April 1, 1963, " the electronic Flotilla 30/813 ", stationed in FREIBURG (R.F.A.) whose origins go back to
1954, gave birth to the " electronic Group 30/450 ". The various means of " the EE 813 " are
distributed between the electronic Squadron 40/450 established with
HOMISGRINDE close to ACHERN (R.F.A.) E the Center of exploitation of
the tactical information (C.E.R.T.) 50/450, with LAHR, initially
Center N°1 of the E.E. 30/183 since November 12, 1959.
The G.E. 30/450 leaves FREIBURG for the air base of LAHR (R.F.A.) in July 1963. It then includes/understands 5 detachments, all based in the F.R.G.:
- DT 3 GOSLAR (military enclave of Schalke)
It thus joined the electronic Flotilla 054, in charge of the implementation of Noratlas 2501 GABRIEL. From November 1, 1963, the commander of the E.E. 054 exerts the functions of second in command and head of the operations of the G.E.E 30/450.
July 1, 1966, the G.E. 30/450 is dissolved. Personnel of the
central portion (LAHR) joined the air base 128 of METZ-FRESCATY to
constitute the " electronic Group 35/351 ", the E.E.
40/450 becomes E.E. 40/351, the CE.R.T. 50/540 becomes 55/351. These
new names mark the membership of these units to the tactical air Force
1st incipient air area. This group increases by a sixth detachment,
the DT 6 of STOBERHAI (the F.R.G.), while the DT 1 leaves FREIBURG for
STRASBOURG. In October 1968 is created the DT 7 of FURTH-IM-WALD (the
Finally on June 1, 1969, the E.E. 40/351 becomes E.E. 41/351, and absorbs in October 1971 the DT 1 of STRASBOURG.
From June 1, 1972, the whole of these means is gathered under the command of the " tactical electronic Grouping 30/351 " which is made up as follows:
- an organization of command,
- the C.E.R.T. 55/351
- a Squadron of specialized maintenance E.M.S. 31/351
- an electronic Flotilla EE 00/354 pennies controls operational of the commander of the G.E.T.
- an electronic Squadron E.E. 41/351 (ACHERN),
- six electronic detachments: FROM 32 BERLIN - OF 33 GOSLAR - OF 34 FURTENFELDBRUCK - OF 36 BAD-LAUTERBERG - OF 37 FURTH IM WALD - OF 38 BADEN-OOS.
October 1, 1978 is created the Center of electronic instruction of war C.I.G.E. 56/351, whose mission is to form interceptors linguists or techniques. May 1979 sees the creation of the electronic Squadrons ground: OF 32, 33, 36, 37 become respectively E.E.S. 32, 33, 36 and 37. The E.M.S. is called from now on Groupe of maintenance and implementation (G.M.M.O. 31/351). But it is the creation of the Center of operations of the G.E.T. (C.O.G.E.T.) who marks more the operational organization of the grouping, since it leads on July 1, 1986 to the dissolution of the C.E.R.T.
July 1, 1988 is significant date in the organization of the
unit, which adopts a structure of Squadron. Thus is born the 54ème
tactical electronic Escadre, which takes again the traditions of the
54ème Escadre of bombardment, whose origins go up with the 1st world
war. THE E.E. 00.054 becomes electronic Squadron E.E. 01/054 and
takes again the name of tradition " DUNKIRK "; it
gathers three escadrilles electronic:
- E.E. 11/054: control plane
- E.E.R.E. 31/054: seek electronic (operators of interceptions)
- E.E. 21/054 with GOSLAR
These three escadrilles take again respectively the badges of 1st, 3rd and 4th escadrilles of the 54ème Escadre of bombardment.
The C.I.G.E. is definitively attached to the Squadron with punched-card name C.I.G.E. 10/054, the G.M.M.O. becomes GERMas R.E. 15/054, the E.E. of ACHERN is called from now on E.E.S. 04/054, other electronic squadrons ground becoming E.E.S. 02/054 BERLIN, 03/054 GOSLAR, E.E.S. 06/054 BAD-LAUTERBERG, E.E.S. 07/054 FURTH-IM-WALD.
This organization sees the arrival with the squadron:
- H.E.T., helicopter of the PUMA type modified for the interception of the signals radars, set up at GOSLAR in January 1988,
- C 160 G Transall Gabriel (2 ex), replacing faithful " the Gabriel North ", whose last of the six specimens carries out ultimate " the Comer " on October 26, 1989.
The reunification of Germany, accompanied by the withdrawal of the Soviet air Forces in Center Europe, involves for the Squadron a redeployment E its means stationed in the In addition to-Rhine: E.E.S. 06/054 of BAD-LAUTERBERG and 03/054 of GOSLAR were dissolved respectively in June 1992 and July 1993, the H.E.T. and the E.E. 21/054 having left GOSLAR for the Flight test centre of Mount of Marsan as of May 1992.
Redeployment in France of the E.E.S. 02/054 of BERLIN was carried out in 1994 with in parallel the creation of a participation air (P.A. 13/054) within a center of collection interarmées established to MUTZIG.
Within the framework of the rise to power of the tactical chain of information air implemented by the Command of the tactical air Force, was officially created in August 1992, the Center of fusion of the electromagnetic information (C.F.R.E.) 12/054 which becomes in August 1994 the Squadron of fusion of the electromagnetic information of origin (E.F.R.O.EM.).
Lastly, August 1, 1995, 54ème E.E.T. takes the name of Squadron of Air information and involves in its wake creation as from October 1, 1995 of the Squadron of instruction of information and electronic war 10/054 (E.I.R.G.E.) and of the Squadron of support and drive to the information air 12/054 (E.S.E.R.A.). This new squadron is from now on the single center of training of all the personnel " information " of the Air Force. It is advisable to specify that the Center of formation interarmées of interpretation image (CFÍ), composed of personnel photo interpreters, is established on the basis of air CREIL. The creation of the E.I.R.G.E. gives to the Air Force the adequate framework for a single, coherent and optimized formation specialists in the information ready to be integrated in a modular structure of Theatre within a framework air, interarmées or interallied. As for the E.S.E.R.A.; it is used as organic reserve of professionals of the information of combat, ready to arm without delay the structures of the tactical information air on three different theatres of operations.