
Mentoring and Counseling:
A Tag-Team Approach to Professional Development
by Lieutenant Colonel Victor M. Rosello
By strict definition, I have never been formally
mentored. However, throughout my career many senior officers have
counseled and advised me on personal and professional matters
related to military schools, key and essential jobs, and future
duty assignments. Are formal mentoring and counseling two
distinct or mutually exclusive activities?
Not necessarily. I really think that within the established
framework of performance counseling a "mentoring-like" process is
alive in today's Army. However, because doctrinal or regulatory
guidance is lacking, we do not execute formal mentorship.
Consequently, mentorship within the ranks does not meet the true
test of formal mentoring.
"Formal mentoring" (as described in Lieutenant Colonel Fast's
article beginning on page 33) may involve a selection
process based on the identification of gifted or talented
individuals ultimately resulting in a mentor-protege
relationship. Although the concept has its merits, one concern is
that this "exclusive club" borders on elitism or favoritism,
particularly if the mentor is currently in the rating scheme.
Playing favorites among a group of rated or senior rated officers
could foment a demoralizing or even destabilizing command
climate certainly something every good leader avoids.
Fortunately, by regulation raters and first-line supervisors must
formally counsel all their subordinates on a monthly or quarterly
basis, depending on rank. Granted, formal performance counseling
is not mentoring. However, traditionally it has served a
mentoring-like function. Many supervisors use performance
counseling sessions to not only advise on current job
performance, but also to include professional growth and guidance
counseling, as stipulated in FM 22-101, Leadership Counseling.
These counseling sessions may include the discussion of future
career goals that the counseled subordinate should consider.
Counseling sessions also afford the opportunity to discuss
reenlistment issues with the enlisted subordinate. If queried,
most supervisors would describe these aspects of professional
guidance as fulfillment of their counseling role in the "informal
mentoring" process.
The informal mentoring process should not stop with just career
guidance. Taken to a higher level, leaders should view refinement
of basic skills or knowledge as the long-term goal of the
informal mentoring or counseling process. This is more in line
with the intent of Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-80,
Executive Leadership. In this case, supervisors use their career
experiences to develop the thinking skills and frames of
reference for sequential and progressive leader development. This
distinction is key to understanding the role of informal
mentorship and its integration into the counseling process.
Therefore, based on this premise (the development of thinking
skills), the supervisor can impart the long-term benefits of an
informal mentorship process to the subordinate.
Along with thinking skills, sequential and potential leader
development gains additional importance when incorporated by the
commander into a leader development program. As outlined in FM
25-101, Battle Focused Training, supervising and mentoring junior
leaders is an integral component of an effective professional
development program. Examples also provide ideas for the creation
of unit programs. Some areas are worth highlighting because they
form the nucleus of basic skill development.
Professional Writing
Throughout my career I have noted some simple techniques and
procedures supervisors have devised to better develop their
subordinates' thinking skills. One subject that I am particularly
fond of promoting during professional growth and guidance
counselings is professional writing. Although, professional
writing is not a ticket to promotions or school selections, it
does promote an improvement in one's self-confidence, discipline,
writing skills, and research techniques: all important staff
skills. A worthwhile by-product of professional writing is
individual contribution of thoughts and ideas to central issues
important to the future of the Branch. By making such
contributions, a military writer is actively involved in his
profession. Lastly, the pride and joy experienced from being the
author of a published article (or book) is professionally
rewarding. I still admire the many young junior officers and
enlisted personnel who take this important step early in their
An example of this phenomenon illustrates this point. During one
of my tours, I directed all subordinate officers to develop
themes for articles that we would ultimately submit for printing
in the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (MIPB).
Although this effort initially met resistance from the
subordinates, a push in this direction by the supervisor created
the catalyst for potentially flourishing professional military
writing careers by the subordinate themselves. To everyone's
surprise (and delight) not only were all the articles selected
for printing in MIPB, but one of the authors later received
honorable mention as writer of the year.
Effective Briefing
Some supervisors enhance skill development process by evaluating
the ability of subordinates to conduct briefings. Officer and
noncommisioned officer (NCO) professional development
presentations, blocks of instruction, operations orders, or
intelligence briefings are excellent opportunities for evaluating
briefing effectiveness and style. Mastery of these abilities
further improves essential staff skills. In addition to assessing
speaking abilities, the supervisor also evaluates the contents,
format, and organization of the briefing, as well as proficiency
in use of audio-visual aids, pointers, and training aids. A good
critique afterwards rounds out this skill-development process.
Professional Reading
Still yet another approach is a professional reading program. As
professionals we cannot know enough about our chosen military
profession. An understanding of war through the ages plays an
important role in shaping our knowledge base, as well as creating
a stronger understanding of military art. Some supervisors even
combine reading and writing by assigning book reports of
important military writings to subordinates for written and oral
presentation. The point being made is that through his experience
base, a supervisor can be extremely effective in recommending and
assigning selective military books that can shape and influence
the subordinate's view of his profession.
Personal Anecdotes
Let me share with you an anecdote that, although personally
embarrassing to admit, may serve as a reminder to you of the
disadvantages of not being well versed in the military arts. The
setting was a round-table discussion in my Command and General
Staff College (CGSC) staff group. The topic was military history,
specifically Clausewitz's On War. Unfortunately, I could not
provide any meaningful contributions to the discussions because,
quite frankly, I had nothing to contribute. The reason was that I
did not possess the historical knowledge base to do so. I am
sorry to admit that, prior to CGSC, I did not even know who
Clausewitz was. Embarrassing? You bet. What made this event even
more irritating was that one of my classmates had taught
Clausewitz at West Point! It was very difficult to compete under
those circumstances. My classmates had developed the professional
discipline and desire to understand more of the military art and
our profession. I vowed that I would never allow this to happen
again to me or to any of my subordinates.
Conversely, this same setting can also demonstrate the merits of
personal professional development. During the second semester of
the CGSC, I was able to offset the awkward situation just
described by actively contributing to the block of instruction on
unconventional warfare, stability and support operations, and
operations other than war. Prior to CGSC, I had developed a
professional interest in the guerrilla warfare writings of some
celebrated Communist writers: Mao Tse-Tung, Vo Nguyen Giap,
Truong Chinh, and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Out of personal
interest, I had studied the written translations of these masters
of guerrilla warfare. Now I could discuss matters with some
degree of confidence and expertise because I was prepared.
Needless to say, because of the knowledge base, my second
semester was much more enjoyable than the first.
To make a full circle, four years after the Clausewitz incident,
a professional military journal published one of my articles,
ironically on Clausewitz. An embarrassing situation created the
professional curiosity to learn more of the subject. Quite a
turn-around from an initial situation that would have never
occurred had a mentorship relationship existed. I have used this
example with subordinates many times. The point I am repeating is
that an informal mentor or counselor can make a difference by
sharing experiences and knowledge to guide subordinates.
Evolution into Formal Mentorship
What happens after the subordinate departs the unit or the
supervisor-subordinate relationship ends? If both the mentor and
protege continue to maintain contact for the purpose of obtaining
or providing future career guidance or counseling, then it would
seem to me that the relationship has metamorphosed. A formal
mentorship relationship has now taken root. The obvious
distinction, of course, is that there is now no longer a
mandatory supervisor-subordinate counseling relationship in
effect. Additionally, favoritism does not taint the process. A
long-term personal and professional relationship may develop
between the two as both parties mutually benefit from the
satisfaction of watching the upward mobility and advancement of
the protege. This relationship can grow over the years and could
even continue after the mentor has retired from active duty.
In summary, given specific guidelines, the established framework
of formal military counseling can institutionalize an informal
mentorship process. Presently, because there is no definitive
guidance on the subject, mentorship is the proverbial "different
things to different people." If handled under a framework of
performance and professional growth and guidance counseling, it
could fit the criteria for a mentoring-like process. The intent
remains to further develop and prepare the subordinate for future
assignments. As the process matures and the protege departs the
command or the subordinate relationship ends, a continuation of
this process results in its formalization.
By accepting that the mentorship process can serve as a useful
vehicle for developing thinking skills and frames of reference
for sequential and progressive leader development, we can take
the mystique out of mentorship and make it more "user friendly."
Supervisors take the first step by incorporating these methods
within the framework of counseling.
The obligatory parameters of performance counseling establish the
basis for more refined professional growth and guidance
counseling. Although career issues are an essential part of
formal guidance counseling, professional growth can be
incorporated through various supervisor-initiated programs that
key more on the development of basic thinking skills.
Are these procedures difficult to execute? Most certainly! Can
they be accomplished? Yes, but it involves a disciplined mentor
or counselor willing to spend additional time and energy in the
development of subordinates. Competing against this nurturing are
unit mission requirements and operating tempos that erode what
time and energy are available for accomplishing this goal. Quite
frankly, I have never been in an organization that has been
effective in incorporating all counseling and guidance techniques
for 100 percent of its personnel. Success generally waxes and
wanes with the training cycles. However, it is a worthwhile
standard to pursue and one that will benefit the professional
development of our future leaders.
There is no question that these techniques can greatly enhance
the informal mentoring process. These methods develop different
aspects of professional skills. Some or all can be incorporated
within reason. The degree of compliance will vary based on the
supervisor's commitment to professional development of
subordinates and his own experience. Based on this premise alone
it may be realistic and fair to only require senior officers and
NCO's to administer informal mentoring. The bottom line, for lack
of any regulatory guidelines, is: some or all of these methods
may be incorporated to suit the needs of the supervisor.
Supervisors take note. Although the general reaction by
subordinates to skill development programs is somewhat akin to
swallowing a tablespoon of cod liver oil, the long-term benefits
are quite impressive. Do not allow our subordinates to get caught
short in the professional development arena.
As we can all appreciate, the competition for promotions in
today's Army is fierce. On-the-job experience takes care of some
of the requisites for acquiring the venerable title of "tactical
and technical proficiency." The other part is a sound process for
subordinate development that can help take some of the edge off
the competition, as we furnish the guidelines and establish the
parameters for arming and infusing our subordinates with honed
thinking skills.
Lieutenant Colonel Vic Rosello is the G2, 82d
Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Prior to his
assignment as G2, he served as the Battalion Commander, 313th MI
Battalion, 82d Airborne Division. He served in El Salvador as an
intelligence advisor to the Salvadoran Armed Forces and
participated in Operations JUST CAUSE and DESERT STORM with the
82d Airborne Division. He has a bachelor's degree from the
University of Puerto Rico, a master of arts in Latin American
studies from the University of Chicago, and is a graduate of the
Army Command and General Staff College and the School of Advanced
Military Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Readers can reach
him at (910) 432-2252, DSN 239-2252, or E-mail
rosellov@emh5-bragg. army.mil.