.
IDENTIFY GAPS IN DATA BASEThe process of examining the existing database to determine what additional information is required to satisfy the commander's PIR/IR.
IDENTIFY GAPS IN CURRENT DATA BASEThe process of examining the existing database to determine what additional information is required to satisfy the commander's PIR/IR.
IDENTIFY HIGH PAYOFF TARGETSThe process of determining the rela tive importance of targets, and the impact of their successful interdiction, on the friendly operations.
IDENTIFY HIGH VALUE TARGETSThe process of determining the relative importance of targets to the enemy and their capability to perform battlefield functions without those targets.
IDENTIFY INDICATORSThe process of identifying the activities that will confirm the event specified in the intelligence requirement.
IDENTIFY MEDIA FOR DISSEMINATIONThe process of comparing methods for dissemination of intelligence information, such as voice, graphics or text, where the selection is a function of volume, speed of delivery, amount of data, error rates and similar requirements.
IDENTIFY NAIThe process of det ermining points or areas along an avenue of approach or mobility corridor where activity will confirm or deny a particular course of action. This facilitates the calculation of movement times between specific NAI and the development of decision points and time phase lines (TPL).
IDENTIFY OBSTACLES to AIR and GROUND MOVEMENTThe process of determining all natural and manmade terrain features in the area of operations that may stop, impede, or divert military movement on the ground o r in the air.
IDENTIFY ORGANIC SYSTEMS CURRENT MISSION LOAD and PRIORITIESThe process of identifying organic systems current mission workload and the priorities of its current assigned missions.
IDENTIFY ORGANIC SYSTEMS WITH TECHNICAL CAPABILITIESThe process of identifying organic EA systems which are technically capable of accomplishing an EA mission.
IDENTIFY ORIGINAL EA REQUIREMENT THAT REPORT SATISFIESThe activity of identify ing the original SOR for the purpose of determining which SOR have been satisfied and which require more EA activity to satisfy.
IDENTIFY ORIGINAL SOR THAT REPORT SATISFIESThe activity of identifying the original SOR for the purpose of determining which SOR have been satisfied and which require more collection.
IDENTIFY PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS of ORGANIC SYSTEMS VERSUS REQUIREMENTSThe process of identifying physical limitations which would prevent organic ass ets from accomplishing the EA requirements. Numbers or volume of missions may be greater than organic capability to provide adequate support.
IDENTIFY POSSIBLE THREAT COAThe process of comparing the area of operations with the adjusted threat doctrine to determine how the threat commander will organize his resources and achieve the objective. This includes force composition, disposition, tactics, equipment, maneuver schemes, and air operations.
IDENTIFY POWER OUT PUT REQUIREMENTS EXCEEDING ORGANIC CAPABILITIESThe process of identifying power output requirements which exceed the capability of organic EA systems.
IDENTIFY REQUIRED CI SKILLSThe process of deterring what CI skills are required to satisfy a requirement.
IDENTIFY REQUIREMENTS BEYOND ORGANIC ASSET CAPABILITYThe process of identifying those assigned tasks or operations which cannot be satisfied by organic assets due to the nature of the requireme nt, availability of assets, or capabilities of assets.
IDENTIFY REQUIREMENTS BEYOND ORGANIC EA CAPABILITYThe process of evaluating tasked EA missions to determine which missions exceed echelon capability.
IDENTIFY SYSTEMS WITH REQUIRED TECHNICAL CAPABILITIESThe process of identifying systems which have the technical capabilities to conduct a mission for which the organic systems do not possess the required capabilities.
IDENTIFY TARGET AR EAS OF INTERESTThe process of analyzing areas along each avenue of approach and mobility corridor to determine where the friendly commander may maximally influence the enemy through fire and maneuver. TAI also include areas where the friendly commander may delay, disrupt, destroy, or manipulate the enemy force. Additionally, a TAI can be an area suitable for attacking an HVT or HPT.
IDENTIFY THREAT ASSETSThe process of identifying threat assets to be employed in the iden tified threat course of action.
IDENTIFY THREAT CAPABILITIESThe process of examining available threat information and updated order of battle to determine the ability of the threat force to successfully perform an operation or accomplish an objective. The evaluation of a threat force's capabilities includes an assessment of a force's current situation as well as its organization, doctrine, and normal tactics, techniques, and procedures. Capabilities are stated in terms of broad C OA and supporting operations.
IDENTIFY THREAT EQUIPMENT SHORTAGES and SHORTCOMINGSThe process of comparing existing threat database information with doctrinal lists of equipment to estimate threat equipment shortages or shortcomings.
IDENTIFY THREAT TRAINING DEFICIENCIESThe process of comparing existing database information with known doctrinal threat training requirements or practices to estimate deficiencies.
IDENTIFY THREAT UNIT STRENG THS & WEAKNESSESThe process of evaluating all available threat information including, the threat model, doctrinal templates, and existing order of battle database information, to determine the enemy unit strengths or exploitable weaknesses that may impact the result of the operation.
IDENTIFY THREAT VULNERABILITIESThe process of examining available threat information and updated order of battle to determine any peculiarities or weaknesses of the threat force that would af fect their ability to successfully perform an operation or accomplish an objective. The evaluation of a threat force's vulnerabilities may focus on areas that a friendly commander may exploit to influence the battle.
IDENTIFY TYPE HIGH VALUE TARGETSThe process of describing and depicting on the doctrinal template the assets that the threat commander requires for the successful completion of their mission.
IDENTIFY USERThe process of determining to whom th e information will be disseminated.
IDENTIFY WHAT TO COLLECTThe process of identifying the specific information which supports the indicator.
IDENTIFY WHERE TO COLLECTThe activity of making each indicator more specific by identifying where to collect information on the event, tying it to a specific point on the battlefield.
INCORPORATE ASSOCIATED SORThe process of incorporating the SOR associated with a specific system into the sy nchronization matrix
INCORPORATE COMBINED OBSTACLE OVERLAY WITH AVENUE OF APPROACH OVERLAYThe process of integrating all information from the combined obstacle overlay and the avenue of approach overlay, with current weather information and products, to gain an understanding of the total terrain picture.
INCORPORATE INTO CURRENT DBThe process of adding retainable data into the current database.
INCORPORATE SELECTED SYSTEMS INTO SYNCHRONIZA TION MATRIXThe process of adding the selected systems into the synchronization matrix.
INCORPORATE TIMELINESThe process of incorporating the timelines associated with a specific SOR and system into the synchronization matrix.
INTEGRATE AREA PRODUCTS INTO ONE COMBINED PRODUCTThe process of combining the results of the weather, terrain, threat, and other environmental impacts into a comprehensive analysis of the area of operations.
INTEGRATE SYSTEMS WITH SYNCHRONIZATION MATRIXThe process of integrating collection systems which have been selected as candidates to fulfill collection requirements with the intelligence synchronization matrix in order to define timelines to meet decision points.
INTEGRATE THREAT INFORMATIONThe process of combining elements of enemy information with analysis of the terrain and weather effects and known information to form a logical picture or hypothesis of enemy compositi on, disposition, and actions, and to predict future enemy activities.
INTEGRATE THREAT INFORMATIONThe process of combining elements of enemy information with analysis of the terrain and weather effects and known information to form a logical picture or hypothesis of enemy composition, disposition, and actions, and to predict future enemy activities.
INTERPRET REPORTED INTELLIGENCEThe process of examining incoming information and determining the content and its potential impact on operations. The results of this determination include reports containing threat and area intelligence and a discussion of the potential impact of this information on operations.
LIST DB GAPS IN ORDER OF VALUEThe process of itemizing information needs in the data base in order of their relative worth to the friendly decision process.
LIST THREAT TARGET TYPESThe process of identifying types of threat targets that, if damaged or destr oyed, would adversely impact threat options and operations.
MAINTAIN SUPPORTING INFORMATIONThe process of keeping a record of all information used to support or expand the information depicted on the situation map. The situation map contains all practical information pertaining to the enemy and the situation.
MAINTAIN TARGET STATUSThe process of monitoring identified high value and high payoff targets to keep track of their location and activity. Maintaining target status also includes updating target lists after friendly strikes.
MAINTAIN AUDIT TRAILThe process of developing a system to track intelligence reports and cross-indexing databases and journal entries.
MAINTAIN DATA BASE The process of examining existing information in th e database.
MAINTAIN INTENT OF ORIGINAL REQUIREMENTSThe activity of ensuring that the intent of either of the original requirements is not lost when merging takes place.
MAINTAIN UNSUPPORTED TARGET LISTThe activity of maintaining a target list that currently does not satisfy a requirement but may be used to satisfy a future requirement.
MATCH INCOMING EA REPORTS TO OUTSTANDING EA REQUIREMENTThe process of matching incoming EA reports to outstanding SOR.
MATCH INCOMING REPORTS TO OUTSTANDING SORThe process of matching incoming reports to outstanding SOR.
MATCH INFORMATION WITH APPROPRIATE ANALYSTThe process of linkin g incoming combat information with the analyst that can best utilize it.
MATCH SIR TO DECISION POINTSThe activity of associating the specific information requirement with its corresponding decision points.
MATCH SIR TO TIMELINESThe activity of associating the specific information requirement with its corresponding timelines.
MATCH UNIT'S NEEDS WITH TAILORED OB DATAThe process of tailoring OB data reports to the needs of a particu lar customer.
MEASURE DISTANCE BETWEEN NAIThe process of determining how far apart the named areas of interest are.
MERGE CI REQUIREMENTSThe process of combining new CI requirements with current or existing requirements in order to satisfy the new requirement without retasking the current operation.
MERGE SIMILAR REQUIREMENTSThe activity of replacing the more poorly worded requirement with the wording of the better justified or mo re specific requirement.
MONITOR and MAINTAIN EA SYNCHRONIZATIONThe process of tracking the flow of the EA operation against the intelligence synchronization matrix.
MONITOR and MAINTAIN SYNCHRONIZATIONThe process of tracking the flow of the operation against the intelligence synchronization matrix.
MONITOR CI OPERATIONSThe process of tracking the flow of the operation against the CI requirement.
NOMINATE NEW TARG ETSThe process of recommending new targets complete with description and justification based on target intelligence.
NOMINATE POTENTIAL ASSETThe process of nominating specific teams or individuals to satisfy a specific requirement based on a thorough assessment of the requirement and the available assets.
NOMINATE SYSTEMS FOR TASKINGThe process of selecting systems or combination of systems to task for a mission.
NOTIFY ASSET MANA GER of MISSION SATISFACTION The process of notifying the asset manager through the mission manager that no further action is required on a fully satisfied EA SOR.
NOTIFY ASSET MANAGER of UNSATISFIED MISSIONThe activity of notifying the asset manager through the mission manager that an EA SOR has not been fully satisfied and that further action remains to be taken.
NOTIFY ASSET MANAGER of NEW SOR THROUGH MISSION MANAGERThe activity of notifying t he asset manager through the mission manager that a new SOR has been generated as a result of a report and is designed to exploit cueing opportunities.
NOTIFY ASSET MANAGER THE SOR REMAINS OUTSTANDING THROUGH MISSION MANAGERThe activity of notifying the asset manager through the mission manager that a SOR is only partially satisfied and that further action remains to be taken.
OPTIMIZE COLLECTION RESOURCESThe process of developing a draft collection st rategy by optimizing the chances for collection success by planning for cueing, redundancy, mix, and integration of collection systems.
PERFORM REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENTThe process of determining what to collect, when, and where.
PERFORM MISSION MANAGEMENTThe process of determining how to employ collection resources to satisfy resources.
PERFORM THREAT IPBThe process of examining all available threat information to determine how t he threat normally organizes for combat and conducts operations under similar circumstances.
PLAN and DIRECT ELECTRONIC ATTACKThe process of planning electronic attack (EA) operations of a command to include integration of EA operations with other operations, and directing the EA of approved targets. Coordination of EA operations is critical due to the possible disruption of friendly operations.
PLAN and DIRECT COUNTERINTELLIGENCEThe continuous process of planning and integrating counterintelligence operations with other operations and orchestrating the CI operations to ensure the efficient use of available CI assets organic to or supporting the echelon. Purpose is to satisfy the commander's CI needs and secure the command.
PLAN and DIRECT IEW OPERATIONSThe continuous process of planning and synchronizing IEW operations with other operations conducted by the command. Directing consists of ensuring the efficient use of the IEW a ssets organic to or supporting the command to satisfy the commander's IEW needs.
PLAN and DIRECT INTELLIGENCEThe activities encompassing synchronizing intelligence with tactical operations, managing the satisfaction of intelligence requirements, and coordinating collection of organic and nonorganic systems to achieve intelligence objectives.
PLAN FOR REDUNDANCYThe planning to use several same-discipline assets to cover the same target to increase the prob ability of success.
PLAN FOR USE of SENSOR MIXThe planning for complementary coverage by a combination of assets from multiple disciplines in order to increase the probability of success, facilitate cueing, reduce the risk of threat deception, and provide more complete reporting.
PLAN TO CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR CUEINGThe planning to maximize the efficient use of finite collection assets in support of multiple, often competing, intelligence collection prio rities by using one or more sensor system to provide data that directs collection by other systems.
POST and ANALYZE THREAT SITMAPThe process of recording analyzing incoming information pertaining to current enemy disposition and recent activities on a graphic display to enable analysts and the commander to see the battlefield.
POST INFORMATION TO SITMAPThe process of recording incoming information pertaining to enemy disposition and recent activities on a graphic depiction of the battlefield.
PREPARE CI MISSION TASKINGSThe process of preparing a broad CI tasking to answer a specific CI requirement. Mission tasking does not task a specific CI asset to answer the requirement.
PREPARE CI REPORTSThe process of preparing draft CI reports based solely on CI data.
PREPARE CI REPORTS IN APPROPRIATE FORMATThe process of preparing draft reports in appropriate formats based on incoming CI.< /td>
PREPARE CI REQUESTSThe process of preparing a request for CI support from a higher echelon, other service, or ally, to satisfy a CI requirement . A request implies that organic assets cannot satisfy the CI requirement due to a lack of capability or availability.
PREPARE DRAFT THREAT REPORTSThe process of compiling all pertinent, relevant, and credible threat information and organizing it into established report formats for dissemination.
PREPARE EA MISSION TASKINGThe process of preparing taskings for organic or attached EA systems to accomplish a specific mission.
PREPARE EA REQUESTSThe process of preparing requests for EA support to higher or adjacent units for EA missions which exceed echelon capability.
PREPARE EWRTMThe activity of preparing an Electronic Warfare Request/Tasking Message to send to the unit from which support is being sought.
PREPARE GRAPHIC SIT UATIONThe process of developing a graphic situation display that incorporates information in holistic fashion to portray threat units, activities and dispositions.
PREPARE HUMINT REPORTSThe process of compiling information derived from the analysis of HUMINT into an established format for dissemination.
PREPARE HUMINT REPORTS IN APPROPRIATE FORMATThe process of preparing draft intelligence reports based solely on HUMINT data.
PREP ARE IMINT REPORTSThe process of compiling information derived from the analysis of imagery into established formats for dissemination.
PREPARE IMINT REPORTS IN APPROPRIATE FORMATSThe process of preparing draft reports in appropriate formats based on incoming IMINT.
PREPARE INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATEThe process of compiling all available intelligence and information of operational significance and organizing it into the established format for a draft i ntelligence estimate. Specific information includes a restatement of the friendly mission; an analysis of the battlefield area (based on the results of IPB); an estimate of enemy strengths, capabilities, and limitations; and the intelligence officer's conclusions about the total effects of the AO on friendly COA, the most likely threat COA, and the effects of exploitable enemy vulnerabilities.
PREPARE INTELLIGENCE REPORTSThe process of compiling all pertinent information and organ izing it into established report formats for dissemination to authorized users.
PREPARE INTELLIGENCE SUMMARYThe process of compiling a summary of the intelligence activity covering a specific period of time and organizing it into formats established by the commander, for dissemination to authorized users.
PREPARE INTREP and PERINTREPSThe process of compiling a summary of all information pertaining to changes in enemy capabilities or significant activity ha s been observed. The (Intelligence Report) INTREP is prepared at all echelons as soon as possible after the receipt of significant information. The Periodic Intelligence Report (PERINTREP) is normally prepared and disseminated every 24 hours. It provides a summary of the intelligence situation and includes other intelligence documents such as technical intelligence summaries, EPW interrogation reports, translations of captured documents, and weather and climate summaries as appendixes.
P REPARE MATMThe process of preparing a Multiple Asset Tasking Message which proposes tasking a selected system with a mission.
PREPARE MISSION TASKINGThe process of preparing specific mission tasking for specific assets.
PREPARE REQUEST FOR CI SUPPORTThe process of preparing a request for CI support from higher or adjacent units.
PREPARE REQUEST FOR EA SUPPORTThe process of preparing requests for EA support for taskings wh ich exceed echelon capability.
PREPARE SIGINT REPORTSThe activity of compiling information derived from the electronic intercept of enemy electromagnetic emissions and organizing it into an established format for dissemination.
PREPARE SIGINT REPORTS IN APPROPRIATE FORMAT The process of arranging information from SIGINT sources into appropriately formatted reports.
PREPARE THREAT SINGLE SOURCE REPORTSThe process of compiling threa t information derived from a single source into established report formats for dissemination or further processing.
PRIORITIZE REPORTS BASED ON AVAILABLE COMMUNICATIONS MEANSThe process of arranging in order of importance intelligence reports for dissemination within the limits of organic communications.
PRIORITIZE CONSOLIDATED REQUIREMENTSThe process of arranging in order of importance requirements for EA that have been consolidated to eliminate similar or duplicative requirements in order to maximize the use of resources.
PRIORITIZE DISSEMINATION SCHEDULEThe process of organizing intelligence reports for dissemination in order of importance according to the limits of the dissemination means.
PRIORITIZE EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of arranging in order of importance the existing requirements for EA in order to maximize the use of resources.
PRIORITIZE GAPS IN CURRENT DATA BASETh e process of arranging in order of importance identified gaps in current holdings for the purpose of organizing collection resources.
PRIORITIZE GAPS IN THREAT DATA BASEThe process of arranging identified gaps in the threat database in order of importance.
PRIORITIZE GAPS IN CURRENT DBThe process of arranging in order of importance identified gaps in current holdings for the purpose of organizing collection resources.
PRIORITIZE GAPS IN D ATA BASEThe process of arranging in order of importance identified gaps in current holdings for the purpose of organizing collection resources.
PRIORITIZE NEW and MERGED REQUIREMENTSThe process of placing the new and existing requirements into an order of precedence based on criticality of the required information.
PRIORITIZE PROBABLE THREAT COAThe process of arranging in order of likelihood of adoption, the identified threat courses of action. B ased on the results of wargaming.
PRIORITIZE REQUIREMENTSThe process of arranging requirements in order of importance to enable focusing of assets on the most important while economizing assets for less important areas.
PRIORITIZE SORThe process of placing specific orders and requests into a logical order of precedence.
PRIORITIZE THREAT ASSETS BY THEIR IMPACT ON FRIENDLY COAThe process of placing threat assets in an order of prec edence based on their ability to impact an identified friendly course of action.
PRIORTIZE TARGET TYPESThe process of arranging threat high value targets in order of importance based upon the relative adverse impact of each target's destruction on threat operations and options.
PROCESS CIThe activity of examining and evaluating information collected by counter-intelligence (includes multi-discipline CI) assets.
PROCESS HUMINTThe a ctivity of examining and evaluating information collected by dedicated human intelligence assets such as Long Range Surveillance units, interrogation of prisoner of war teams, CI personnel when involved in low level source or CI special operations, and maneuver units when assigned specific intelligence missions or duties.
PROCESS IMINTThe process of converting raw imagery into usable information through operator-level analysis, filtering, storing, and preparing imagery for transmis sion and subsequent analysis, Products are prepared in RECCEXREP, REXREP, or video formats.
PROCESS SIGINTThe activity of analyzing and evaluating information derived from the electronic intercept of enemy electromagnetic emissions.
PROCESS SINGLE SOURCE INFORMATIONThe activity of examining and evaluating incoming information from a single source. This information is usually further processed by correlating and fusing with information from other sources.
PRODUCE and DISSEMINATE INTELLIGENCEThe process of converting raw information into intelligence through evaluation, analysis, and integration and the distribution of the intelligence to the appropriate user in a timely fashion.
PRODUCE PRIORITIZED REQUIREMENTS LISTThe process of establishing a requirements priority list based on all prioritization factors.
PROMPT MISSION MANAGER The activity of alerting asset managers and collectors to keep their reporting synchronized with the operation and the commander's needs.
PROMPT EA MISSION MANAGERThe activity of alerting the EA asset managers and EA assets to keep their reporting synchronized with the operation and the commander's needs.
PROVIDE EA FEEDBACKThe process of notifying asset managers as to how well the reported EA information satisfied the SOR.
PROVIDE FEEDBACKThe process of notifying asset managers as to how well the reported information satisfied the SOR.
PUBLISH GUARDED FREQUENCIESThe process of publishing frequencies of the threat's communications-electronics systems from which SIGINT, and electronic support measures information of technical and tactical importance is derived.
PUBLISH PROTECTED FREQUENCIESThe process of publishing frequencies used by friendly forces for a particular operational requirement and which are to be controlled in order to minimize interference produced by friendly jamming and deception operations.
PUBLISH TABOO FREQUENCIESThe process of publishing frequencies that must never be deliberately jammed or interfered with by friendly forces.
QUEUE REPORTThe process of arran ging in order of precedence released intelligence reports for transmission.
RATIFY DRAFT REPORTSThe process, by competent authority, of formally approving and validating reports prepared for dissemination.
READ COMBAT and THREAT INFORMATIONThe process of scanning combat information for the purpose of determining which analyst it should be routed to.
READ REPORTThe process of interpret the content and meaning of intelligence report s.
READ REPORT CONTENT FOR TIMELINESSThe process of examining intelligence report contents to determine if the information has value or not based on its timeliness.
READ REPORT FOR ACCURACYThe process of examining the content of an intelligence report to insure the veracity of the information.
RECEIVE and PROCESS TERRAIN INFORMATION and REQUESTSThe process of receiving and logging terrain information from higher, lower, and adj acent units and requests for terrain information from lower and adjacent units.
RECEIVE and PROCESS COLLECTED INFORMATION The process of accepting and converting incoming combat information into a form suitable to the production of intelligence.
RECEIVE and PROCESS OE INFORMATION and REQUESTSThe process of receiving and logging information from higher, lower, and adjacent units and requests for information pertaining to significant regional features.
RECEIVE and PROCESS THREAT ORDER of BATTLEThe process of incorporating incoming threat information, database updates, database transactions, and databases queries into existing threat order of battle holdings.
RECEIVE and PROCESS WX INFORMATION and REQUESTSThe process of receiving and logging weather information from higher, lower, and adjacent units and requests for weather information from lower and adjacent units.
RECEIVE and RECORD CI R EQUIREMENTSThe process of receiving, logging, and determining the validity of a CI requirement. Validation implies the CI requirement is appropriate, the echelon's CI assets have the ability to fulfill the requirement, and the requirement should be tasked to a CI element. A requirement which cannot be satisfied by organic or supporting CI assets may become a request for CI support from a higher or adjacent unit.
RECEIVE and RECORD EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of accepting and recording requests or taskings for EA support. EA requirements originate with the G3 or with brigade commanders.
RECEIVE and RECORD INCOMING MESSAGESThe process of receiving and logging incoming messages.
RECEIVE and UPDATE THREAT OBThe process of reviewing incoming threat information, database updates, and database transactions for inclusion in the existing database holdings.
RECEIVE CI REQUIREMENTSThe process of physically receiving an CI requirement from higher, lower, or adjacent units.
RECEIVE EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of accepting and recording requests or taskings for EA support that have originated with the division G3.
RECOMMEND CAPABLE CI ASSETSThe activity of recommending particular teams or individuals who have been assessed as capable of satisfying an CI requirement.
RECORD CI REQUIREMENTSThe process of recording CI requirements receiv ed in a journal or other medium for purposes of keeping track with the requirement status as it is being satisfied.
RECORD EA REQUIREMENTS ON TARGET LISTThe process of reducing requirements for EA support on the list of targets to be considered for electronic attack.
RECORD INCOMING MESSAGESThe process of reducing incoming information to writing or some other form of graphical representation and the arranging of this information into groups of related ite ms.
RECORD INTERNALLY GENERATED REQUIREMENTSThe activity of recording requirements or requests for intelligence from the echelon to which assigned in order to track the requirements fro receipt to satisfaction.
RECORD ORDERS FROM HIGHER HEADQUARTERSThe activity of recording orders received from higher headquarters in order to track the requirements from receipt to satisfaction.
RECORD REQUESTS FOR INTELLIGENCE FROM SUBORDINATE and ADJACENT UNITSThe process of recording requests for intelligence from subordinate and adjacent units in order to track the requirement from receipt to satisfaction.
RECORD REQUIREMENTSThe process of recording each requirement in a register in order to successfully track status of the requirement.
REEVALUATE POTENTIAL THREAT COAThe process of refining estimates of threat courses of action based on demonstrated actions.
REFINE IDENTIFIED TH REAT COURSE OF ACTIONThe process of comparing incoming threat information to determine if expected events are occurring in the expected locations at the expected times which either confirms or denies the adoption of the identified course of action.
REFINE KEY TERRAIN ASSESSMENTThe process of relooking identified areas of key terrain and making necessary adjustments to utilize identified avenues of approach to accomplish the identified mission.
REFINE THREA T SITUATIONThe process of updating the concept of enemy operations and determinations of threat COA based on evaluated threat reports and updated analysis of area of operations.
REFINE TIME PREDICTIONSThe process of recalculating time predictions for threat movement in an identified mobility corridor based on actual observed threat movement.
REGISTER MESSAGEThe process of recording incoming combat information in a form that facilitates recall and tracking.
REJECT NONTIMELY REPORTSThe process of filtering reports that have lost value because the information is not longer timely.
RELEASE INTELLIGENCE REPORTSThe process by competent authority of sanctioning the issuance of intelligence reports to authorized recipients.
RELEASE REPORT The process of electronically or physically transmitting a report that has been reviewed and approved for dissemination to authorized users.
RELIEVE ASSET MANAGER of FURTHER RESPONSIBILITY TO COLLECT AGAINST SOR THROUGH MISSION MANAGERThe process of notifying the asset manager through the mission manager that no further action is required on a fully satisfied SOR.
REVIEW EVENT ANALYSIS MATRIXThe process of examining the event analysis matrix to determine when threat activity is expected to occur.
REVIEW TARGET LIST FOR GAPSThe process of evaluating the current target l ist to determine if additional targets should be added based on the OPLAN and incoming target intelligence.
REVIEW and APPROVE DRAFT AREA REPORTSThe process by competent authority of reviewing and approving for release the draft reports on the area of interest.
REVIEW and APPROVE DRAFT REPORTSThe process, by competent authority, of examining reports to determine if they meet reporting criteria, quality standards, dissemination means, and are ready to be sent to the user.
REVIEW ASSET PERFORMANCE HISTORYThe process of reviewing a particular team or individual's performance history to determine whether that asset should be tasked to satisfy a requirement.
REVIEW CURRENT DB HOLDINGSThe process of reviewing incoming information for possible incorporation into the current data base holdings.
REVIEW CURRENT EA REQUIREMENTS The process of examining the listing of current EA requirements to gain an understanding of existing requirements.
REVIEW CURRENT OPERATIONAL STATUS OF CI ASSETSThe process of reviewing CI teams and individuals to determine their current operational status, e.g. their presence, health status, availability, and other factors which might mitigate against selecting a specific team or individual to satisfy a new CI requirement.
REVIEW DRAFT REPORTS FOR TIMELINESSThe process, by competent authority, of examining a report to determine if the information it contains is timely and ready for dissemination.
REVIEW DRAFT REPORTS FOR ACCURACYThe process, by competent authority, of examining a report to determine if the information it contains is accurate and ready for dissemination.
REVIEW DRAFT REPORTS FOR COMPLETENESSThe process, by competent authority, of examining a report to determine if the information it contains is complete and ready for dissemination.
RE VIEW EA REQUIREMENT FOR TIMELINESSThe process of reviewing an incoming EA requirement to determine if it can be satisfied by organic means within the required timelines.
REVIEW EA REQUIREMENT FOR COMPLETENESS The process of reviewing an incoming requirement for electronic attack support to determine if it contains all applicable information in order to make an informed decision to accept the requirement.
REVIEW EA REQUIREMENT FOR FEASIBILITYThe i nitial process of reviewing incoming requirements for EA support to determine if it is possible, appropriate and suitable for organic EA systems.
REVIEW EVALUATED CIThe process of reading CI intelligence that has been judged to be pertinent, reliable, and credible, to determine its relevance to existing inquiries.
REVIEW EVALUATED HUMINTThe process of reading HUMINT reports to determine their source.
REVIEW EVALUATED IMINTThe proc ess of reading IMINT that has been judged to be pertinent, reliable and credible, to determine its relevance to existing inquiries.
REVIEW EVALUATED SIGINTThe process of reading SIGINT traffic to determine its source, validity and reliability.
REVIEW EVENT ANALYSIS MATRIXThe process of examining the event analysis matrix to determine how long it will take for the threat forces to maneuver through the identified mobility corridors.
REVIEW E VENT TEMPLATEThe process of examining the event template to determine the location of expected threat activity.
REVIEW EVENT TEMPLATE The process of examining the event template to determine when and where events are expected to take place on the battlefield.
REVIEW FOR SIMILARITY WITH CURRENT REQUIREMENTSThe process of reviewing new CI requirements to determine any relationship or similarity with current or on-going CI operations which might allo w for satisfying or combining the new requirement with current requirements.
REVIEW GRAPHIC REPORTSThe process by competent authority of reviewing prior to release the draft graphics and overlays on the area of interest.
REVIEW INCOMING CIThe process of examining incoming CI data for the purpose of preparing CI reports.
REVIEW INCOMING HUMINTThe process of examining incoming HUMINT-derived data for the purpose of preparing single- source HUMINT reports.
REVIEW INCOMING IMINTThe process of examining incoming IMINT for the purpose of preparing single-source intelligence reports.
REVIEW INCOMING INFORMATIONThe process of examining the incoming threat information, database update, or database transaction to gain an understanding of the contents for the purpose of entering the information into the correct database.
REVIEW INCOMING SIGINTThe process of reading an d assessing incoming SIGINT data for the purpose of developing single-source SIGINT reports.
REVIEW REPORTED TARGET DAMAGEThe process of reading threat reports to assess target damage.
REVIEW REQUIREMENT FOR COMPLETENESSThe process of determining if the requirement contains all information necessary to focus the CI effort.
REVIEW SITUATION TEMPLATEThe process of examining the situation template to determine where the threat is ex pected to be located on the battlefield.
REVIEW THREAT REPORTSThe process of examining incoming threat information pertaining to identified named areas of interest for the purpose of confirming or denying an identified threat course of action.
REVIEW WRITTEN REPORTSThe process by competent authority of reviewing prior to release the draft narrative reports on the area of interest.
REVISE EA TARGET LISTThe process of updating the E A target list after having prioritized the remaining consolidated requirements.
REVISE TARGET STATUSThe process of changing information or adding new information regarding targets.
SCREEN REPORT FOR TIMELINESSThe activity of reviewing a report to determine if the information has been reported by the LTIOV established in the original SOR.
SCREEN CI REPORTSThe process of determining whether the requirement has been satisfied in ter ms of pertinence, completeness, timeliness, and other opportunities.
SCREEN REPORT FOR COMPLETENESSThe activity of reviewing a report to determine if essential information is missing.
SCREEN REPORT FOR CUEING OPPORTUNITIESThe activity of reviewing a report to determine if an intelligence system can take advantage of the information to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall collection effort.
SCREEN REPORT FOR PERTINENCEThe activity of reviewing the report to determine if the information contained addresses the tasked SOR or if the information can be used to answer other requirements.
SCREEN REPORTSThe process of determining whether the SOR has been satisfied in terms of pertinence, completeness, timeliness, and opportunities for cueing.
SELECT DATA BASE(S)The process of choosing which organic data base(s) to update with incoming information.
SELE CT COLLECTION RESOURCESThe process of selecting a particular sensor system or combination of sensors for a collection mission.
SELECT INTELLIGENCE FOR SITMAPThe process of choosing intelligence to be posted graphically on the threat SITMAP.
SELECT ORGANIC ASSETSThe process of selecting organic assets as the best available systems for accomplishing the mission.
SELECT POTENTIAL AVENUES OF APPROACHThe process of examining t he analysis of the area of operations and threat doctrine to determine possible paths through the area of operations that may be adopted by the threat commander to achieve the objective.
SELECT POTENTIAL MOBILITY CORRIDORSThe process of identifying how a threat commander will move through an identified avenue of approach. Based on the analysis of the area of operations, threat doctrine, and the threat situation.
SELECT PROPOSED SYSTEM TO TASKThe process o f selecting the proposed system to task with a particular EA mission.
SELECT SYSTEMS TO SUPPORT FROM HIGHER OR ADJACENT HQSThe process of selecting systems or assets from higher headquarters as the best systems to accomplish the mission.
SELECT SYSTEMS TO SUPPORT FROM OTHER SERVICE, ALLIES, OR NATIONALThe process of selecting systems from other services, allies, or national as the best assets or systems to accomplish the mission.
SELECT S YSTEMS TO SUPPORT FROM SUBORDINATE ECHELONSThe process of selecting assets or systems of subordinate echelons as the best means to accomplish the mission.
SELECT TASKING METHODThe process of determining how a specific CI asset will be tasked, e.g. message, voice transmission, or other means.
SELECT THREAT PRODUCTS FOR SITMAPThe process of choosing appropriate information from threat products that should be depicted graphically on the threat SITMA P.
SELECT THREAT OB FOR SITMAP The process of choosing which updated threat OB should be posted to the threat SITMAP.
SELECT TRANSMISSION MEANSThe process of determining by what means the messages will be transmitted.
SEND MESSAGEThe actual process of sending the incoming combat information to the appropriate analyst or analysts.
SERVICE DATA BASE QUERIESThe process of examining the existing database to determine what additional information is required to satisfy the commander's PIR/IR.
SPECIFY WHEN TO COLLECTThe process of determining the information needed to establish collection timelines for the named area of interest in question.
SUMMARIZE INTELLIGENCE SITUATIONThe process of compiling all current, pertinent threat intelligence available to the echelon and organizing it into a coherent, chronological presentation for inclusion in the Intelligence Sum mary.
SUPPLY SPECIFICS REQUIRED WITHOUT ARTIFICIALLY RESTRICTING COLLECTOR CAPABILITYThe process of making SOR specific without artificially restricting the collector capability.
SYNCHRONIZE COLLECTION TO REQUIREMENTSThe activities concerned with ensuring the intelligence system provides answers to intelligence requirements in time to influence the decisions they support.
SYNTHESIZE and PREPARE DRAFT AREA REPORTSThe process of f ormatting area intelligence information for dissemination to appropriate users.
TAILOR EVALUATION TO UNIT NEEDSThe process of examining existing holdings and screening out extraneous information to satisfy the commander PIR/IR.
TAILOR SOR TO SELECTED COLLECTORThe process of tailoring the SOR to the selected collection system or organization.
TIE SIR TO DECISION IT SUPPORTSThe process of tracking each SIR with a number or identif ier to enable tracing it back to the original requirement.
TRACK OPERATIONS FLOW AGAINST INTEL SYNC MATRIXThe activity of tracking the flow of the operation against the intelligence synchronization plan.
TRACK EA OPERATIONS AGAINST ISMThe activity of tracking the flo9w of the EA operation against the intelligence synchronization matrix.
TRACK TIME OF DISSEMINATIONThe process of recording and following when particular elements o f information, or the reports including these elements, are set by various communication media.
TRACK WHAT INFORMATION IS DISSEMINATEDThe process of recording and following which particular elements of information have entered various reports and dissemination systems.
TRACK WHO GETS INFORMATIONThe process of recording and following which users of intelligence products receive particular elements of information.
TRANSFER INCOMING INFORMAT ION INTO CURRENT DBThe process of reviewing incoming environmental information, database updates, and database transactions for inclusion in the existing database holdings.
TRANSFER INCOMING INFORMATION INTO CURRENT DATA BASEThe process of reviewing incoming terrain information, database updates, and database transactions for inclusion in the existing database holdings.
TRANSFER INCOMING INFORMATION into DATA BASEThe process of reviewing incoming weather information, database updates, and database transactions for inclusion in the existing database holdings.
TRANSFER MSG TO APPROPRIATE ANALYST POSITIONThe physical act of routing an incoming message to the appropriate analyst position.
TRANSLATE SIR INTO SORThe process of translating detailed SIR into effective SOR.
UPDATE DATA BASEThe process of changing information in a current data base to either add new information or change existing information to reflect new information.
UPDATE RECORDED REQUIREMENTS The activity of ensuring that accountability for the replaced requirement in the merging process is maintained so that intelligence satisfying the replaced requirement is disseminated to the requesting organization.
UPDATE CI DATA BASEThe process of changing the CI data base to reflect new or changed information.
UPDATE COLLECTION PLANNINGThe ac tivity of updating or changing collection planning due to changes in intelligence requirements or timelines as a result of the operation not proceeding according to staff assumptions about threat COA.
UPDATE EA PLANNINGThe activity of updating or changing EA planning due to changes in requirements or timeliness as a result of the overall operation not proceeding according to staff assumptions about threat COA.
UPDATE HUMINT DATA BASEThe process of changing the HUMINT data base to reflect new or changed information.
UPDATE IMINT DATA BASEThe process of changing information in the IMINT data base to reflect new information.
UPDATE or CREATE THREAT MODELSThe process of developing or revising based on new information, a model of the threat force's doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures for the conduct of a particular operation. Threat models are based on a study of all available information, structur ed by the order of battle factors, of the particular threat force under consideration.
UPDATE SIGINT DATA BASEThe process of replacing old information or adding new information with data contained in SIGINT reports.
UPDATE SITUATION MAPThe process of posting new or changed information on the threat SITMAP.
UPDATE TARGET NOMINATIONSThe process of comparing target nominations with known targets to determine which are of current inte rest.
UPDATE TARGET STATUSThe process of assessing the effects of attacks on targets through the compilation of information on a particular target or area.
UPDATE THREAT ACTIVITIESThe process of updating existing threat OB files pertaining to recent threat activities in the area of interest.
UPDATE THREAT ELECTRONIC TECH DATAThe process of incorporating new information into the existing threat electronic database to include commun ications and non-communications equipment parameters and other technical characteristics of electronic emissions.
UPDATE THREAT MISCELLANEOUS DATAThe process of incorporating new data into existing database to include supporting information required by an analyst to develop other OB elements. This information consists of personality files, unit history information, and information pertaining to threat uniforms and insignia.
UPDATE THREAT UNITSThe process of updating existing OB files pertaining to current status of threat units in the area of interest.
VALIDATE CI REQUIREMENTS and REQUESTSThe process of comparing a new CI requirement or request with existing CI requirements in order to prevent duplicative requirements and to ensure efficient use of CI assets.
VALIDATE CONTENT ACCURACYThe process of reviewing draft reports to ensure the facts or evaluations are consistent with analyst holdings and error-free.
VALIDATE EA REQUIREMENTSThe process of confirming requirements for EA support. Th is validation process includes reviewing requests for completeness, appropriateness, and feasibility. Once accepted, requirements are binding and must be addressed by a specified time.
VALIDATE REQUIREMENTThe process of verifying the CI requirement is a legitimate requirement capable of being satisfied by organic CI assets.
VALIDATE REQUIREMENTSThe process of verifying the requirements for feasibility, completeness, and necessity for collection.
WARGAME EACH THREAT COAThe process of simulating, by whatever means available, a potential threat course of action, using rules, tactics, data, and procedures designed to depict the assumed situations.
WARGAME POSSIBLE THREAT COAThe process of simulating, by whatever means available, a potential threat course of action, using rules, tactical, data, and procedures designed to depict the assumed situations.
WARGAME THREAT OPERATIONSThe proce ss of analyzing likely threat operations through time and considering friendly force counteroperations, to gain a clear picture of how the threat forces will likely execute particular operations.

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