CRS - Companies for Republican Security
Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité
Companies for Republican Security are mobile units forming the general reserve of the national police. Created after the Liberation to contribute to the restoration of the republican legality, they have since been then engaged during of insurrectional strikes of 1947-1948, then from 1952 to 1962 for law enforcement in the departments of Algeria. During the course of their fifty years of existence, CRS have seen their missions diversify, and today, along with restoration of public order and law enforcement, they provide support to most of the other missions of the Police.
Thus CRS have assigned missione of road safety missions, policing major transportation routes at sea and in mountains, and they reinforce others administrations:
- in the mission of security they work with the staffs of the DCSP for the governmental struggle against small and common delinquency;
- with the staff of the DICCILEC they participate in port and airport security, and borders and communication channels with foreign countries;
- with the staff of the SPHP they contribute to escort and protection missions of the high personalities and to the official residence safety in France, and embassies abroad.
Their territorial organization is on three levels:
- a central administration with the general manager of the national Police in Paris;
- 9 Regional groupings installed at seats of defense regions;
- 61 dispersed companies across the metropolitan territory.
Addtionally there are three continuous training stations and a dedicated station for
the training for mountaineering and skiing. In total, CRS employs nearly 14 000 officials of all ranks (commissioners, officers, gradés and guardians) and thousand of technical and administrative agents.
Sources and Methods
Created by John Pike
Maintained by Webmaster
Updated Wednesday, November 26, 1997 5:56:23 PM