Volume 1 of 6 Chapter: Page 1. Preface................................................... 1 2. Procedural Background and Overview........................ 5 3. Summary of Findings....................................... 31 4. The Thirst for Money...................................... 51 5. The White House Controlled the DNC and Improperly Coordinated the Activities of the DNC and Clinton/Gore '96. 105 6. The DNC Dismantled Its System for Vetting Contributions... 167 7. DNC Fundraising in the White House: Coffees, Overnights, and Other Events........................................... 191 8. Fundraising Calls from the White House.................... 499 9. White House Vetting of Individuals with Access to the President.................................................. 751 10. Johnny Chung and the White House ``Subway''.............. 781 11. The Contribution of Yogesh Gandhi........................ 917 12. Ted Sioeng, His Family, and His Business Interests....... 961 13. John Huang's Years at Lippo.............................. 1117 14. John Huang at Commerce................................... 1153 15. John Huang Moves from Commerce to the DNC................ 1653 16. John Huang's Illegal Fundraising at the DNC.............. 1689 Volume 2 of 6 Chapter: Page 17. The Hsi Lai Temple Fundraiser and Maria Hsia............. 1749 18. The China Connection: Summary of Committee's Findings Relating to the Efforts of the People's Republic of China to Influence U.S. Policies and Elections................... 2499 19. Charlie Trie's and Ng Lap Seng's Laundered Contributions to the DNC................................................. 2517 20. Charlie Trie's Contributions to the Presidential Legal Expense Trust.............................................. 2711 21. The Saga of Roger Tamraz................................. 2905 22. DNC Efforts to Raise Money in the Indian Gaming Community 3071 23. The Hudson, Wisconsin Casino Proposal.................... 3165 Volume 3 of 6 Chapter: Page 24. The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes: Their Quest for the Fort Reno Lands................................................. 3547 25. The Offer of R. Warren Meddoff........................... 3623 26. White House, DNC and Clinton-Gore Campaign Fundraising Efforts Involving the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.................................................. 3655 27. Compliance by Nonprofit Groups with Committee Subpoenas.. 3833 28. Role of Nonprofit Groups in the 1996 Elections........... 3993 29. Allegations Relating to the National Policy Forum........ 4195 30. White House Document Production.......................... 4277 31. DNC Document Production.................................. 4425 32. Campaign Finance Reform Issues Brought to the Forefront by the Special Investigation............................... 4459 33. Recommendations.......................................... 4503 Additional Views 34. Additional Views of Chairman Fred Thompson............... 4511 35. Additional Views of Senator Susan Collins................ 4535 36. Additional Views of Senator Arlen Specter................ 4539 37. Additional Views of Senator Robert Bennett............... 4545 Volume 4 of 6 Minority Views of Senators Glenn, Levin, Lieberman, Akaka, Durbin, Torricelli and Cleland Chapter: Page Foreword..................................................... 4559 Executive Summary............................................ 4561 Part 1 Foreign Influence.................................... 4577 1: Overview and Legal Analysis.............................. 4577 2: The China Plan........................................... 4619 3: The National Policy Forum................................ 4657 4: John Huang............................................... 4788 5: Charlie Trie............................................. 5270 6: Michael Kojima........................................... 5413 7: Ted Sioeng............................................... 5573 8: Jay Kim.................................................. 5683 Part 2 Independent Groups................................... 5926 9: Overview and Legal Analysis.............................. 5926 10: The Republican Party and Independent Groups.............. 5967 11: Americans for Tax Reform................................. 6034 Volume 5 of 6 Chapter: Page 12: Triad and Related Organizations.......................... 6289 13: Coalition for Our Children's Future...................... 6771 14: Christian Coalition...................................... 6934 15: Other Independent Groups................................. 7051 16: The Democratic Party and Independent Groups.............. 7062 17: Warren Meddoff........................................... 7064 18: Teamsters................................................ 7102 19: Other Independent Groups................................. 7235 Part 3 Contribution Laundering/Third Party Transfers........ 7241 20: Overview and Legal Analysis.............................. 7241 21: Contributions to the Democratic Party.................... 7244 22: Contributions to the Republican Party.................... 7372 Part 4 Soft Money and Issue Advocacy........................ 7515 23: Systemic Problems of the Campaign Finance System......... 7515 Part 5 Fundraising and Political Activities of the National Parties and Administrations................................ 7540 24: Overview and Legal Analysis.............................. 7540 25: DNC and RNC Fundraising Practices and Problems........... 7595 26: Telephone Solicitations From Federal Property............ 7773 27: White House Coffees and Overnights....................... 7956 Volume 6 of 6 Chapter: Page Chapter 28: Republican Use of Federal Property and Contributor Access..................................................... 7968 29: Democratic Contributor Access to the White House......... 8057 30: Roger Tamraz............................................. 8095 31: Other Contributor Access Issues.......................... 8250 32: Coordination Among the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton/Gore Campaign and the White House.......... 8281 33: Coordination Between the Republican National Committee and the Dole for President Campaign.............. 8294 Part 6 Allegations of Quid Pro Quos......................... 8368 34: Overview and Legal Analysis.............................. 8368 35: Hudson Casino............................................ 8371 36: Tobacco and the 1996 Election Cycle...................... 8511 37: Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma...................... 8539 Part 7 Investigation Process................................ 8680 38: Laying the Groundwork.................................... 8680 39: Democratic Compliance Issues............................. 8710 40: Republican Compliance Issues............................. 8775 41: The Breakdown of Compliance.............................. 8938 42: White House Tapes........................................ 9331 Part 8 Minority Recommendations............................. 9394 Part 9 Response to Majority Report.......................... 9399 Senator Glenn's Additional Views............................. 9507 Senator Levin's Additional Views............................. 9511 Senator Lieberman's Additional Views......................... 9525 Senator Akaka's Additional Views............................. 9559 Senator Durbin's Additional Views............................ 9565 Senator Torricelli's Additional Views........................ 9571