1999 Congressional Hearings
Supporting the National Security Strategy
February 2, 1999 - House Armed Services Committee
Global Threats and Challenges: The Decades Ahead
February 2, 1999 - Senate Armed Services Committee
The Threat Posed to the United States by Terrorists
February 4, 1999 - Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee for Commerce,
Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies
Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios"
February 10, 1999 - House Commerce Committee
Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism
Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Attacking the Money Laundering Crisis
February 10, 2000 House Judiciary Crime Subcommittee
Defense Information Superiority and Information Assurance—Entering the
21st Century
Honorable John J. Hamre, Deputy Secretary
of Defense
Campbell, Lt. Gen. William H., Director,
Information Systems for Command, Control, Communications and Computers,
Department of the Army
Cebrowski, Vice Adm. Arthur K., President,
Naval War College, Director, Navy Doctrine Command
Clemins, Adm. Archie, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, United States
Donahue, Lt. Gen. William J., Director,
Headquarters Communications and Information, Department of the Air Force
Money, Hon. Arthur L., Senior Civilian
Official, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control,
Communications and Intelligence
Natter, Vice Adm. Robert J., Director, Space, Information Warfare, Command
& Control, Department of the Navy
Rhodes, Lt. Gen. John E., Commanding General,
Marine Corps Combat Development Command, United States Marine Corps
Woodward, Lt. Gen. John L., USAF, Director
for Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems, the Joint Chiefs
of Staff
State Department Security Requirements
February 24, 1999 - House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce,
Justice, and the State Department
U.S.-Mexico Counternarcotics Cooperation
February 24, 1999 - Senate Drug Caucus
Proliferation of WMD and the Intelligence Community
March 3, 1999 - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
John Lauder, Special Assistant to the Director
of Central Intelligence for Nonproliferation
Office of National Drug Control Policy FY 2000 budget
March 3, 1999 - House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Treasury,
Postal Service, and General Government
Hearing on "Government-wide Spending to Combat Terrorism
March 11, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security
Statement of Chairman Shays
Henry L. Hinton, Jr. U.S. General Accounting
Domestic Emergency Preparedness for Response to Threats of Terrorist Use
of Weapons of Mass Destruction
March 11, 1999 - House Armed Services Committee
Hearing Transcript
Opening Statement of Chairman Weldon
Mr. Charles L. Cragin, Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense, (Reserve Affairs)
Dr. Delores M. Etter, Deputy Under Secretary
of Defense, (Science & Technology)
Mr. Raymond Dominguez, Deputy Under Secretary
of Defense, (Forces & Resources), Office of the Assistant Secretary
of Defense, (Special Operations & Low Intensity Conflict)
Maj. Gen. John Doesburg, Commander, U.S.
Army Soldier & Biological Chemical Command
Dr. Page Stoutland, Director, Chemical & Bilogical Nonproliferation
Program, Department of Energy
Dr. William F. Raub, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Science Policy, Department
of Health & Human Services
Mr. David Boyd, Director, Office of Science
& Technology, National Institute of Justice, Department of Justice
Randall Murch, Deputy Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations
Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Warfare Issues
March 16, 1999 - Senate Armed Service Committee, Subcommittee on Emerging
Threats and Capabilities
Michael A. Vatis, Director, National
Infrastructure Protection Center, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios"
March 16, 1999 - Senate Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property
and Nuclear Safety
Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism
Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Curran, Mr. Edward J., Director, Office of Counterintelligence,
U.S. Department of Energy
Moler, Ms. Elizabeth, Former Deputy Secretary
of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
Moniz, Dr. Ernest J., Under Secretary of Energy,
U.S. Department of Energy
Trulock, Mr. Notra, III, Acting Deputy Director,
Office of Intelligence, U.S. Department of Energy
Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios"
May 19, 1999 - House Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Health and Environment
Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism
Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios"
May 20, 1999 - House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism
Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Security at the Department of Energy: Who's Protecting the Nation's Secrets?
May 20, 1999 - House Science Committee
Combating Terrorism: Proposed Transfer of the Domestic Preparedness Program
May 26, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security
Chairman Shays' Statement
Charles L. Cragin Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Reserve Affairs Department of Defense
Andy Mitchell Deputy Director Office
for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support Office of Justice Programs
Department of Justice
Barbara Y. Martinez Deputy Director
National Domestic Preparedness Office Federal Bureau of Investigation Department
of Justice
Catherine Light Director Office of National
Security Affairs Federal Emergency Management Agency
Janet Reno, Attorney General
Fran F. Townsend, Director, Office of Intelligence Policy Review
Preparedness For Terrorism Response
June 9, 1999 - House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Subcommittee
on Oversight, Investigations, and Emergency Management
DOE Security
June 9, 1999 - Senate Intelligence Committee
U.S. Encryption Policy
June 10, 1999 - Senate Commerce Committee
June 22, 1999 Senate Joint Hearing
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Committee on Armed Services
Committee on Government Affairs
Select Committee on Intelligence
- Secretary Richardson - Department of Energy
- Senator Rudman - President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
"Retaliation at the Departments of Defense and Energy:
Do Advocates of Tighter Security for U.S. Technology Face Intimidation?"
June 24, 1999 - House Committee on Government Reform
Curt Weldon U.S. House of Representatives
Lt. Col. Edward McCallum Director of
the Office of Safeguards and Security U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Peter Leitner Senior Strategic Trade
Adviser Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Mr. Michael Maloof Chief of Technology
Security Operations Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Jonathan Fox, Esq. Arms Control Specialist Defense Special Weapons Agency
Security Problems at the U.S. Department of Energy
June 24, 1999 - House Armed Services Committee
The Rudman Report on Security Problems at the U.S. Department of Energy
June 29, 1999 - House Science Committee
JULY 1, 13, 1999 - House Armed Services Committee
Hamre, Dr. John, J., Deputy Secretary of
McNamara, Barbara A., Deputy Director,
National Security Agency
Bowcock, Matthew, Executive Vice President
of Corporate Development, Baltimore Technologies
Freeh, Louis J., Director, Federal Bureau
of Investigation
Kaufman, Elizabeth, Senior Director and
General Manager for Security, CISCO Systems, Inc.
Reinsch, William A., Under Secretary
for Export Administration, Department of Commerce
Reno, Hon. Janet, United States Attorney General
JULY 14, 1999 - House Armed Services Committee
Bombing of the Chinese Embassy
July 22, 1999 - House Intelligence Committee
Confirmation of the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism
July 23, 1999 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee
The Crisis in Colombia
August 6, 1999 - House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on
Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources
Terrorism Preparedness: Medical First Response
September 22, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security
Statement of Chairman Shays
Dr. David R. Johnson Infectious Disease
Policy Committee Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
and Deputy Director for Public Health and Chief Medical Executive, Michigan
Ed Plaugher Chief, Arlington County
Fire Department, Virginia Director, Metropolitan Medical Response System,
Washington, D.C.
Ellen Gordon Administrator, Iowa Emergency
Management Division Past-President, National Emergency Management Association
Dr. Joseph F. Waeckerle American College of Emergency Physicians
Dr. Tara O’Toole Fellow, Center for
Civilian Bio-Defense Studies Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Robert F. Knouss Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness, U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services
Dr. Scott Lillibridge Director, Bio-Terrorism
Preparedness Response Program National Center for Infectious Disease
NIPC Cyber Threat Assessment - October 1999
October 6, 1999 - Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Technology
and Terrorism
Michael A. Vatis, Director, National Infrastructure
Protection Center, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Combating Terrorism: Assessing the Threat
October 20, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security
October 20, 1999 - House Armed Services Committee
Edward McCallum, former Director of
the Office of Safeguards and Security at DOE
Glenn Podonsky, Director of DOE's Office of Oversight and Performance Assurance
Gil Weigand, Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Energy for Defense Strategic Commuting and Simulation
Paul Robinson, Director of Sandia National
General Eugene Habiger, Director of DOE's
Office of Security and Emergency Operations
Threat to U.S. Forces Posed by the Proliferation of Chemical and Biological
20 October 1999 - House Military Procurement and Military Research &
Development Subcommittees
Opening Statement of Chairman Hunter
Opening Statement of Chairman Weldon
Dr. Ken Alibek, Chief Scientist, HADRON,
Mr. Norman L. Rabkin, Director, National
Security Preparedness Issues, U.S. General Accounting Office
Rear Adm. Richard A. Mayo,
Vice Director for Medical Readiness, J-4, The Joint Staff
Rear Adm. James D. MacArthur,
Deputy Director, Strategy & Policy, J-5, The Joint Staff
Dr. Hans Mark, Director, Defense Research
& Engineering, Department of Defense
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
October 27, 1999 - Senate Judiciary Committee
Agricultural biological weapons threat to the United States
October 27, 1999 - Senate Armed Services Committee
A representative from the Central Intelligence Agency
A representative from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
A representative from the Defense Intelligence Agency
Dr. Susan Koch Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Threat Reduction
Mr. Robert J. Newberry Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Combating Terrorism Policy and Support
Dr. Floyd P. Horn Administrator, Agricultural
Research Service Department of Agriculture
Dr. Jon Wefald President Kansas State University
Dr. Corrie Brown Professor and Head, Department of Pathology College of
Veterinary Medicine University of Georgia
Terrorism in the Middle East and South Asia
November 2, 1999 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on Near
Eastern and South Asian Affairs
Friedman, Gregory H., Inspector General, Department
of Energy
Moler, Elizabeth, (former Deputy Secretary of
Energy), Vinson & Elkins
Peña, Federico F., (former Secretary of
Energy), Senior Advisor, Vestar Capital Partners
Trulock, Notra, former Director of the Office
of Energy Intelligence
Cuba's Links to Drug Trafficking
November 17, 1999 - House Government Reform Committee, Subcommittee on
Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources
William Ledwith, Chief of International Operations,
Drug Enforcement Administration, United States Department of Justice
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Updated Friday, June 30, 2000 11:01:31 AM