Director of National Intelligence
Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums
Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums (ICPMs) are used to provide policy direction to the IC prior to formal issuance of an Intelligence Community Directive (ICD). ICPMs are also used to define policy on an expedited basis. An ICPM may reflect a new policy or a revision to an existing policy. All ICPMs contain the following language: "The content of this policy shall be incorporated into an Intelligence Community Directive." Each ICPM is assigned a number that incorporates the year, the topical series number, and a sequential number, e.g., 2005-100-1, 2005-100-2. The DNI or, in the DNI's absence, the PDDNI, approves all ICPMs.
ICPMs which have been publicly disclosed include the following:
2008 Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums
- 2008-500-2: Connection of United States and Commonwealth Secure Telephone Systems (Redacted), September 24, 2008
2007 Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums
- 2007-200-2: Preparing Intelligence to Meet the Intelligence Community's "Responsibility to Provide"
- 2007-500-1: Unevaluated Domestic Threat Tearline Reports
- 2007-500-3: Intelligence Information Sharing
- 2007-700-1: The Security of Commonwealth Countries' Facilities That Protect US-Shared Sensitive Compartmented Information
2006 Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums
- 2006-100-1: The Intelligence Community Policy Process (rescinded 16 January 2009)
- 2006-200-2: Role of The Office of the Director of National Intelligence Analytic Ombudsman
- 2006-600-1: National Intelligence Reserve Corps
- 2006-700-3: Intelligence Community Modifications To Annex C of DCID 6/4 on Personnel Security Standards and Procedures Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (rescinded 1 October 2008)
- 2006-700-4: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/4, "Personnel Security Standards and Procedures Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Annex A Standard C . Single-Scope Background Investigation- Periodic Reinvestigation (SSBI-PR)" (rescinded 1 October 2008)
- 2006-700-5: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/4, "Personnel Security Standards and Procedures Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)," Annex F "Reciprocity of SCI Eligibility Determinations" (rescinded 1 October 2008)
- 2006-700-6: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/4, "Personnel Security Standards and Procedures for Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)" Pertaining to Expeditious Handling of Issue-Free Personnel Security Cases and Out-Of-Date Single Scope Background Investigations for Continued and Renewed SCI Access (rescinded 1 October 2008)
- 2006-700-7: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/9, "Physical Security Standards for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs)"
- 2006-700-8: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/1 Supplement. "Security Policy Manual For SCI Control Systems"
- 2006-700-10: Intelligence Community Update to DCID 6/11, "Controlled Access Program Oversight Committee"
2005 Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums
- 2005-100-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Management
- 2005-100-2: Director of National Intelligence Mission Managers [rescinded by ICD 900, 21 December 2006]
- 2005-100-3: Reporting of Intelligence Activities to Congress [rescinded by ICD 112, 16 November 2011]
- 2005-200-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis (rescinded by ICD 200)
- 2005-300-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Collection [rescinded by ICD 300, 3 October 2006]
- 2005-400-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Customer Outcomes
- 2005-700-1: Intelligence Community Update to Director of Central Intelligence DCID 6/9. "Physical Security Standards for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs)", transmitting Portable Electronic Devices in Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities and Portable Electronic Device (PED) Mitigation
- 2005-800-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Science and Technology
- 2005-900-2: Director of National Intelligence National Counterproliferation Center
Like ICDs, ICPMs are issued sequentially within one of nine series of policy areas:
TOPIC SERIES COGNIZANT OFFICIAL Enterprise Management 100 Deputy DNI for Management Intelligence Analysis 200 Deputy DNI for Analysis Intelligence Collection 300 Deputy DNI for Collection Customer Outcomes 400 Deputy DNI for Customer Outcomes Information Management 500 Associate DNI and Chief Information Officer Human Capital 600 Assistant Deputy DNI and Chief Human Capital Officer
and Assistant Deputy DNI for Education and Training and Chancellor, National Intelligence UniversitySecurity and Counterintelligence 700 National Counterintelligence Executive
and Assistant Deputy DNI for SecurityScience and Technology 800 Associate DNI for Science and Technology Mission Management 900 Subject Dependent