[National Security Presidential Directives - NSPDs]

NSPD-19: Review of Defense Trade Export Policy and National Security

Fact Sheet

November 21, 2002

The Bush Administration has begun a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of U.S. defense trade policies, to identify changes necessary to ensure that those policies continue to support U.S. national security and foreign policy goals. The review will be completed in six months.

The objectives of the review are to ensure that defense trade, defense trade technology security, and related acquisitions policies:

The review also aims to maintain America's technological and war-fighting advantages over its potential adversaries, while facilitating friends' and allies' efforts to increase capability and interoperability. Specifically, the review aims to:

Finally, the review will:

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Source: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/11/20021121-5.html

See also: Export Control Murkiness: U.S. Secrecy Spurs Talk of Looser Standards by Matt Schroeder, Federation of American Scientists, and Rachel Stohl, Center for Defense Information, Defense News, January 6, 2003

See also: FACA documents on NSPD 19 released under the FOIA.