Force Projection Intelligence
A Year in Review
by Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth H. Boll, Jr., and Major
Jeffrey S. Holachek
By just doing what they do every day, U.S. Army
divisional military intelligence (MI) units "walk the walk." They
exemplify many of the key doctrinal tenets of force projection
intelligence and electronic warfare (IEW) operations by
- Intelligence synchronization.
- Tactical tailoring.
- Commanders driving intelligence.
- Broadcast dissemination.
- Split-based operations.
From October 1994 through October 1995, the 124th MI Battalion
served as the "electronic cavalry" of the 24th Infantry Division
(Mechanized) during both contingency deployments to Haiti and
Southwest Asia and "routine" deployments to the Army's combat
training centers (CTCs) and other training venues. In addition, the
Battalion accomplished ancillary tasks fielding the Army's
All-Source Analysis System, (ASAS), the Commander's Tactical
system, and other intelligence systems. In their spare time, the
Battalion staff orchestrated the smooth transition to a new MI
battalion MTOE, "standing up" direct support (DS)
companies tactically tailored in garrison to match the way they go
to war in support of the maneuver brigades of the Victory Division.
Throughout the year, the Battalion achieved success by adhering to
the 24th ID (M)'s focus on immediate deployability, individual and
unit proficiency, and tactical tailoring. In the course of doing
business, the Battalion illustrated the basic principles of our MI
doctrine thus, a review of some of the highlights in a year in the
life of a divisional MI battalion shows, in microcosm, how the MI
Corps supports the warfighting commander.
October-November 1994
The principle of intelligence synchronization is demonstrated as
a new fiscal year gets underway. The new year finds an MI Battalion
HUMINT team deployed to Haiti in support of a mechanized company
team from the Division's 3d Battalion, 15th Infantry Brigade as
part of Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY. As the 2d Brigade commander
reviewed his mission of supplying a mechanized punch to the light
forces of the 10th Mountain Division, one of the first slice units
added to the force package was a counterintelligence team from the
124th MI Battalion a result of lessons learned from the Brigade's
recent Somalia contingency. The Battalion's HUMINT assets, critical
to force protection, deploy within 72 hours of notification.
With MI Battalion HUMINT assets already heavily engaged in Haiti,
the contingency mission developing in Southwest Asia in mid-October
provides a challenge in tactical tailoring. As the Division Ready
Brigade (DRB) deploys on Operation VIGILANT WARRIOR to deter Iraqi
forces, the MI Battalion, on 48 hours notice, deploys elements of
the MI Ready Company (see Figure 1, colored part) with the DRB. A
ground surveillance radar (GSR) squad, counterintelligence (CI)
team, IPW team, and IEW support element deploy with the 1st
Figure 1
The remainder of C Company, primarily SIGINT assets,
remains on 6-hour "strip alert" until it is apparent the U.S.
mission will change from combat to exercise posture. As part of 1st
Brigade, MI Battalion soldiers in Kuwait gain valuable coalition
training experience with the Kuwaiti Armed Forces. The Battalion as
a whole validates its MI Ready Company force module deployment
timelines as part of the Division's deployment standard operating
procedures (SOP).
December 1994
From 7 to 9 December, the tactical scenario of the 124th MI
Battalion's IEW Communication and Logistics Exercise (COMMEX/
LOGEX) 95-02 drives Mission Essential Task List (METL) training at
Fort Stewart, Georgia. The tasks included deploy and assemble the
force and
- Conduct IEW operations.
- Support IEW operations.
- Exercise command and control (C2).
The commander's intent is to deploy selected assets, exercise
critical datalinks in the battalion's communications structure, and
establish the 124th MI Battalion's logistical nodes. Phase 3, Set
1a of the exercise playbook (see Figure 2) shows the communications
plan. While most of the exercise is a success, the cumbersome net
radio protocol (NRP) procedures, necessary to establish UHF
datalinks over battlefield distances exceeding 100 kilometers, are
judged inadequate for the demands of modern mechanized warfare over
doctrinal distances. As a result of lessons learned, the Battalion
staff plans future exercises and "work-arounds" for the aging TIGER
data-relay systems. Since MI doctrine does not address how the
TRQ-32 TEAMMATE team can realistically sustain their principal
SIGINT collection role while also establishing and manning a TIGER
data-relay kilometers away, the staff begins the search for
alternative tactics.
Figure 2
January 1995
On a cold January Mojave Desert night, the company commander of A
Company (DS), takes stock of her force dispositions and is
reasonably satisfied with the results. Having gauged the OPFOR
commander's mind, she estimates the most likely enemy course of
"The 60th Motorized Rifle Regiment (MRR) will conduct a
meeting battle in advance guard formation. The Regiment's initial
objective is the Hill 876 complex. The subsequent objective is
East Gate. The Regiment will follow Division reconnaissance (251800
Jan) and Regimental Reconnaissance (261800 Jan). I estimate the
121st Motorized Rifle Division (MRD) will conduct an air assault
with TF ANGEL at EENT 26 Jan to secure terrain vic NK 4208. TF
DESTROYER will infiltrate at EENT 27 Jan to secure terrain vic Hill
780 (NK 4412). This will allow the Regiment to move freely to its
Establishing a TRQ-32 TEAMMATE SIGINT baseline far forward,
deploying GSRs consistent with the maneuver task force plans, and
readying her TLQ-17AV3 TRAFFICJAM electronic attack assets, the A
Company Commander proceeds to execute her operations based on the
2d Brigade Commander's plan. Throughout the National
Training Center's (NTC) Rotation 95-04, the principle that "the
commander drives intelligence" will be illustrated as the DS MI
- Electronically attacks the OPFOR Regiment's battle
command frequencies, causing the Regiment to jump frequencies 35
times during one battle with stations scattered over five different
frequencies at one point and causing the 4th Motorized Rifle
Battalion (MRB), piecemealed in the attack due to disrupted
communications, to be destroyed in detail.
- Prevents the OPFOR from reacting to a friendly air
assault by consistently identifying the OPFOR's reconnaissance
elements, determining their locations through the process of radio
direction-finding (DF), and either jamming reconnaissance spot
reports or disrupting operations by applying friendly artillery.
- Provides combat information that consistently provides
the Brigade Commander and staff with the timely and accurate
intelligence needed to kill the enemy.
February-March 1995
As A Company redeploys from NTC, the MI Battalion takes on an
additional task driven by the principle of broadcast
dissemination at long last, the ASAS is making its appearance at
Fort Stewart, Georgia. Despite a training schedule planned for a
deliberate fielding, the real world intrudes again as the Battalion
Analysis and Control Element (ACE) divides its attention between
ASAS training and the Division's rigorous Command Post Exercise
(CPX) schedule in preparation for the upcoming Battle Command
Training Program (BCTP) Warfighter exercise. Having
foreseen the challenge, the Battalion Commander and the Division G2
provide an exciting solution for the fielding team instead of a
final training week employing a set-piece, Cold War scenario as a
culminating exercise, the ACE instead will load a desert scenario
into the ASAS database and jump feet-first into the high adventure
of an intensive division-level Warfighter preparatory CPX.
Division CPX 95-03 marks the graduation of the ACE into the era of
"pull intelligence" and updated broadcast dissemination.
Together with the recently-fielded, low-rate initial
production CTT, ASAS is completely integrated into intelligence
operations. The BCTP Warfighter exercise is now 90 days away and
the ACE is "ready now."
April-May 1995
With the fielding of the new TRQ-32A TEAMMATE system, the Battalion
moves into a training phase focused on exercising NRP shortfalls
identified in previous COMMEXs. For the first time, the Battalion's
light SIGINT baseline systems, the TRQ-32As, are able to duplicate
the heavy TRAILBLAZER baseline's connectivity with QUICKFIX, thus
bringing all the SIGINT stations into the same DF net. IEW
COMMEX/LOGEX 95-04 tests the new capabilities from 22 to 25 May,
culminating in Set 3B (see Figure 3) from the Battalion's exercise
At the conclusion of COMMEX 95-04, the Battalion staff concludes
that tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) are in place to
integrate all the Division's SIGINT assets into a single DF
baseline, and then connect that baseline to the Division ACE's
Communication Control System (CCS) using the UHF digital datalinks.
With the double TIGER relay working in the notoriously difficult
forested terrain of Fort Stewart, the staff now is confident the
Battalion can maintain connectivity over doctrinal distances of
mechanized warfare.
Figure 3
June-July 1995
With the Battalion executive officer and the company commanders
"manning the boards" in the Fort Stewart Simulations Center, the
BCTP Warfighter Exercise is a stimulating training environment for
the MI Battalion. The MI Battalion sends a significant portion of
the Battalion tactical operations center (TOC), including the S3,
to colocate with the ACE at the division main command post (DMAIN
CP). At the TOC, the S3 acts as the single-source asset manager of
the Division's organic SIGINT and HUMINT units. Working closely
with the Division Collection Manager in the ACE, the S3 overcomes
shortcomings noted in lessons learned from the previous Warfighter
exercise during this battle, there is no disconnect between the
views of the Collection Manager and the Battalion on asset location
and tasking.
Again, using experience gained from previous COMMEXs, the Battalion
Commander deploys the Battalion Tactical CP (TAC) to a location
near the Division's TAC. TERRABASE confirms that this location
provides excellent radio line-of-sight with the Battalion EW assets
deployed throughout the Brigade areas of operations as well as with
the DMAIN. With a TIGER data relay at the BN TAC, the UHF datanet
stays up even as the SIGINT assets leapfrog forward with the
brigades more than 100 kilometers in a day.
Despite some close calls, most of the Battalion's collection teams
survive the hard-fought battles, as the Heavy OPFOR, with its BMP-3
infantry fighting vehicles, T-80 tanks, and modern artillery
contest the Victory Division's advance. One TRAILBLAZER crew,
blocked by a bypassed BMP vehicle, narrowly escapes destruction.
However, our 1st Brigade Commander, when informed the TRAILBLAZER
carries a box of fine cigars meant for him, saves the day by
dispatching an Abrams main battle tank to dispose of the impudent
BMP. TRAILBLAZER continues its march forward.
At the end of the intensive simulation, the Battalion staff has
exercised its complete METL, having synchronized all actions with
the rest of the battlefield operating systems. Even the
newly-fielded ASAS equipment posts an admirable maintenance record,
overcoming multiple breakdowns in the Software Test and Evaluation
System (STEMS) simulation feed.
As an encore to the Warfighter exercise, the Battalion fields its
first TROJAN SPIRIT II system. They eagerly anticipate testing the
newly-acquired, split-based operations capability needed for the
upcoming deployment to Egypt for the Bright Star exercise.
August-September 1995
As the Battalion and the G2 finalize the configuration of the
Deployable Intelligence Support Element (DISE) for Bright Star, the
C Company Commander moves out of the "Dust Bowl" at NTC to pit his
versatile DS Company, tactically-tailored in support of the
Division's 3d (HAMMER) Brigade, against the redoubtable OPFOR. By
the end of Rotation 95-11, the Company will note these triumphs for
the Victory Division
- Dedicated DS MI Company support to the Division's Cavalry
Squadron available for the first time. Six of the OPFOR's
eight divisional reconnaissance teams are located and
reported to the Squadron Commander during the first battle, as well
as accurate locations for three of the four OPFOR company battle
- Directing the EC-130 COMPASS CALL electronic attack
aircraft with devastating accuracy, the DS Company Commander jams
the OPFOR Regiment's command net so effectively that the Regimental
Commander cannot pass the command to "jump nets." OPFOR calls for
fire are jammed so effectively that their Multiple Launch
Rocket System (MLRS) "Rocket Boxes" in Brown and Debnam Passes
are not fired. Meanwhile, the 3rd Brigade attacks providing the
Brigade Commander six-digit grids of 70 percent of the OPFOR's
obstacles thirty-six hours before the Brigade's line of departure
time, the DS MI Company satisfies the Brigade Commander's precise
Having supervised C Company's redeployment from the NTC, the
Battalion staff turns its attention to executing Battalion
COMMEX/LOGEX 95-05, conducted in support of the Division
Artillery's Interdiction and Counterfire Exercise (ICE 95). The
DIVARTY Commander's intent-
"The 24th DIVARTY, with associated sensors, supporting
fire support agencies, and maneuver assets, conducts an
interdiction and counterfire exercise to exercise the Force Field
Artillery Headquarters' METL, strengthen sensor-to-shooter links,
and validate and refine developed SOPs, TTPs, and planning
While the Battalion gains additional training proficiency with its
organic sensors, the greatest training strides come as the ACE
integrates data from the Guardrail Common Sensor (GRCS) and Mohawk
side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) into their operations,
establishing datalinks into ASAS. CTTs deploy with the ACE and with
the DIVARTY Headquarters, downlinking GRCS data, while the 224th MI
Battalion's Improved Ground Station Modules (IGSMs) deploy with the
ACE and DIVARTY, exercising multiple target indicator reporting.
Figure 4 shows the exercise reporting structure. Overall, it was an
immensely satisfying exercise illustrating the potential of
broadcast dissemination.
October 1995
Finally, in October 1995, the Battalion completes its
reorganization into the new-series Mechanized Division MI Battalion
MTOE, finishing a process started in September by activating the
new A Company (DS) and reflagging Companies B, C, D, and the
Headquarters and Operations Company. The doctrinal
principles of split-based operations, tactical tailoring, and
broadcast dissemination have resulted in a much more flexible and
versatile unit (see Figure 1) now tailored in garrison to match the
Battalion's structure when it deploys for war. Among the many
advantages of the new battalion structure, each of the DS Companies
is now equivalent to the MI Ready Company organization detailed in
Fort Stewart's deployment plan, Fort Stewart Regulation 525-1.
With reorganization completed, the 124th MI Battalion prepares its
DISE for movement to Egypt, where the Division assumes the role of
ARFOR Headquarters. Simultaneously, the Battalion deploys B Company
(DS) to the National Training Center. By the end of the month, the
Battalion stretches from Cairo, Egypt, to Barstow, California,
exemplifying all the principles of force projection IEW
operations driven by the requirements of thinking and intuitive
combat commanders in support of the Victory Division wherever it
joins in battle.
Figure 4
A year in the life of an MI battalion assigned to a mechanized
division whips past at a fast pace in addition to events listed
above, many other exciting training and contingency events occurred
in FY95. In many ways, 1995 was a watershed year as MI moved to the
forefront of force projection operations. When examined in
retrospect, everything the Battalion did during the year was
dedicated to exercising the principles of IEW in the Force
Projection Army of the 21st century providing one of the most
exciting venues to learn these principles in the field, in the
midst of America's greatest resource soldiers. Those same soldiers,
having learned doctrinal principles the tough way, by practicing
them in the field, will carry these lessons-learned throughout
their careers.
Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth H. Boll is currently
Commander, 124th MI Battalion, 24th Infantry ID (M). Among his
previous assignment highlights are: S2, 9th Infantry Division and
6th Cavalry Brigade (Air Combat), and Chief, Counternarcotics
Analysis Division, J2, U.S. Southern Command during Operation JUST
CAUSE. Lieutenant Colonel Boll holds a bachelor of arts idegree n
History from the University of Texas, El Paso, and a master of
science in Strategic Intelligence from the Defense Intelligence
College in Washington, D.C. Readers can reach him at (912)
767-8222, DSN 870-8222, and via E-mail
Major Jeffrey S. Holachek currently serves as Chief,
Analysis and Control Element, 124th MI Battalion, 24th ID (M). His
previous assignments include service in the 103rd MI Battalion and
as Commander, U.S. Army Special Security Detachment, Fort Meade,
Maryland. Major Holachek is a graduate of Xavier University and
holds advanced degrees from Johns Hopkins University and Colombia
University. Readers can reach him at (912) 767-8500, DSN 870-8500,
and via E-mail afzp-vmi-cmo-@STEWARTemh3. army.mil.