Force XXI: Redesigning the Army Through Warfighting
by Lieutenant General Paul E. Menoher, Jr.
Our Army has made huge progress over the last few years,
transforming itself from a Cold War Army to a force projection
Army, and military intelligence (MI) has been at the forefront of
that change. However, neither we in MI nor the U.S. Army as a whole
can rest on our laurels; rather, we must continue to push the
envelope to ensure we retain our technological superiority and the
capability for decisive victory over any adversary.
This is what Force XXI is all about. We are pushing the envelope
and transforming today's very good Army into an even better
information age, knowledge- and capabilities-based Army, capable of
land force dominance across the continuum of 21st century military
A Vision and a Process
Force XXI is both a vision and a process: a vision of what the
Army of the early 21st century will look like and be able to
accomplish, and a process through which we define and achieve this
vision. It must be noted at the outset that Force XXI is not a
final design; instead it is a dynamic vision and process that will
change over time a journey, not a destination.
Through the Force XXI process, we will totally redesign the
Army by the turn of the century, so that we can enter the 21st
century ready to meet the many challenges of the new millennium. As
we go through this transformation, it will affect every battlefield
operating system (BOS) and organization. The transformation will be
on two major axes, supported by a third. The first axis, called
"Joint Venture," will totally redesign the table of organization
and equipment (TOE) Army in a series of Advanced Warfighting
Experiments (AWEs). The experiments focus on the designated
experimental force (EXFOR), the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
(4th ID(M)) at Fort Hood, Texas. The second axis will redesign the
table of distribution and allowance (TDA) and institutional Army
and will affect every major command and staff, including the Army
Staff. A third axis, the Army digitization axis, will support both
of these main axes by helping to inject information age technology
into the Army.
The fundamental hypothesis of Force XXI is that if we know how
our current baseline organizations perform, then by applying
information age technology to those organizations, training to
standard and conducting experiments, we can gain insights into how
much our battlefield performance has improved. These insights will
also enable us to develop new organizational designs and
operational concepts to capitalize on our improved battlefield
As we start the Force XXI process, two questions arise
regarding MI. First, how are we, as a BOS, postured to go through
Force XXI? Second, what are the likely impacts on us as a branch?
MI Posture
Let me answer the first question by saying we are extremely well
positioned by virtue of the fact that
- We are fielding a new family of collection, processing and
dissemination systems.
- We have a new operational concept of support to a force
projection Army, and from it new and tested doctrine based on five
solid tenets.
- We are fielding new organizations which are smaller, modular,
and deployable to facilitate support to force projection
In addition, we have been in the lead in experimentation with
our Operation DESERT CAPTURE series of exercises. DESERT CAPTURE I,
conducted in late 1992 at the National Training Center (NTC), gave
us the first insights into the power of the information age
technology we were fielding. These systems include the All-Source
Analysis System (ASAS), the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar
System (Joint STARS) Ground Station Module (GSM), and the TROJAN
Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal
(SPIRIT). It also brought our new MI operational concept to life
and demonstrated the "goodness" of our new five-tenet doctrine (see
Figure 1). During NTC rotation 94-7 in April 1994, MI conducted its
DESERT CAPTURE II experiment in conjunction with the larger
technology demonstration, DESERT HAMMER, which included a digitized
maneuver force. This experiment showed again the great power of our
new family of systems combined with the efficacy of our new
doctrine and our new organizational constructs.
Since those exercises, MI has continued to evolve, fielding
more new systems, refining our doctrine in a number of real-world
contingency operations (e.g., Somalia, Macedonia, Rwanda, Haiti,
and now in Bosnia-Herzegovina), and bringing our new organizational
designs on line creating a truly seamless architecture from the
maneuver brigade through national agencies. Beyond that, we have
decided to re-eingineer our operational intelligence major command
(MACOM), the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).
We are reducing it by 37 percent by 1998 but retaining and, in
fact, improving its great capabilities to support force projection
operations by standing up new capabilities, like the Regional
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Operations Centers (RSOCs).
Joint Venture Axis
Looking specifically at the Joint Venture or TOE axis of Force
XXI, we are ensuring we equip the 4th ID (M) with all of our new
division-level systems, including: the Joint STARS GSMs, ASAS,
TROJAN SPIRIT, the Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal, the
Ground-Based Common Sensor, Advanced QUICKFIX, and a tactical
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The 4th ID (M) will also have
connectivity to a full-range of corps and theater systems. The
division has also organized into the new divisional MI battalion
construct with an MI company in direct support of the EXFOR brigade
task force which will go through the first major AWE in February
1997 at the NTC. That company will provide the brigade an analysis
and control team with an expanded analytical capability. The
expanded capability derives from ASAS and the Joint STARS GSM. The
GSM can display
- SIGINT from an Integrated Commander's Tactical Terminal.
- Live video from a tactical UAV Ground Control Station also
located at the brigade.
- Real-time Joint STARS data from the moving target indica-tor
and the synthetic aperture radar.
The EXFOR brigade and division will have the most capable MI
support ever fielded and, if two preliminary AWEs are any
indication, that support will make a significant and very
positive difference. The 1995 AWEs FOCUS DISPATCH and WARRIOR
FOCUS conducted in Kentucky and at the Joint Readiness Training
Center (JRTC), respectively, clearly demonstrated the value added
of our new systems, doctrine, and organizational designs. They
provide commanders with a shared situational awareness, rapid and
accurate targeting, and the ability to see their battlefields
better than ever before.
Thus we go into the Joint Venture axis of Force XXI with great
confidence that our baseline organization, the new divisional MI
battalion, is about right, our systems are leading-edge
information age technology, and our doctrine is proven and solid.
We also know the leadership of the 4th ID (M), including the
commanding general and MI leaders, understand how to optimize the
employment of these capabilities.
While we are very confident that MI will play a major, positive
role in the EXFOR AWEs, we also have another responsibility: to
identify any vulnerabilities a digitized Force XXI may have. To
this end we are working with the Director of Information Systems,
Command, Control, Communications and Computers (DISC4) from the
Army Secretariat; the Army Digitization Office; the Department of
the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations; INSCOM; and the
Army Communications and Electronics Command. We will conduct a Red
Team assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and develop
affordable and practical counters to them. This is a top priority
for the Chief of Staff, Army (CSA), and one we will conduct in
conjunction with Joint Venture AWEs on a not-to-interfere basis.
Impacts on MI
The possible results of the TDA and institutional Army vector
are not as clear. While we have reengineered INSCOM and made it 37
percent smaller, and reduced the size of the Office of the Deputy
Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ODCSINT) significantly, both stand
to change even more in the Force XXI process. The CSA wants to
reduce the number of MACOMs and the size of the Army staff
significantly. A series of functional area assessments are
reviewing MACOMs, and we have briefed the Vice CSA on command and
control options for INSCOM. Some of those options will change its
status as a major command but it is our intention to try to keep
INSCOM intact as an operational command regardless of whether it
retains its status as a MACOM.
If the Army further reduces the size of ODCSINT in this
process, we will have to divest functions we can no longer do more
with less. We are now in the process of attempting to identify
functions to divest.
The Force XXI process is active and ongoing. Again, it is a
journey, not a destination. We will continue to redesign the Army
in a series of rolling baselines as we inject new technology and
new operational and organizational constructs to optimize the
capabilities it provides. MI is well postured to lead Force XXI to
the 21st century, as it should be. However, we too will change. It
is imperative that each of us participates actively in this process
to ensure MI continues to have the ability to provide responsive
support to commanders and remains Always Out Front.
Lieutenant General Menoher is currently the U.S. Army Deputy
Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DCSINT). He served as the
Commander, U.S. Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca, Fort
Huachuca, Arizona, from 1989 through 1993 and was Commander,
INSCOM, from 1993 to 1994. Readers who wish more information may
contact the DCSINT Initiatives Group at (703) 695-2968, DSN
225-2968, or E-mail