How To Net an AN/TRQ-32a(V)2 With an AN/PRD-12

by Captain Susan Miranda

Editor's Note: After attending several rotations at the various Combat Training Centers, I observed a disturbing trend: AN/PRD-12 teams did not know how to net their systems to the AN/TRQ-32A(V)2. At the tactical level, netting provides the combat commander with rapid location of enemy emitters. The purpose of this chart is to provide the user with a quick reference on how to net the AN/TRQ-32A(V)2 and AN/PRD-12 SIGINT systems. This chart may be used to supplement tactical SOPs (TACSOPs) or other unit-internal references.
The AN/TRQ-32A(V)2 (TEAMMATE) is a mobile, multi-station, ground-based communication intercept and direction-finding (DF) system with data and voice communications capabilities. The system provides a high frequency (HF), very-high frequency (VHF), and ultrahigh frequency (UHF) communications intercept capability. This system also provides HF and VHF DF line of bearing (LOB) and fix capabilities with the TEAMMATE, AN/PRD-l2, TRAIlBLAZER, and QUICKFIX networks.
The PRD-12 is the Lightweight Man-Transportable Radio Direction-Finding System, providing search, intercept, and DF capabilities on HF, VHF, and UHF transmissions from tactical targets in the forward area. This system can be netted with other PRD-l2s and TRQ-32A(V)2 systems to provide fix data. The system was designed to deploy in many types of terrain and under most weather conditions.
These two systems may be used in a group of up to four PRD-l2 or TRQ-32A(V)2 systems to provide a DF network supporting rapid location of target emitters. One of the stations is initialized as the Net Control Station (NCS) while the other three are initialized as "slaves." When in this mode, the requesting operator presses a single key to command remote stations to take a LOB on a given frequency, then transmit their LOBs and locations in a programmed sequence. The requesting station automatically calculates and displays the cut or fix and elliptical error probability (EEP). The following chart indicates the steps for establishing the DF network.
The author wishes to thank Sergeant Stan Lacney and Staff Sergeant Michael Nieto from the 305th MI Battalion for their valuable assistance with this article.
Captain Miranda is the Editor of MIPB. Readers can reach her at mirandas@