The IUSS Surveillance Direction System (SDS) Command, Control and
Communications system provides the means for Fixed Distributed System
(FDS), SOSUS, and SURTASS to manage and report contacts with minimum
time-late. The SDS equipment and software replace obsolescent
components of IUSS which are increasingly expensive to support. The number of FSS processing
sites has been reduced and the display equipment used at the remaining
sites will be converted to SDS/SSIPS (Shore Signal and Information
Processing Segment) to significantly lower life cycle costs and enable
system-wide consolidation.
SDS will provide the Command, Control, Communications (C3) and data fusion functions to combine the capabilities of the FDS, SURTASS, and SOSUS, sensor systems in a manner that provides a comprehensive maritime surveillance picture. SDS will provide a reliable and mobile tactical communications system significantly reducing reporting times. SDS will be fully integrated into the Navy's Space and Electronic Warfare Architecture and is using conventional fleet circuits for direct reporting to the fleet. Joint Maritime Command Information System (JMCIS) will serve as the IUSS gateway to the fleet and is being upgraded to better report acoustic data. In addition, SDS is a specified requirement for FDS and Advanced Deployable System (ADS) sensor fusion and communications developments.