Statement of Work

Engineering and technical services for the basic engineering development and aircraft modification production for the performance of CNO Project K-416 (Project BEARTRAP).



1.1The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAVAIRWARCENACDIV), Flight Test and Engineering Group (FTEG), Force Warfare Aircraft Test Directorate (FWATD) is tasked by the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM) to provide engineering and technical support for CNO Project K-416 (PROJECT BEARTRAP). Special project systems within Fleet units under the operational control of Commander Patrol Wings Atlantic (COMPATWINGSLANT) and Commander Patrol Wings Pacific (COMPATWINGSPAC), and assigned as Project BEARTRAP assets, provide acoustic data collection and processing capabilities beyond those normally associated with the P-3C aircraft. The NAVAIRSYSCOM has designated NAVAIRWARCENACDIV as the lead laboratory for the development, installation, and test and evaluation of those special project systems. Additionally, NAVAIRWARCENACDIV is assigned as the cognizant field activity (CFA) for the maintenance and support of the special project equipment that make up the Project BEARTRAP avionics suite installed in fleet aircraft assigned as project assets. In support of NAVAIRWARCENACDIV's requirements engineering and technical services are required to perform the following SOW tasks.

1.2Scope. This SOW provides engineering and technical services for the basic engineering development and aircraft modification production for the performance of CNO Project K-416 (Project BEARTRAP).

2.0Applicable Documents


2.1DOD-STD-100Engineering Drawing Practices

dated 4 May 83

2.2DOD-STD-130Identification Marketing of US

Military Property 11 Oct 88

2.3DOD-STD-480Configuration Control -

Engineering Changes, Deviations,

and Waivers, dated 15 Jul 88

2.4DOD-STD-481Configuration Control -

Engineering Changes, Deviations,

and Waivers (Short Form) dated

15 Jul 88

2.5DOD-STD-482Configuration Status Accounting

Data Elements and Related Features

dated 1 Apr 74



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2.6 DOD-STD-483Configuration Management Practices

for Systems, Equipment Munitions and

Computer Program (USAF), dated

4 Jun 85

2.7 DOD-STD-490Specification Practices dated

4 Jun 85

2.8 DOD-STD-881Work Breakdown Structure dated

25 Apr 75

2.9 MIL-STD-973Technical Reviews and Audits for

Systems, Equipment, and Computer

Software, dated 17 Apr 92

2.10 DOD-STD-2167Defense System Software

Development, dated 29 Feb 88

2.11 MIL-S-83490Specifications, Types and Forms,

dated 30 Oct 68

2.12 DOD-D-1000BDrawings, Engineering and

Associated Lists, dated 13 May 83

2.13 DOD 4120.3-MStandardization Policies,

Procedures and Instructions

dated 1 Aug 78

14 NAVAIR 01-1A-505Installation PracticesAircraft Electrical and Electronic

Aircraft Electric and ElectronicWiring Installation Practices,

Wiring, dated 1015 AugJun 9488

2.15 NAVAIR 01-1A-514Design of Electrical Systems for

Naval Aircraft and Missiles,

dated 1 Jan 64

NAVAIR 01-1B-40Data, Weight and Balance dated

1 Oct 90

Attachment (2)


2.1DOD-STD-100Engineering Drawing Practices

dated 4 May 83

2.2DOD-STD-130Identification Marketing of US

Military Property 11 Oct 88

2.3DOD-STD-480Configuration Control -

Engineering Changes, Deviations,

and Waivers, dated 15 Jul 88

2.4DOD-STD-481Configuration Control -

Engineering Changes, Deviations,

and Waivers (Short Form) dated

15 Jul 88

2.5DOD-STD-482Configuration Status Accounting

Data Elements and Related Features

dated 1 Apr 74



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2.6 DOD-STD-483Configuration Management Practices

for Systems, Equipment Munitions and

Computer Program (USAF), dated

4 Jun 85

2.7 DOD-STD-490Specification Practices dated

4 Jun 85

2.8 DOD-STD-881Work Breakdown Structure dated

25 Apr 75

2.9 MIL-STD-973Technical Reviews and Audits for

Systems, Equipment, and Computer

Software, dated 17 Apr 92

2.10 DOD-STD-2167Defense System Software

Development, dated 29 Feb 88

2.11 MIL-S-83490Specifications, Types and Forms,

dated 30 Oct 68

2.12 DOD-D-1000BDrawings, Engineering and

Associated Lists, dated 13 May 83

2.13 DOD 4120.3-MStandardization Policies,

Procedures and Instructions

dated 1 Aug 78

NAVAIR 01-75PAC-1NATOPS Flight Manual, dated

P3-C, 1 SepMay 9190

18NAVAIR 01-75PAC-1.1NFO/Aircrew NATOPS Flight,

Manual P3-C, dated 1 DecMay 920

NAVAIR 01-75PAC-2-7.1Integrated Sensor Stations 1 and 2

Wiring Data, dated 30 Mar 91

NAVAIR 01-75PAC-2-8.1Integrated Sensor Station 3

Wiring Data, dated 31 Mar 90

NAVAIR 01-75PAC-2-10.1Integrated Navigation/

Communication Station

Wiring Data,,

dated 31 Mar 89

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2.22 NAVAIR 01-75PAC-6-3Daily/Special Preservation

Maintenance Requirements Cards,

Model P-3A, B, C Aircraft,

dated 1 May 91

NAVAIR 01-75PAC-12-3Crew Station Maintenance ManualNavigation/Communication Station

Navigation/Communication StationCrew Station Maintenance Manual.

20 April 1996dated 1 Mar 91

NAVAIR 01-75PAC-12-4Crew Station Maintenance ManualAcoustic Sensor Stations 1 and 2

Sensor Stations 1 and 2Crew Station Maintenance Manual,

01 May 1993dated 15 Aug 91

NAVAIR 01-75PAC-12-5Crew Station Maintenance ManualSensor Station 3 Crew Station

Sensor Station 3, 15 April 1994Maintenance Manual, dated 17 Oct 91

26NAVAIR 01-75PAC-12-8Crew Station Maintenance ManualSensor Station 1 and 2 Update 3

Sensor Stations 1 and 2, Update IIICrew Station Maintenance Manual,

01 May 1993dated 1 Jul 91


Inst. S3120.1 Standard Operating

Procedures (U), dated 6 Mar 84

2.28 NAVAIR 15-02-500Preservation of Aircraft Engines,

dated, 15 Nov 83

NAVAIR 28-SSQ-500-1Sonobouy Instructional Manual

02 Aug 1994

COMPATWINGSLANT/PAC Project BEARTRAP (CNO Project K-416) Standard Operating

Inst. S3120.1, Procedures (U), 6 Mar 84Sonobuoy Reference Guide dated

1 Oct 89

3.0Technical Requirements. The contractor shall provide technical services for engineering development and aircraft modification production of CNO Project K-416 (Project BEARTRAP). These services include the following task areas:

3.1Program Management and Planning Support

The contractor shall conduct the following technical services to facilitate NAVAIRWARCENACDIV's efforts in support of Project BEARTRAP. All documentation and/or data generated in the prosecution of the following tasks and services shall be delivered in accordance within accordance with (IAW) the attached Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), DD Form 1423.

3.1.2The contractor shall provide data on contract management status through preparation of monthly performance and cost reports. These reports shall detail the work performed for the period, the program expenditures for the period, the cumulative program expenditures to date, and a profile of anticipated expenditures for the remainder of the contract period. The contractor shall document the data IAW CDRL Item A001.



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3.1.2The contractor shall attend, with government personnel, program management meetings, project working group meetings, planning conferences, and design reviews with participating activities to facilitate effective program support. The contractor shall provide reports which include agenda, significant discussion, action item assignment, and recommendations, not later than ten working days after completion of the conference/trip IAW CDRL Item A002.

3.1.3The contractor shall develop and update management plans and milestone schedules related to the modification of fleet aircraft designatedassigned for as Project BEARTRAP utilizationassets. These plans and schedules will be used to identify tasking, to monitor progress, and to detect possible problem areas. The plans and schedules shall trackreflect milestones met and , as well as those projected, and shall identify resources necessaryrequired to achieve the planned objectivesactivities associated with the collection and analysis of the collected project BEARTRAP specific dataspecial project acoustic data, and document the installation/integration progress and fleet introduction of advanced acoustic data collection and processing systems. The contractor shall provide the planning and scheduling data IAW CDRL item A003.

3.2Project BEARTRAP System Development Support

3.2.1The contractor shall provide engineering and technical services for the development of advanced acoustic data collection, software , and hardwareprocessing systems. Using the applicable documents stated within this SOW, the contractor shall analyze and assess engineering change proposals generated for the Project BEARTRAP acoustic and non-acoustic data collection and processing systems. The contractor will to determine theits impact of these change proposals on systems suitability to conduct the Project BEARTRAP mission mission. The contractor shall collect and analyze data resulting from such change proposals and prepare recommendations IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.2.2IAWIn accordance with aApplicable dDocuments stated within this SOW, the contractor willshall define the operational parameters and measures of for Project BEARTRAP software performance, . The contractor will also identify the operator training requirements, as well as any and compare existing software product code with new software source code to identify the hardware and/or softwareavailable components that maywill expedite orand reduce the cost of the software development effort. The contractor shall document all findings in a Technical Summary Report, that shall include at a minimum: system and user requirements, trade-off analysis, and detailed system design. This report shall be IAW CDRL A004.

3.2.3IAWIn accordance with aApplicable dDocuments stated within this SOW, the contractor shall develop and test Project BEARTRAP specific the software and ensuredeveloped above and ensure it meets fleetthe user and system requirements. The resulting software and test data shall be provided IAW CDRL A004.

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3.2.4IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall develop Users Manuals that describe the operational procedures necessary to successfully employexecute the developed software. The contractor shall provide the User Manuals IAW CDRL A004.

3.2.5IAWIn accordance with the applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide fleet implementation services for the developed software at the following sites: NAS Whidbey IslandJacksonville, WAFL;, NAS Brunswick, ME;, and MCAFNAS Kaneohe BayBarbers Point, HI. Fleet implementation services shall consist of installation of anythe Project BEARTRAP unique software (used for Project Asset Tracking software, System Calibrator Bus Control software, and System Calibration Reduction software) on equipment located at fleet locations and training on the proper operation of the system and software.

3.3Project BEARTRAP System Documentation Support

IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide the following engineering and technical services to develop and maintain Project BEARTRAP specific acoustic data collection and processing system installation documentation:

3.3.1The contractor shall develop, maintain, and control a technical documentation library relatingrelative to the installation, operation, calibration, and maintenance of all advanced acoustic and non-acoustic data collection and processing systems installed in fleet asset aircraft utilized byassigned to Project BEARTRAP. The contractor shall develop a databasesystem that is readily adaptable to rapid expansionthat will, maintain current and historicalmaintains currency status, and provides a reference capability for technical data related to the Project BEARTRAP specific system installations and updatesacoustic data collection and processing systems technical data. Reports shall be provided IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.3.2The contractor shall establish calibration proceduresrequirements for newly developed acoustic data collection and processing systems, that are approved for inclusion in the Project BEARTRAP avionics suite. Established calibration procedures shall, to insure that newthe systemsdata collection meets the data quality requirements of Project BEARTRAP. Calibration procedures shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.3.3The contractor shall develop the operation and maintenance documentationdocumentation required for the maintenance and operation of for each different acoustic data collection and processing system installed in the fleet asset aircraft utilizedassigned byas Project BEARTRAP assets. Prepare and submit documentation updates IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.4Project BEARTRAP System Training Services

The contractor shall provide engineering and technical services related tofor the fleet introduction of advanced acoustic data collection and processing systems to fleet personnelsystems installed in aircraft assigned as Project

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BEARTRAP assets. IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall develop, document and and demonstrate recommended techniques foras well as associated documentation for proper alignment and calibration of the


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Project BEARTRAP Acoustic Recording suite. These techniques shall address both the normal (manual) and special (automatic) calibration and alignmentdata collection schemesrequirements using manual and automatic calibration systems. Alignment and calibration documentation shall be prepared IAW CDRL item A004.. Document demonstration of alignment and calibration techniques IAW CDRL item A004.

3.5Project BEARTRAP System Facilities Support

IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide engineering and technical services to facilitate the development and effective utilization of anythe Acoustic Data Collection and Processing System Support Facilitiesy supportingrequired to support fleet users of Project BEARTRAP configured P-3C aircraft. This support shall include the following:

3.5.1The contractor shall conduct analysis and assessment of existing facilities to identify deficiencies and/or new capability requirements. Facility hardware modification proposals resulting from these analysis shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.5.2IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall specify the facility capabilities required to provide adequate support for emerging systems. Findings and recommendations will be provided IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.5.3IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall develop and implement approved support, test and analysis aids to be used within the support facility. , in conjunction with the development and testing of advanced acoustic data collection and processing systems. The contractor shall develop these tools and provide supporting documentation IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.6Project BEARTRAP Software Maintenance Support

IAW applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide engineering and technical services The contractor shall provide engineering and technical services, in accordance with the applicable documents specified within this SOW, to maintain maintain the software developed for Project BEARTRAP specific software, required for the test and evaluation, system calibration, data collection, data analysis, and configuration management of advanced acoustic data collection and processing systems installed in FFleet aircraft utilizedassigned foras Project BEARTRAP assets.

3.6.1The contractor shall evaluate Fleet user software change requestsed changes considered for approvalthat have been approved by the Project BEARTRAP Software Configuration Control Committee. to determine the validity and impact of the software change. The contractor shall provide software change recommendations IAWin accordance with CDRL Item A004.

3.6.2The contractor shall install the required software changes in an IBM compatible computer and demonstrate proper operation at

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the following sites: Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD; Commander, Patrol Wings Pacific, Naval Air Station, Moffett Field, CA; Commander, Patrol Wing TWO, Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, HI; Commander, Patrol Wing FIVE, Naval Air Station, Brunswick, ME; Commander, Patrol Wing ELEVEN, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL. The results of this task shall be documented IAW CDRL A004.

3.6.3IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall develop Users Manual Updates for the following software groups:(developed for Project BEARTRAP unique software and include Project BEARTRAP Asset Tracking Software, User Manual, and System Calibration Reduction Software, and any other Project BEARTRAP unique software. User Manual,) that describe the foregoing modified procedures. The contractor shall provide the Users Manual Updates IAWin accordance with CDRL Item A004.

3.6.4The contractor, with government personnel, shall attend Software Configuration Control Board meetings, project working group meetings, and design reviews with participating activities to facilitate effective program support. The contractor shall provide reports which include agenda, significant discussion, action item assignment, and recommendations, not later than ten working days after completion of the conference/trip IAW CDRL item A002.

3.7Project BEARTRAP Flight Clearance Support

IAW applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide engineering and technical services The contractor shall provide engineering and technical services, IAWin accordance with the applicable documents specified within this SOW, to assistdevelop data required for issuance of flight in the flight clearance certification process as follows:

3.7.1 The contractor shall perform structural analysis of equipment mounting racks designed for installation in Fleet aircraft assigned as Project BEARTRAP assets. The findings of this analysis shall be provided IAW CDRL A004.

3.7.2The contractor shall perform weight and balance studies to insure that the installation of equipment and mounting racks do not exceed the zero fuel weight, maximum gross weight, and the mean aerodynamic cord of the aircraft to be modified. The results of this study shall be provided IAW CDRL A004.

3.8Project BEARTRAP Advanced Sensor Evaluation

IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide engineering and technical services to investigate, test and evaluate proposed, and recommend engineering changes to the Project BEARTRAP unique acoustic and non-acoustic sensor system changes and additions s to insure proper integration of these systems with the existing Project BEARTRAP P-3C ASW avionics suitesystems. The Eengineering Cchange Rrecommendations and Test Reports shall be submitted IAW CDRL A004.

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3.9Project BEARTRAP System Installation Support

3.9.1IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide engineering and technical services to ensure the performance of advanced acoustic data

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collection and processing systems installed in fleet aircraft utilized by assets assigned to Project BEARTRAP. TheIAW Applicable Documents stated within this SOW, the contractor shall review new equipment designs and performance specifications to determine theirits suitability for inclusion into theas part of the Project BEARTRAP avionics suite. Recommendations shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.9.2IAW applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide engineering and technical services and to assess new equipment designs and performance specifications to determine their and recommend its interoperability with the standard avionics equipment installed in standard configured fleet P-3C aircraft in order to minimize the impact of new equipment designs its impact on the platform's the operation of the aircraft during its primary Antisubmarine Warfare mission. Recommendations shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.10Project BEARTRAP Systems Test and Evaluation Support

IAW applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall provide engineering and technical services The contractor shall provide engineering and technical services for IAW with applicable documents specified within this SOW, for the test and evaluation of Project BEARTRAP systems and equipment as follows:

3.10.1The contractor shall develop a detailed equipment test plan describing the test methods that are to be used in evaluating developmental sensor equipment being designed for the prosecution of target data of tactical interest., to be included in the Project BEARTRAP avionics suite. Test plans shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL item A004.

3.10.2The contractor shall perform data reduction and target analysis used for the evaluation developmental of sensor equipment designedbeing developed for the prosecution of target data of tactical interest., to be included in the Project BEARTRAP avionics suite. Submit results IAW CDRL item A004.

3.11Project BEARTRAP System Configuration Management Support

The contractor shall conduct the following engineering and technical services to ensure that the configuration of fleet asset aircraft utilized byassigned to Project BEARTRAP is managed and controlled.

3.11.1The contractor shall establish and maintain the procedures required for identifying, evaluating, documenting, and controlling the configuration of fleet asset aircraft utilized byassigned to Project BEARTRAP. The contractor's configuration management procedures shall be identified and conducted IAW applicable project directives and will be provided and maintained IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.11.2The contractor shall conduct physical configuration audits for each project asset aircraft to ensure that they are configured IAW applicable project directives. Discrepancies revealed shall be reported and recorded in the project asset configuration status system. Results shall be prepared and provided IAW CDRL Item A004.

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3.12 Project BEARTRAP Data Collection Support

The contractor shall provide engineering and technical services in support of special project acoustic data collection by fleet asset aircraft assigned to Project BEARTRAP. In accordance with the applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall perform mission planning for special project acoustic data collection events conducted by fleet asset aircraft assigned to Project BEARTRAP; to include special stores management, recording system configuration requirements, and mission reconstruction requirements. The contract shall conduct debriefs to ensure all pertinent mission data required for proper laboratory analysis is available. Reports shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL A004.

3.1213Project BEARTRAP Data Analysis Support

IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW SOW, and access to Government provided equipment, the contractor shall provide the following engineering and technical services for the on-site analysis of acoustic data collected by fleet asset aircraft assigned to Project BEARTRAP:

3.12.1The contractor shall screen existing and newly collected analog acoustic data from fleet asset aircraft utilized byassigned to Project BEARTRAP to determine the presence of any acoustic and non-acoustic phenomenon of tactical interest. The contractor will provide screened data and provide data to be includedimplemented in a cataloged data base on Government provided equipment. Reports shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL item A004.

3.12.2The contractor shall provide post flight reviews/evaluations and reduction of analog acoustic data recorded by Project BEARTRAP aircraft via government provided Automatic Quicklook software, providing target data characteristics. Data shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL item A004.

3.13Project BEARTRAP Aircraft Support

IAW applicable documents specified within this SOW the contractor shall provide engineering and technical servicesThe contractor shall provide engineering and technical services,

in accordance with the applicable documents specified within this SOW, to address for fleet reported problems relative to the Project BEARTRAP avionics suiteequipment installed on fleet aircraft assigned as project assets as follows:

3.13.1The contractor shall conduct investigations and provide evaluations of fleet reported problems and provide operational feedback as related to Project BEARTRAP. Problem investigations shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004 and shall include the following: description of the problem. solution (Shall include, cost estimate, and recommended plan of action and milestones.)

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3.13.2IAWIn accordance with applicable documents specified within this SOW, the contractor shall review, evaluate and provide recommendations on Advanced Antisubmarine Warfare Systems performance at the following Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Centers (ASWOC): at the Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, HI., .; and Naval Air Station, Brunswick, ME. This effort shall include the following evaluations:evaluations of tactical application, human factors, target characteristics, and overall equipment, and algorithm performance. Data shall be documented IAW CDRL item A004.

3.14Project BEARTRAP Depot Calibration Logistics Support

The contractor shall provide engineering and technical services for the depot calibration logistics forof the Project BEARTRAP avionics suite equipmentinstalled in Fleet aircraft assigned as project assets as follows:

3.14.1Using applicable documents stated within this SOW, the contractor shall compile the monthly BEARTRAP Asset Tracking System (BATS) status software reports (on word-processing files) from BEARTRAP Fleet and Laboratory locations into a master BATS report using the government provided BATS system. The contractorBATS operator will interpret data to determine:; the percentage of total equipment accounted for, identify missing or duplicated equipment, and identify the quantity and location of spare parts. When required Tthe contractoroperator shall update the BATS Master Parts List to include newly acquired assets. The contractoroperator shall conduct a physical inventory audit upon notification byof the government ( or annually at a minimum). Reports shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.14.2Using applicable documents stated within this SOW, the contractor shall prepare and maintain an up to date inventory of all Project BEARTRAP unique test equipment installed in all Fleet BEARTRAP utilized aircraft and at BEARTRAP support facilities to include: Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD; Commander, Patrol Wings, Pacific, Naval Air Station, Moffett Field, CA; Commander, Patrol Wings TWO, Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, HI; Commander, Patrol Wings FIVE, Naval Air Station, Brunswick, ME; Commander, Patrol Wings ELEVEN, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL. The contractor shall maintain the inventory and update using the government provided BATS system. The contractor shall track at a minimum the following: equipmentitems such as: calibration due date, and asset location, nomenclature, and serial number. Reports shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.14.3Using applicable documents stated within this SOW, the contractor shall provide records keeping on the status of all BEARTRAP unique equipmentTest Equipment to determine when calibration support is required. A monthly report of calibration status shall be prepared which will group all BEARTRAP equipment using the following equipment categories: Currently out of calibration; requires calibration in less than 30 days or less; requires calibration in 30 to 90 days. The contractor using the government provided BATS will identify and recommend replacement of test equipment requiring calibration at Fleet units with available spares located at NAWC/AD, Patuxent River, MD. The contractor will track the status of BEARTRAP unique test equipment inducted at NAWC/AD for calibration and/or repair in a weekly status reportand prepare a weekly status report of these items. Reports shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.15.4Using applicable documents stated within this SOW, the contractor shall prepare and maintain an up to date inventory of all Project BEARTRAP unique avionics equipment installed in Fleet BEARTRAP aircraft and at BEARTRAP support facilities to include: Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD; Commander, Patrol Wings Pacific, Naval Air Station, Moffett Field, CA; Commander, Patrol Wing TWO, Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, HI; Commander, Patrol Wing FIVE, Naval Air Station, Brunswick, ME; Commander, Patrol Wing ELEVEN, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL. The inventory will be maintained and updated using the government provided BATS system. The contractor shall track items such as: Asset Nomenclature; Asset Serial Number; and Asset Location. A report of the status of all equipment will be prepared and submitted on a monthly basis. Reports shall be prepared and submitted IAW CDRL Item A004.

3.15Contractor Furnished Equipment

The contractor shall furnish all necessary Automated Data Processing (ADP) equipment and software considered necessary to support the tasks outlined in this statement of work. This equipment shall provide for interoperability with existing NAWCAD Automated Data Processing equipment. Additionally, a portion of this work will require a secure ADP system cleared to the SECRET level at the contractor's facility.. The following specifications are considered to be the minimum acceptab This equipment will be considered to be normal operating items and tools of the trade and shall not be charged as direct costs to this contract. The following identifies the Government's projections for the types and extent of contractor-furnished equipment applicable (but not directly chargeable) to this requirement:

Engineering Support Computers

- Fully IBM compatible operating under MS-DOS 3.3 or later.

- CPU - INTEL 80386 operating at a minimum of 16 MHz.

- MATH COPROCESSOR - compatible with 80386 and operating at a

16 MHz.

- MEMORY REQUIREMENTS: 640 K basic memory, 2 M expanded


- DATA MEDIA: Each computer shall be equipped with a hard

drive, and both a 3.5" and a 5.25" High density floppy


- DISPLAY: VGA Color required.

- QUANTITY: One unit will be provided to each person in the

following labor categories: Program Manager,

Administrative Assistant(s), Computer Programmer(s).

- Additional computers meeting the above specifications must

be provided on the basis of one computer system for every

three persons performing tasks in the contractor's


Secure Word Processing/Engineering Computer

- IBM compatible operating under MS-DOS 3.3 or later.

- CPU - INTEL 80286 operating at a minimum of 8 Mhz..

- MATH COPROCESSOR - compatible with 80286 and operating at

8 MHz.

- MEMORY REQUIREMENTS: 640 K basic memory.

- DATA MEDIA: The computer shall be equipped with removable

BERNOULLI DISK drive or removable hard drive, and both a

3.5" and a 5.25" High density floppy drive.

- DISPLAY: VGA Color required.


- A minimum of 2 HP Laser Jet III or compatible printers are required.

- One unit will be required full-time to the Secure Word

Processing/Engineering Computer. The second may be

networked as the output device for the remaining dedicated


- One device capable of color graphics output such as a

HP-7550 plotter, or a HP Paint Jet printer will be


3.15.1-Engineering Support computers:

3.15.2Secure Word Processing/Engineering computer:

3.15.3Printers/Output Devices:


3.16Access to Government Furnished Property

3.16.1The Government will provide access to office space and furnishings for up to four (4) contractor personnel at Force Warfare Aircraft Test Directorate, VP Department, FW523, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Maryland. The contractor shall have access to the Acoustic Data Collection and Processing System support and the technical library facilities. The custody and accountability for this equipment shall remain with the Government.

3.16.2No alterations to the facilities shall be made without specific permission from the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR). The contractor shall notify the COR when repair or maintenance is required.

3.16.3Government Furnished Property List. - The following equipment will be made available for on-site use under this contract: and chair of government telephone for official government

business. terminals Analyzers Multimeters Recording/Reproduction Equipment Tapes Aircraft documentation to the extent required for

task completion.

3.17Place of Performance

3.17.1The contractor shall perform on-site work at four principal locations:

(1)Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Maryland.

(2)Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, HI.

(3)Naval Air Station, Brunswick, ME.

(4)Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island, WAB.Off-site work shall be performed in the Washington, DC area and is approximately 29 percent of the effort.


4.1The contractor is required to provide personnel having the following baseline levels of professional and technical experience. These qualifications are the baseline for determining technical acceptability in the personnel area; experience and qualifications above and beyond these requirements (to the extent they facilitate contract performance) are preferred by the Government.

4.2The specialized experience included as part of the required qualifications shall have been obtained in the fields of endeavor indicated by the applicable labor categories listed below. Unless stated otherwise in the individual labor category, experience must also be "recent", (i.e., within the last five years). Key personnel are those who will be performing in the key categories of labor identified below.

4.2.1Experience in "CNO Project BEARTRAP, or comparable acoustic data collection programs" shall demonstrate a comprehensive working knowledge of the scope, capabilities and limitations of the Navy's airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) community and of the CNO Project BEARTRAP P-3 subset of that community.

4.3Personnel proposed for labor categories identifying the need for a security clearance must have, or be able to obtain the required clearance. Personnel who currently have, or have previously held a clearance are preferred by the Government over personnel who have never previously been cleared.


Functions: Independently applies computer science principles, information management principles, automated data processing (ADP) functions, hardware and software systems' structures and operation, and computer programming languages and techniques to solve automation problems. Addresses scientific, engineering or business objectives by writing, modifying or adapting computer programs in machine level, assembly and third or fourth generation programming languages. Interfaces with and uses minicomputer and mainframe computer systems in addressing project objectives. Independently identifies and uses standard, unconventional and original mathematical, algorithmic, and programmatic approaches to define, plan, organize, design, develop, modify, test, and integrate data base or data processing systems, computer hardware systems and simulation models. Formulates architectural design, functional specifications, interfaces and documentation of hardware or software systems considering system interrelationships, operating modes and software or equipment configurations. Researches unconventional applications of software and operating systems in designing and developing new methodologies, significant modifications or adaptations of standardized techniques. Develops project plans, guidelines, and controls. Acts as team or project leader, supervising and advising with respect to the work of others.

Education: A bachelor's degree in computer science, information systems management, mathematics, operations research, statistics, or engineering from an accredited college or university.

Experience: A minimum of ten years of experience performing the foregoing functions, of which five years of experience shall have been performing as a programmer, writing programs used to control complex bus systems.

Security Clearance Requirements: Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the senior computer programmer must have or be able to obtain a security clearance of SECRET.


Functions: Applies engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test and evaluate military weapon systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analyses, reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation. Applies engineering experience to perform functions such as system integration, configuration management, quality assurance testing, or acquisition and resource management. Analyzes, designs, develops, implements, tests, or evaluates automated data processing software related to engineering or functional requirements of military weapon systems, associated support systems, or management information systems. The senior system engineer shall brief the Navy's upper echelon personnel.

Education: A bachelor's degree in engineering, physics, or mathematics discipline from a school having at least one professional engineering curriculum which was accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).


Security Clearance Requirements: Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the Senior Systems Engineer must have or be able to obtain a TOP SECRET security clearance.


Functions: Applies engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test and evaluate military weapon systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analyses, reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation. Applies engineering experience to perform functions such as system integration, configuration management, quality assurance testing, or acquisition and resource management. Analyzes, designs, develops implements, tests, or evaluates automated data processing software related to engineering or functional requirements of military weapon systems, associated support systems, or management information systems. The system engineer shall brief the Navy's upper echelon personnel.

Education: A bachelor degree in engineering, physics, or mathematics discipline from a school having at least one professional engineering curriculum which was accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).


Security Clearance Requirements: Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the Systems Engineer must have or be able to obtain a TOP SECRET security clearance.


(SCA labor category TBD; Directory of Occupations Code TBD)

Functions: Applies engineering techniques, principles and precedents to develop, design, modify, install, test, evaluate, or operate electrical, electronic, avionics, mechanical, communications, armament/ordnance, stores, or related data processing systems for military weapon systems or associated support equipment or facilities. Maintains, repairs, inspects, troubleshoots, or programs systems equipment or components. Reviews, analyzes, develops, prepares or applies engineering, technical or maintenance specifications, policies, standards, or procedures. Organizes, analyzes and prepares reports or presentations of technical data and information. Plans and performs tests and evaluations of systems equipment or components. Compiles, processes, reduces, or analyzes test data and results. The senior engineering technician shall brief the Navy's upper echelon personnel.


(1)High school graduate or equivalency certification, and, and

(2)completion of a technical school, trade school, or advanced armed services technical school curriculum or course of training in electricity, electronics, avionics, or engineering technology; or completion of at least 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) of course studies at an accredited college or university in an engineering, scientific, or technical curriculum.

Experience: A minimum of fifteen years of technical experience performing the foregoing functions, which includes predominant experience in research and development test and evaluation, inclusive of eight years experience in CNO Project BEARTRAP, or comparable acoustic data collection programs. This experience shall demonstrate a comprehensive working knowledge of the scope, capabilities and limitations of the sophisticated ASWOC (Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center) environment and a thorough knowledge of threat Submarine capabilities, tactics, strategies, and operations.

Security Clearance Requirements: Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the Senior Engineering Technician must possess or have the ability to obtain a TOP SECRET security clearance.


(SCA labor category TBD; Directory of Occupations Code TBD)

Functions: Applies engineering techniques, principles and precedents to develop, design, modify, install, test, evaluate, or operate electrical, electronic, avionics, mechanical, communications, stores, armament/ordnance, or related data processing systems for military weapon systems or associated support equipment or facilities. Maintains, repairs, inspects, troubleshoots, or programs systems equipment or components. Reviews, analyzes, develops, prepares or applies engineering, technical or maintenance specifications, policies, standards, or procedures. Organizes, analyzes, and prepares reports or presentations of technical data and information. Plans and performs tests and evaluations of systems equipment or components. Compiles, processes, reduces, or analyzes test data and results.


(1) High school graduate or equivalency certification; and, and

    (2) completion of a technical school, trade school, or advanced armed services technical school curriculum or course of training in electricity, electronics, avionics, or engineering technology; or completion of at least 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) of course studies at an accredited college or university in an engineering, scientific, or technical curriculum.

Experience: A minimum of ten years engineering experience in areas such as test and evaluation, systems analysis, integrated logistics support, operations research, etc., which includes five years experience in CNO Project BEARTRAP, or comparable acoustic data collection programs. This experience must demonstrate an understanding of available Navy sources to research scientific and technical data as a means to defining current system capabilities.

Security Clearance Requirements: Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the engineering technician is required to possess or be able to obtain a security clearance of SECRET.


(SCA labor category TBD; Directory of Occupations Code TBD)

Functions: Conducts administrative and record keeping aspects of the operation of engineering or technical projects/programs. Applies knowledge of office management, methods, and procedures in producing and maintaining documentation, correspondence, records, or directives. Works in regard to matters such as project/program progress and status documentation, budget, finance, property, accounting, tracking systems, or personnel management. May manage or supervise administrative aspects of the contractor's operations.

Education: A high school graduate or equivalency certification.

Experience: A minimum of five years experience performing the foregoing functions; two years of which must be experience using a computer based workstation running under an MS-DOS operating system (or functional equivalent).

Security Clearance Requirements: Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the Administrative Assistant is required to possess or be able to obtain a security clearance of SECRET..

   10.Aeronautical Engineer.

A. Functions:

Applies aeronautical engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate military weapon systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analyses, reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation.

B. Education:

A bachelor's or postgraduate degree in aeronautical engineering from a school having at least one professional engineering curriculum which was accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), or certification as an engineer under US Government or State of Maryland or other US States' engineering certification procedures; or engineering licensing and registration procedures, plus at least five years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions.

C. Experience:

A minimum of five years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions; or a Master's Degree in aeronautical engineering, plus at least three years of experience performing the foregoing functions; or a Doctorate Degree in aeronautical engineering is required.

D.Security Clearance Requirements:

Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the aeronautical engineer is required to possess or have the ability to obtain a security clearance of SECRET.

11.Mechanical Engineer.

A. Functions:

Applies mechanical engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate military weapon systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analyses, reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation.

B. Education:

A bachelor's or postgraduate degree in mechanical engineering from a school having at least one professional engineering curriculum which was accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), or certification as an engineer under US Government or State of Maryland or other US States' engineering certification procedures; or engineering licensing and registration procedures, plus at least five years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions.

   C. Experience:

A minimum of five years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions; or a Master's Degree in mechanical engineering, plus at least three years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions;

or a Doctorate Degree in mechanical engineering is required.

D.Security Clearance Requirements:

Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the mechanical engineer is required to possess or have the ability to obtain a security clearance of SECRET.

12.Structural Engineer.

A. Functions:

Applies structural engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate military weapon systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analyses, reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation.

B. Education:

A bachelor's or postgraduate degree in structural engineering from a school having at least one professional engineering curriculum which was accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), or certification as an engineer under US Government or State of Maryland or other US States' engineering certification procedures; or engineering licensing and registration procedures, plus at least five years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions.

C. Experience:

A minimum of five years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions; or a Master's Degree in mechanical engineering, plus at least three years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions; or a Doctorate Degree in structural engineering is required.

D.Security Clearance Requirements:

Due to the classifications of the various project elements, the structural engineer is required to possess or have the ability to obtain a security clearance of SECRET.


1.The Government shall provide office space and furnishings for up to eight (8) contractor personnel at Force Warfare Aircraft Test Directorate, VP Department, FW523, NAVAIRWARCENACDIV, Patuxent River, Maryland. The contractor shall have access to the Acoustic Data Collection and Processing System support and the technical library facilities. The custody and accountability for this equipment shall remain with the Government. The contractor is specifically prohibited from procuring special equipment where the Government can provide such equipment in a timely manner.

2.No alterations to the facilities shall be made without specific permission from the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative. The contractor shall return the facilities to the Government in the same condition as received, fair wear and tear excepted. The contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative when repair or maintenance is required.

3.Government Furnished Property List. - The following equipment will be made available for on-site use under this contract:

A. Desk and chair

B. Use of government telephone for official

government business.

C. Computer terminals

D. Signal Analyzers

E. Oscilloscopes

F. Digital Multimeters

G. Tape Recording/Reproduction Equipment

H. Data Tapes

I. P-3 Aircraft documentation to the extent required

for task completion.