of Naval Intelligence:
A Proud Tradition
of Service
of the Mexican
El Paso 1912
in the US
of State and
Lansing, With
Hines Page
Pre-World War I
in World War I
General Order
Sidney Burleson
Diehl Baker
Witzke Affair:
German Intrigue
on the Mexican
Border, 1917-18
Espionage Act
May 16, 1918
Mandell House
Red Scare
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
End Notes
Department Of State
And Counterintelligence88
Shortly after the Office of the Chief Special Agent in Washington
was created in 1916, Joseph "Bill" Nye was appointed the first
chief special agent. Nye, who also held the title of special assistant
to the Secretary of State, reported directly to Secretary of State,
Robert Lansing. The office worked out of two locations, Washington and
New York, and operated on confidential funds from the Secretary's Office.
Secretary of State, Robert Lansing
There was no formal reporting of the Office's activities
and there was no listing of the Office in the Department's organization
or telephone book. The size of the Office was never mentioned, but there
were a handful of agents plus some "dollar-a-year" men who had
volunteered their services-businessmen, lawyers and from other professions.
They covered the entire United States in their operations, and some were
sent overseas on special missions.
In 1916, as the United States entry in World War I loomed
on the horizon, Secretary Lansing directed Nye to tap the telephones of
the German embassy in Washington and report directly to him, daily. Who
made the actual telephone tap installation was never mentioned but it
was quite clear that the Office of the Chief Special Agent performed the
monitoring operation.
One important result of the tap pertained to the Zimmerman
Telegram. Nye was able to report in advance to the Secretary why the German
am-bassador was going to call on him at 4 p.m. on January 31, 1917. At
that meeting, the ambassador advised Lansing that the German government
would launch unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic the next day.
Nearly four weeks later, President Woodrow Wilson addressed Congress,
asking for a declaration of war.
Each morning at 8 the chief special agent placed on the
Secretary's desk a memorandum summarizing information developed during
the proceeding 24 hours. Many projects were apparently assigned or approved
directly by the Secretary and were reported back only to him.
After World War I, the scope of the Office's special activities
diminished greatly. Robert C. Bannerman replaced Nye in 1920. The dollar-a-year
men departed, leaving a few agents working out of the New York office,
with only the chief special agent left in Washington. In 1927 the chief
special agent began reporting to the assistant secretary for administration,
Wilbur Carr. However, he still retained his title of special assistant
to the Secretary and did report directly to him on sensitive matters.
From 1920 to 1940, jurisdiction for investigation of passport
and visa frauds was unclear. Neither Justice, the FBI nor Immigration
claimed absolute authority. The Office began to do passport and visa fraud
investigations, working with the U.S. attorneys in various cities to obtain
prosecutions. In many of these cases, the passport aspect was incidental
to a much larger problem-Soviet and German espionage. The investigation
of passport frauds in New York led to the discovery of a Soviet intelligence
network and succeeded in exposing for the first time the existence of
such Soviet operations. In addition, a ring of professional gamblers who
operated on the Atlanta run of most steamship lines was broken up through
prosecutions on passport frauds.
The accomplishments through the turbulent years of 1920-1940
were carried out by a minimal staff of special agents; at times no more
than six. In 1936, when Robert L. Bannerman entered on duty with the Office
of the Chief Special Agent in New York City, the New York office had a
special agent-in-charge and four special agents. The Washington office
consisted of his father and four clerks; no agents were assigned there.
Some of the duties included passport and visa frauds; special
inquiries on behalf of consular officers abroad; various inquiries on
individuals and organizations of interest to the Department of State;
liaison with all Federal agencies in New York, particularly Immigration
and Customs; liaison with the police in New York and the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police; arranging port courtesies for visiting foreigners; and
providing protective arrangements in the U.S. for visiting heads of state.
All investigations were handled in person; none was conducted
by correspondence. Each agent handled about 30 to 40 cases per month.
For cases outside New York, the agents would share the travel.
From Robert Lansing,
With Enclosure
Private and Confidential
My Dear Mr. President:
Washington November 20, 1915
There has been an unfortunate and probably unavoidable
lack of coordination between the different Departments of the Government
charged with investigation of violations of law, growing out of the
activity of agents of the belligerent Governments in this country. It
seems to me that it would be advisable to have a central office to which
results of investigations could be reported day by day and the proper
steps taken to continue such investigations in the most efficient way.
With the idea in view I submit to you a memorandum on the subject. This
Department is not anxious to assume additional duties but, unavoidable,
all these investigations-or at least the majority of them-have an international
phase which should be not only considered but, I think, should control
the action of other Departments.
The memorandum rests primarily on the idea that the Counselor
for this Department should be the clearing house for the secret reports
of the various Departments, and he could-if it seems advisable, and
I think it does-furnish duplicates of his information
day by day to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General,
who are especially interested in these investigations.
I should be pleased to receive your views upon the subject,
or any suggestion which you may have as to a better plan of coordination
of work.
Faithfully yours,
Robert Lansing
It is understood that the attached memorandum deals only
with the preliminary collection of information and investigations for
the purpose of determining the importance of the information received.
As soon as it appears that any laws have been violated or apparently violated
the case would be turned over to the Department of Justice in the regular
and orderly way.
The intent of the plan proposed is to keep this preliminary
investigation free from delays and centralized in such a way as to keep
the scattered threads together. It is also intended to keep the President
accurately informed from day to day and the State Department constantly
in touch with what is going on. The daily reports as summarized for the
Counselor for the State Department should be forwarded in duplicate to
the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General.
Confidential: Memorandum
A great amount of information, some of it important, much
of it trivial and a considerable part of it, misleading or absolutely
untrue, is coming to various departments of the Government regarding the
activities of people throughout the United States, who are alleged to
be endangering the friendly relations of this Government with other governments
by undertaking unneutral enterprises, some of which are criminal and some
of which are merely indiscreet. Almost all of the acts reported, if true,
require careful consideration from the viewpoint of our relations with
other nations before this Government's action in the matter is determined.
The information may be divided roughly into information
as to acts violating a law and for which the offenders can be prosecuted
in the courts, and acts which are not technical violations of law but
which are calculated to place the United States in the position of permitting
violations of neutrality if they are not stopped. Under the latter may
properly come certain acts of accredited representatives of foreign governments.
Some of these matters can only be handled by confidential representatives
to the accredited heads of the foreign governments involved that such
acts are distasteful to our Government and must be discontinued.
There is another class of acts committed by citizens of
the United States, either entirely on their own initiative or through
influences which cannot be definitely traced and which can only be stopped
by publicity, and in some cases the matters involved would be of such
a delicate nature as to make it inadvisable even to call attention to
them in an official way.
This information is at present coming to the Department
of State, the War Department, the Navy Department, the United States Secret
Service and the Department of Justice. Doubtless other Departments, such
as Commerce, Post Office, and even Interior, receive or could gather information
as well. It is seldom that information received is sufficiently definite
even to warrant investigation and it is only by piecing together information
from a number of sources that any practical lead can be obtained. At present
there is no assurance that the various scattered scraps of information
which when put together make a clear case will go to the same place. For
instance, one item may be received by the Secret Service, the Navy may
receive other information-all of which, when put side by side, makes a
fairly clear case, but none of which when scattered through the different
Departments seems of importance. It is evident that a single office where
all this information must be instantly transmitted without red tape is
absolutely necessary to an effective organization.
In view of the diplomatic questions involved it seems obvious
that the receiving office should be under the Department of State. Otherwise
grave errors may be made by well meaning but misdirected efforts. After
this information has been received there are at present three ways in
which it may be taken care of: The Department of Justice, the Secret Service
and the Post Office Inspectors. The Department of Justice is charged with
the gathering of evidence by which the Attorney General may proceed to
prosecute for a definite crime; the Secret Service is charged with the
protection of the President and the protection against counterfeiting
and customs frauds; the Post Office Department is charged with watching
for violations of the United States mail. None of these Departments is
legally or by organization fitted to handle these matters alone and efficient
cooperation without a central directing force with authority to supervise
their operations and to assign them their respective work cannot be accomplished
practically. There is the further objection that a case turned over by
the State Department to any one of these investigating departments or
bureaus is lost sight of and its daily developments are unknown for weeks
and sometimes months.
To cure this situation, it is suggested:
That an Executive Order be issued placing all these matters
under the authority of the Department of State, directing all Government
officials and Departments to transmit immediately to the Department of
State any information received along these lines and to collect at the
request of that Department any information asked for. The Order should
also direct that the Post Office Department, the Secret Service and the
Department of Justice place their men when requested at the disposal of
the Department of State for the purpose of investigating these matters.
It is suggested that the Department of State should assign
the Counselor, as being able to decide the legal questions which sometimes
arise, without waiting for reference, as the head of the system, acting,
of course, always under the Secretary of State and, through him, under
the President himself.
It is not thought that any additional force for the Department
of State would be required beyond possibly a thoroughly trustworthy stenographer,
and if the work is unusually heavy a filing clerk, as it will be absolutely
necessary to maintain a card index and to keep each case separate and
up to day.
From Robert Lansing
Personal and Private
My dear Mr. President:
Washington November 29, 1915
I feel that we cannot wait much longer to act in the
cases of Boy-Ed, von Papen, and von Nuber. I believe we have enough
in regard to the activities of these men to warrant us to demand of
the German Government the recall of the first two named and to cancel
the exequatur of von Nuber, giving notice to the Austro-Hungarian Government
that we have done so.
The increasing public indignation in regard to these men
and the general criticism of the Government for allowing them to remain
are not the chief reasons for suggesting action in these cases, although
I do not think that such reasons should be ignored. We have been over-patient
with these people on account of the greater controversies under consideration
for several months and did not wish to add to the difficulties of the
situation by injecting another cause of difference. In my opinion action
now cannot seriously affect the pending negotiations, and it would be
well to act as expeditiously as possible.
In case you agree with me as to the action which should
be taken would you favor informing Bernstorff orally that his attaches
are personae non gratae or make a formal written statement to
that effect without telling him in advance?
In the von Nuber case I would suggest that the Austrian
Charge be told that we intend to cancel the exequatur of von
As you know, I believe that we will soon have to go even
higher up in removing from this country representatives of belligerents
who are directing operations here. It would appear that these higher
officials consider our patience to be cowardice. If this is so, the
removal of subordinates would indicate our earnest purpose and would,
I believe, help rather than hinder the progress of present negotiations.
I hope a decision can be reached speedily in this matter,
as it should in my judgment be done, if at all, before Congress meets.
I enclose memoranda on German and Austrian officials here,
among which you will find statements regarding the three mentioned.
From Walter Hines Page
London, Feb. 24, 1917,
5747. My fifty-seven-forty-six,
February 24, 8 a.m.
Confidential, For the President and the Secretary of
Balfour has handed me the text of a cipher telegram from
Zimmermann, German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to the German
Minister to Mexico,89 which was sent via Washington and relayed
to Bernstorff on January nineteenth. You can probably obtain a copy
of the text relayed by Bernstorff from the cable office in Washington.
The first group is the number of the telegram, one hundred and thirty,
and the second is thirteen thousand and forty-two, indicating the number
of the code used. The last group but two is ninety-seven thousand five
hundred and fifty-six, with Zimmerman's signature. I shall send you
by mail a copy of the cipher text and of the de-code into German and
meanwhile I give you the English translation as follows:
"We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted
submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United
States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make
Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together,
make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding
on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas,
New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You
will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the
outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add
the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to
immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves.
Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless
employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England
in a few months to make peace. Signed, ZIMMERMAN."
The receipt of this information has so greatly exercised
the British Government that they have lost no time in communicating it
to me to transmit to you, in order that our government may be able without
delay to make such disposition as may be necessary in view of the threatened
invasion of our territory.
The following paragraph is strictly confidential.
Early in the war, the British Government obtained possession
of a copy of the German cipher code used in the above message and have
made it their business to obtain copies of Bernstorff's cipher telegrams
to Mexico, amongst others, which are sent back to London and deciphered
here. This accounts for their being able to decipher this telegram from
the German Government to their representative in Mexico and also for the
delay from January nineteenth until now in their receiving the information.
This system has hitherto been a jealously guarded secret and is only divulged
now to you by the British Government in view of the extraordinary circumstances
and their friendly feeling towards the United States. They earnestly request
that you will keep the source of your information and the British Government's
method of obtaining it profoundly secret but they put no prohibition on
the publication of Zimmermann's telegram itself.
Zimmerman Telegram
The copies of this and other telegrams were not obtained
in Washington but were bought in Mexico.
I have thanked Balfour for the service his Government has
rendered us and suggest that a private official message of thanks from
our Government to him would be beneficial.
I am informed that this information has not yet been given
to the Japanese Government but I think it not unlikely that when it reaches
them they may make a public statement on it in order to clear up their
position regarding the United States and prove their good faith to their
President Woodrow Wilson discussing his dilemma at the time
of the Zimmerman Telegram:
You have got to think of the President of the United
States as the chief counsellor of the Nation, elected for a little while
but as a man meant constantly and every day to be the Commander-in-Chief
of the Army and Navy of the United States, ready to order them to any
part of the world where the threat of war is a menace to his own people.
And you cannot do that under free debate. You cannot
do that under public counsel. Plans must be kept secret.
Knowledge must be accumulated by a system which we
have condemned, because it is a spying system. The more polite call
it a system of intelligence.
You cannot watch other nations with your unassisted
eye. You have to watch them with secret agencies planted everywhere.
Let me testify to this my fellow citizens, I not only
did not know it until we got into this war, but did not believe it when
I was told that it was true, that Germany was not the only country that
maintained a secret service. Every country in Europe maintained it,
because they had to be ready for Germany's spring upon them, and the
only difference between the German secret service and the other secret
services was that the German secret service found out more than the
others did, and therefore Germany sprang upon the other nations unaware,
and they were not ready for it.
Counterintelligence: Pre-World War I
The first federal domestic counterintelligence program originated
shortly before the United States entered World War I in 1917. The initial
threat perceived by federal officials was the activity of German agents,
including sabotage and espionage directed at the United States in the
period before America entered the war. Although the neutrality laws were
on the books, no federal statue made espionage or sabotage a crime. Attorney
General Thomas W. Gregory proposed such legislation in 1916, but Congress
took no action before American entry into the war. Nonetheless, the Executive
Branch went ahead with development of a domestic security intelligence
Several federal agencies expanded their operations. The
Secret Service, which was established in the Treasury Department to investigate
counterfeiting in 1865, had served as the main civilian intelligence agency
during the Spanish American War. With $50,000 in War Department funds,
the Secret Service had organized an emergency auxiliary force to track
down Spanish spies, placed hundreds of civilians under surveillance, and
asked the Army to arrest a number of alleged spies.90
After the assassination of President William McKinley by an anarchist
in 1901, the Secret Service was authorized to protect the President. Its
agents were also assigned to the Justice Department as investigators until
1908 when Congress forbade the practice. In 1915 Secretary of State William
Jennings Bryan decided that German diplomats should be investigated for
possible espionage and he requested and received President Woodrow Wilson's
permission to use the Secret Service.91
The military had performed extensive security intelligence
functions during the Civil War, although operations were largely delegated
to commanders in the field. When the military discontinued its surveillance
programs after the War of Northern Aggression, as the South refers to
the Civil War, Allan Pinkerton, who had worked for the War Department
under President Abraham Lincoln founded a private detective agency. The
Pinkerton agency and other private detective forces served both government
and private employers in later years, frequently to spy upon labor organizing
activities.92 In the year immediately before American
entry into World War I, military intelligence lacked the resources to
engage in intelligence operations. Therefore, preparation for war rested
largely with the Secret Service, and it main competitor, the Justice Department's
Bureau of Investigation.
In 1885 the Executive Office Building, then known as the
State, War and Navy Building in Washington, D.C.,
was the first home of Army Intellegince.
The Justice Department's investigative authority stemmed
from an appropriation statue first enacted in 1871, allowing the Attorney
General to expend funds for "the detection and prosecution of crimes
against the United States."93 The Attorney
General initially employed several permanent investigators and supplemented
them with either private detectives or Secret Service agents. When Congress
prohibited such use of Secret Service personnel in 1908, Attorney General
Charles J. Bonaparte issued an order authorizing creation of the Bureau
of Investigation. There was no formal Congressional authorization for
the Bureau, but once it was established, its appropriations were regularly
approved by Congress. Members of the House Appropriations Committee debated
with Attorney General Bonaparte over the need for safeguards against abuse
by the new Bureau. Bonaparte emphasized, "The Attorney General knows
or ought to know, at all times what they are doing." Some Congressmen
thought more limits were needed, but nothing was done to circumscribe
the Bureau's powers.94
A Navy Spy
On 5 May 1917, George Roenitz, ex-chief clerk of the Commandant,
Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, was arrested and charged with espionage.
Rather than stand trial, Roenitz plead guilty to a charge of unlawful
possession of documents pertaining to the Naval Station and received
a one year prison sentence and a fine of $250. Because he was discharged
from the military in February 1917, Roenitz could not be courts-martial
and was sentenced in civilian court. There was no information that he
had passed the information on to a foregin power but he was suspected
of being a German spy.
Passage of the Mann Act and other federal statues
prohibiting interstate traffic in stolen goods, obscene materials, and
prizefight films soon expanded the criminal investigative responsibilities
of the Justice Department and its Bureau of Investigation.
By 1916 Attorney General Gregory had expanded the Bureau's
personnel from 100 to 300 agents, primarily to investigate possible violations
of the neutrality laws. The Attorney General objected to the Secret Service's
investigations of activities which did not involve actual violations of
federal laws. However, when President Wilson and Secretary of State Robert
Lansing expressed continued interest in such investigations, Attorney
General Gregory went to Congress for an amendment to the Justice Department's
appropriations statute which would allow the Bureau to do what the Secret
Service had already begun doing. With the agreement of the State Department,
the statute was revised to permit the Attorney General to appoint officials
not only to detect federal crimes, but also "to conduct such other
investigations regarding official matters under the control of the Department
of Justice or the Department of State, as may be directed by the Attorney
General." This amendment to the appropriations statute was intended
to be an indirect form of authorization for investigations by the Bureau
of the Investigation, although a State Department request was seen as
a prerequisite for such inquiries.95
Under the direction of A. Bruce Bielaski, the Bureau concentrated
at first on investigations of potential enemy aliens in the United States.
According to the authorative history of the Justice Department:
Bruce Bielaski
The Bureau of Investigation made an index of aliens under
suspicion. At the end of March 1917, just before the entrance of the United
States into the war, the chief of the Bureau submitted a list of five
classes of persons. One class, ninety-eight in number, should be arrested
immediately on declaration of war. One hundred and forty should be required
to give bond. Five hundred and seventy-four were strongly suspected. Five
hundred and eighty-nine had not been fully cleared of suspicion. Three
hundred and sixty-seven had been cleared of specific offenses. Others,
after investigation, had been eliminated from the lists.96
Theoretically, the threat of dangerous aliens was the responsibility
of the Immigration Bureau in the Labor Department. As early as 1903 Congress
had enacted legislation requiring the deportation within three years of
entry of persons holding anarchist beliefs or advocating "the overthrow
by force or violence of the Government of the United States."97
In early 1917 the immigration laws were amended to eliminate the three
year limit and require deportation of any alien "found advocating
or teaching the unlawful destruction of property...or the overthrow by
force or violence of the Government of the United States."98
Nevertheless the Immigration Bureau lacked the men, ability, and time
to conduct the kind of investigations contemplated by the statute.99
As the United States entered World War I, domestic security
investigations were the province of two competing civilian agencies-the
Secret Service and the Bureau of Investigation-soon to be joined by military
intelligence and an extensive private intelligence network called the
American Protective League.
The American Protective League
The American Protective League (APL) was a voluntary association of
patriotic citizens acting through local branches which were established
in cities and counties throughout the country to operate under the control
of a National Board of Directors. The league was formally created on 22
March 1917, two weeks before the American declaration of war, and, on
that same date, became designated as an auxiliary to the Bureau of Investigation
of the Department of Justice.100 The orginal idea
for such an organization had been conceived by A.M. Briggs of Chicago,
who then continued to function as Chairman of the National Board of Directors.
The two other members of this national triumverate were Victor Elting
and Charles Daniel Frey. The league itself was ultimately
composed of some 250,000 male citizens, representing "every commercial,
industrial, professional, social and economic level in American life."101
Moreover, its members were provided with credentials in the form of a
membership card and badge showing that the holder was connected with the
Department of Justice.102 These cards were actually
issued in certain circumstances by the military intelligence division.
American Protective League Publication
Although strongly supported during its entire career by
Attorney General Thomas W. Gregory, the APL was never free from violent
criticism. In June 1917, for example, Secretary of the Treasury William
G. McAdoo, who was always on the alert to prevent any unauthorized use
of the words "secret service" by an agency other than his own
Secret Service of the United States, not only wrote to Gregory to register
a complaint103 but also to President Wilson himself
in order to lodge a general protest against the whole organization. For
the President, McAdoo even chose to compare the APL with the Sons of Liberty
of the American Revolution "through which many injustices and abuses
resulted."104 This historical comparison
by McAdoo is neither cogent nor valid. A more fitting description of the
prejudicial side of the APL would be the New York Bar Association Report
of 1919 which discussed vigilante associations in World War I:
These associations did much good in awakening
the public to the danger of insidious propaganda but no other one cause
contributed so much to the oppression of innocent men as the systematic
and indiscrimate agitation against what was claimed to be an all-pervasive
system of German espionage."
Defending the league, however, Gregory was able to answer
you state that your attention has been
called to this association and that it seems to you it would be dangerous
to have such an organization operatingin the United States, and
you ask if there is any way which we could stop it
Briefly stated,
the American Protective League is a patriotic organization, composed
of from eighty to one hundred thousand members, with branches in almost
six hundred cities and towns, was organized with my approval and encouragement,
and has been tremendously helpful in the work of the Bureau of Investigation
of the Department of Justice. It has no official status and claims none.
Its members serve without the slightest expense to the Government, and
not a single officer or member receives compensation from any source."105
Beyond any question, the APL did provide the military security officials
of the War Department with a tremendous amount of invaluable assistance
in the conduct of their many difficult investigative chores. It was
found convenient during November 1917, therefore, after the headquarters
of the league moved from Chicago to Washington, to commission Charles
Daniel Frey, one of the three national directors, as an Army captain.
While still remaining a league official, he was then assigned to the
departmental military intelligence agency for the express purpose of
processing all cases requiring APL action. This task soon assumed such
proportions that a regular APL liaison group was established and, in
April 1918, made a separate subsection of MI.3. The civilian chief of
this new group was Urban A. Lavery, who continued to act in that role
until September 1918, when he was replaced by Captain John T. Evans.
By the time of the Armistice, the APL subsection was using the services
of 39 clerks, stenographers and typists.
National Directors, American Protective League (l-r) Charles Frey,
Albert Briggs, Victor Elting. American Protective League Publication
Counterintelligence In World War I
Shortly after the declaration of war, Congress considerably strengthened
the legal basis for federal investigations by enacting the Espionage
Act of 1917, the Selective Service and Training Act, and other statutes
designed to use criminal sanctions to assist the war effort. But Congress
did not clarify the jurisdiction of the various civilian and military
intelligence agencies. The Secretary of War established a Military Intelligence
Section under Colonel Ralph Van Deman, who immediately began training
intelligence officers and organizing civilian volunteers to protect
defense plants. By the end of 1917 the MIS had branch offices throughout
the United States to conduct investigations of military personnel and
civilians working for the War Department. MIS agents cooperated with
British intelligence in Mexico, with their joint efforts leading to
the arrest of a German espionage agent during the war.106
A major expansion of federal intelligence activity took place with
the formation of the American Protective League, which worked directly
with the Bureau of Investigation and military intelligence. A recent
FBI study recounts how the added burdens of wartime work led to the
creation of the League:
To respond to the problem, Attorney General Thomas W. Gregory and then
Bureau Chief A. Bruce Bielaski, conceived what they felt might suffice
to answer the problem. The American Protective League (APL) composed
of well-meaning private individuals, was formed as a citizen's auxiliary
to "assist" the Bureau of Investigation. In addition to the
authorized auxiliary, ad hoc groups too it upon themselves to "investigate"
what they felt were un-American activities. Though the intentions of
both groups were undoubtedly patriotic and in some instances beneficial,
the overall result was the denial of constitutional safeguards and administrative
confusion. To see the problem, one need only to consider the mass deprivation
of rights incident to the deserter and selective service violator raids
in New York and New Jersey in 1918, wherein 35 agents assisted by 2,000
APL operatives, 2,350 military personnel, and several hundred police
rounded up some 50,000 men without warrants of sufficient probable cause
for arrest. Of the 50,000 arrestees, approximately 1,500 were inducted
into the military service and 15,000 were referred to draft boards.107
The FBI study also cites the recollection of an Agent of the Bureau
of Investigation during World War I regarding the duplication of effort:
How did we function with relation to other agencies, both federal and
state? In answering this query, I might say that while our relationship
with the Army and Navy Departments was extremely cordial at all times,
nevertheless there was at all times an enormous overlapping of investigative
activities among the various agencies charged with winning the war.
There were probably seven or eight such active organizations operating
at full force during the war days and it was not an uncommon experience
for an Agent of this Bureau to call upon an individual in the course
of his investigation, to find out that six or seven other government
agencies had been around to interview the party about the same matter.108
The Secret Service opposed the utilization of American Protective League
volunteers and recommended, through Treasury Secretary McAdoo, establishment
of a centralized body to coordinate domestic intelligence work. The
Treasury Department's proposal was rejected in early 1918, because of
the objections of Colonel Van Deman, Bureau Chief Bielaski, and the
Attorney General's Special Assistant for war matters, John Lord O'Brien.
Thereafter the role of the Secret Service in intelligence operations
diminished in importance.109
During World War I the threat to the nation's security and the war
effort was perceived by both government and private intelligence agencies
as extending far beyond activities of enemy agents. Criticism of the
war, opposition to the draft, expression of pro-German or pacifist sympathies,
and militant labor organizing efforts were all considered dangerous
and targeted for investigation and often prosecution under federal or
state statutes. The federal Espionage Act forbade making false statements
with intent to interfere with the success of military, attempting to
cause insubordination, and obstructing recruitment of troops.110
With little guidance from the Attorney General, the United States Attorneys
across the country brought nearly 2,000 prosecutions under the Espionage
Act for disloyal utterances.111 Not until the
last month of the war did Attorney General Gregory require federal prosecutors
to obtain approval from Washington before bringing Espionage Act prosecutions.
John Lord O'Brien, the Attorney General's Special Assistant, recalled
"the immense pressure brought to bear throughout the war upon the
Department of Justice in all parts of the country for indiscriminate
prosecution demanded in behalf of a policy of wholesale repression and
restraint of public opinion."112
In addition to providing information for Espionage Act prosecutions,
intelligence operations laid the foundation for the arrest, of which
some 2,300 were turned over to military authorities for internment and
the remainder released or placed on parole.113
War Department General Order
26 August 1918
This order reestablished the Military Intelligence Division (MID),
General Staff when it re-formed the General Staff into four divisions
designated: Operations; Military Intelligence; Purchase, Storage and
Traffic; and Plans. Appointed to head the reestablished MID was Col.
Marlborough Churchill. The functional assignment then given to the new
Division was:
Gen. Marlborough Churchill
This division shall have cognizance and control of military intelligence,
both positive and negative, and shall be in charge of an officer designated
as the director of military intelligence, who will be an assistant to
the Chief of Staff. He is also the chief military censor. The duties
of this division are to maintain estimates revised daily of the military
situation, the economic situation, and of such other matters as the
Chief of Staff may direct, and to collect, collate, and disseminate
military intelligence. It will cooperate with the intelligence section
of the general staffs of allied counties in commection with military
intelligence; prepare instructions in military intelligence work for
the use of our forces; supervise the training of personnel for intelligence
work; organize, direct, and coordinate the intelligence service; supervise
the duties of military attaches; communicate direct with department
intelligence officers and intelligence officers at posts, camps, and
stations; and with commands in the field in matters relating to military
intelligence; obtain, reproduce and issue maps; translate foreign documents;
disburse and account for intelligence funds; cooperate with the censorship
board and with intelligence agencies of other departments.
The term "negative" intelligence fell into gradual disgrace
following World War I and was replaced by "counterintelligence."
From Albert Sidney Burleson
Dear Mr. President:
(Washington) November 30, 1918
I am this moment in receipt of your letter of date November 27th
in which you express the opinion that the mail censorship is no longer
performing a necessary function. I thoroughly concur in the view expressed
and shall accept your letter as a direction to me to bring same to
an end.
On the same day you wrote me I received a letter from Mr. Swagar
Sherley, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, advising me
that "it is the purpose of the Committee on Appropriations of
the House of Representatives to begin hearings next Monday with the
view of returning to the Treasury such appropriations and the cancellation
of such authorizations, or parts thereof, granted in connection with
the prosecution of the war, as no longer may be required under present
conditions" and requesting me to take immediate steps to furnish
him "the available information" upon which the Committee
could base action looking to the accomplishment of its purpose. I
will make known to the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations
the action which has been take in connection with mail censorship
and also advise him that I have reduced the clerical force used in
connection with the enforcement of Espionage and Trading with the
Enemy Acts in so far as they relate to the Postal Establishment to
the lowest possible basis. These are the only activities carrying
appropriations which have been imposed on the Post Office Department
during the progress of the war.
Faithfully yours,
A.S. Burleson
From Newton Diehl Baker
Dear Mr. President:
Washington, December 27, 1918
It is suggested that in view of the armistice, it would be advisable
to modify the Executive Order of September 26, 1918, concerning the
censorship of submarine cables, telegraph and telephone lines as far
as it affects the telegraphic and telephonic censorship.
The pressure of military necessity is removed, and the activities
of German agents in Mexico are no longer of a sort to require so elaborate
and expensive an organization for their observation or control.