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FM 34-36 Chptr 8 - Intell & Elect Wfare Supp to Civil Affs Opers



This chapter discusses the organization and mission of CA units, and the support CA operations provide to the CA units. It addresses the IEW support MI provides to IEW system.


CA units support strategic, operational, and tactical missions across the operational continuum.

In strategic missions, CA units support the NCA when conducting missions for the theater CINCs in areas such as support to US nation-building efforts. CA units can also support US HUMINT.

In operational missions, CA units support the theater CINC by--

In tactical missions, CA units support the tactical commander by--

The mission of the AC battalion is to support non-mobilization contingency operations that are directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and to support Army and joint SOF.

The mission of the RC forces is to augment AC capabilities and to plan and conduct CA activities associated with the broad range of functional specialty skills identified in FM 41-10, Chapter 2.

CA support to the primary SOF missions includes minimizing civilian interference and controlling noncombatants during DA missions, civic action, civil defense and other developmental and stability activities in support of FID and UW missions. CA support to collateral SOF missions includes humanitarian assistance and CMO in the JSOA.


The majority of CA units are in the US Army Reserve. These units are the major supporting elements for each of the warfighting unified commands. The US Army RC CA forces include 3 commands, 9 CA brigades or groups, and 25 CA companies. Unlike conventional forces, CA units are area oriented and must concentrate on a specific theater and its associated languages, cultures, and environments. There is only one CA battalion in the AC. This organization is discussed below.


CA commands are assigned to a theater army. They--


CA brigades can be assigned to a theater army when designated as the senior CA unit in theater. They--


CA battalions can be assigned to the theater army, SF group headquarters, headquarters CA command, headquarters CA brigade (when designated senior CA unit), JTF, or joint special operations task force (JSOTP) as required. They--

Figure 8-3 shows the organization of the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne).

The AC battalion consists of an HHC and four regionally oriented companies. There is one company for each theater, with one company being responsible for two theaters.

CA unit intelligence activities address the full spectrum of cultural, social, political, and economic activity within the area of present or potential operations. It is only through a coordinated effort that CA and MI assets can provide all the information necessary for the commander to accomplish the CA mission.


Organic intelligence assets focus on collecting, processing, and disseminating intelligence. This intelligence includes--

CA personnel engaged in CMO can obtain first-person information from many local sources. CA personnel must maintain their "military diplomat" status through passive elicitation activities. Active intelligence collection by CA personnel would severely hurt other CMO if discovered.


The commander directs the IEW process through the SIO and the S3. The commander relies on the SIO to provide intelligence and combat information. Accurate, complete, and timely CA intelligence enables the commander and staff to estimate, in advance, what effect CMO may have on the mission or COAs. Ongoing intelligence support about popular attitudes toward civic action projects allows the commander to free-tune projects to better meet area needs.

Intelligence on potential threat activities is critical. This includes possible terrorism, sabotage, and propaganda directed against planned or ongoing civic action projects. Such timely intelligence can allow for planning and implementing effective countermeasures.


The CA unit S2 is the SIO. The SIO and staff are the only MI assets organic to the CA unit. The SIO--

The SIO ensures area studies are available for each country and area where operations might be conducted. Area studies for locations where missions might be conducted and missions that support CONPLANs are given priority during the development process. The SIO uses IPB, with overlays, to reveal issues or items important to CA units. Some of these overlays are--


Since CA units have limited organic IEW support, non-organic IEW support is required. Nonorganic support enables the SIO to develop accurate, complete, and timely intelligence to help the commander estimate the influence of CA factors on the mission or potential COAs. When deployed, active duty CA units normally request this support through the SOC J2 or TASOSC DOI. While in CONUS, CA units request support through USASOC.


The SOC J2 primarily is concerned with in-theater IEW policy formulation, planning and coordination. The SOC J2--

The SOC J6 coordinates to obtain secure SCI voice and data communications between the headquarters of the SOC, its component commands, and the TASOSC.

The TASOSC DIO provides all-source IEW support to all in-theater ARSOF. Complying with guidance from the SOC J2, the DIO validates, consolidates, and prioritizes standing and routine IR and RIIs. He then forwards them to the TASOSC ISE collocated at the theater Army MI brigade's EACIC.

Under the staff supervision of the TASOSC DOI, the ISE--

OPORDs, OPLANs, campaign plans, and supporting CA and intelligence annexes contain specific CA intelligence requirements. Most of these requirements are validated and incorporated into CA and IEW collection plans. (See FM 34-1, Appendix H; and FM 34-2, Appendix A.)

In order to meet some of these requirements, SIOs may need to reinforce or refocus available IEW assets. Often, the CA or IEW SIO needs to enter the IEW system to access information or intelligence from other CS unit intelligence agencies; or sources at lower, adjacent, and higher echelons or national CA level.

This intelligence support helps the commander and staff determine the--

CA units use the information and intelligence gathered from all the intelligence disciplines and from the EW and CI functional areas to meet IEW needs. The scope and nature of the mission determines the type of IEW support required. Examples of CA needs which may require nonorganic support include, but are not linked to, intelligence or information about the--


There are primarily five intelligence disciplines which significantly support CA operations.

HUMINT Support

HUMINT is collected using a variety of methods. HUMINT collectors--

CA units use HUMINT to help determine the extent of war damage in threat-controlled areas. HUMINT can also help to locate key technical personnel who can be of use in repairing or operating key infrastructure once friendly forces arrive.

Interrogation support for CA operations is available from the supported command's MI brigade or tactical exploitation battalion. Otherwise, interrogators are collocated at EPW collection points and holding facilities at echelons, division, and above. Interrogation information then is incorporated into the all-source product. When CA units need information for mission planning that only interrogators might provide, they must coordinate their requirements with the command that has interrogators.

SIGINT Support

SIGINT is developed from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of information derived from intercepted electromagnetic emissions. SIGINT subdivisions include COMINT, ELINT, and FISINT. By integrating SIGINT with other resources, accurate targeting and threat data can be obtained. CA units can use SIGINT to pinpoint telecommunications and mass media facilities in target areas. Key facilities damaged during hostilities or natural disasters may have to be repaired and operated by US CA elements.

IMINT Support

CA units use IMINT in varied ways. IMINT helps locate and determine the operational status of key civil infrastructure in denied areas where US forces may be deployed.

This includes identifying and evaluating operational capabilities of transportation networks, factories, and other public structures or systems.

IMINT tasking is done through either FRAGO or intelligence annexes to the OPORD, SOP, or RII. Formats to request support from national systems are in the J-TENS Manual, Sections 3,4, and 5; and FM 34-2, Appendix C. IMINT systems controlled by a higher headquarters, other services, or national agencies respond to approved RII through appropriate channels,

The channels used depend on the requesting unit and the requirement, the agency receiving the request, and command procedures. Corps and division assets can provide IMINT when the target area falls within the range of their organic systems. Other services and national assets also can be tasked to provide dedicated IMINT support to SOF operations.


TECHINT consists of S&TI and battlefield TECHINT. TECHINT provides CA personnel with intelligence about foreign technological developments and the performance and operational capabilities of foreign materiel. Battlefield TECHINT, a subdivision of TECHINT, provides the tactical commander with countermeasures to neutralize and defeat enemy systems and materiel. CA units use TECHINT to identify key technical characteristics and specifications of threat construction equipment, industrial facilities, and utilities (for example, electric and gas) in target areas.

CI Support

CI detects, evaluates, counteracts, or prevents foreign intelligence collection, subversion, sabotage, and terrorism. It determines security vulnerabilities and recommends countermeasures. CI operations support OPSEC, deception, and force protection.

In CONUS, the security division, USASOC, conducts liaison with US and foreign intelligence and law enforcement agencies as appropriate. This liaison is an important element of CI support to CA units. CI supports OPSEC by providing MDCI information and products, such as the MDCI appendix, to CA OPLANs and OPORDs. Additional CI support is obtained from the CONUS CI group as required. Upon deployment, CI support is obtained from the appropriate theater MI brigade. For additional information on CI and HUMINT, see FM 34-60 and FM 34-60A.


Other nonorganic support includes weather and MC&G products. Weather is often the driving force behind CA missions. Severe weather such as hurricanes, tornados, and floods often require the deployment of US forces to assist in disaster relief efforts. Severe weather during combat and noncombat missions may require the diversion of resources to relief operations.

Regardless of the primary mission, CA units must have advanced knowledge of seasonal and nonseasonal weather patterns. Direct weather support should include, but not be limited to--


Although CA personnel are in an ideal position to collect a variety of intelligence and information, it is not their primary mission. Their job is to establish a close working relationship with the local populace in day-to-day operations. Thus, this places CA personnel in a favorable position to--

Since CA personnel work closely with the host-nation populace, they can assist CI personnel by--