Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
U.S. Department of JusticeLaw Enforcement Intelligence Guide
Update 2009: See the Second Edition of this publication here.
This year (2004), the COPS office has funded Michigan State University’s David Carter to write a new guide on law enforcement intelligence that incorporates the input of federal, state, local, and tribal experts. This guide promises to help law enforcement agencies develop or enhance their intelligence capacity and should prove instrumental in fighting terrorism and other crimes while preserving the hard-won community policing relationships.
- Full Text
(7.5 MB, 312 pages)
- Executive Summary and Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Understanding Contemporary Law Enforcement Intelligence: Concept and Definition
- Chapter 3: A Brief History of Law Enforcement Intelligence: Past Practice and Recommendations for Change
- Chapter 4: Intelligence-Led Policing: The Integration of Community Policing and Law Enforcement Intelligence
- Chapter 5: The Intelligence Process
- Chapter 6: Law Enforcement Intelligence Classifications, Products, and Dissemination
- Chapter 7: Managing the Intelligence Function
- Chapter 8: Human Resource Issues
- Chapter 9: Networks and Systems
- Chapter 10: Intelligence Requirements and Threat Assessment
- Chapter 11: Federal Law Enforcement Intelligence
- Appendices