The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts of several colleagues who supported this work in a variety of ways. The Proceedings, Strategic Forums, and other publications from the ACT and ACTIS workshops and roundtables are the products of serious work by dozens of professionals representing not only all the military services and The Joint Staff, but also staff members at NDU, outside academics, civilian researchers, and representatives of the Department of State, the Department of Energy, the intelligence community, and other interested U.S. Government agencies. Captain William H. Round, U.S. Navy, the former Director of ACT, was, as always, the unifying force that brought the many elements of the effort together. The Evidence Based Research, Inc. (EBR) team of Kenneth E. Kaizer, Karen R. Nickens, and Astrid C. Pardo, led by Richard L. Layton (EBR's Director of Military Studies), handled the myriad of details involved in making the workshop a smooth running success and a most productive experience. Lt. General James R. Brickel USAF (Ret.) was particularly helpful throughout the effort, both in organizing the workshop and drafting the proceedings. Constructive criticism of earlier drafts by Martin C. Libicki, Vice Admiral Henry C. Mustin USN (Ret.), and General Brickel was very helpful to the authors and assisted us in making a more readable document. Finally, Rosemaria B. Bell and Lydia Candland Alexander took the report from draft to print, coordinating with the NDU Press.