WASHINGTONMarch 3, 1964
The Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
SUBJECTCooperation with the USSR on Outer Space Matters
Thank you for the report presented in compliance with National Security Action Memorandum No. 271, and which you prepared in coordination with the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Executive Secretary of the Space Council, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Science Advisor, and certain of my staff. This report presents a reasonable and persuasive approach to a program of cooperation with the Soviet Union in the field of outer space.The report and recommendations therein have my general endorsement and I hereby request you in cooperation with the other responsible officers of the Government, particularly the Secretary of State and the Executive Secretary of the Space Council, to proceed with this program keeping me informed of progress and calling upon me for such help as I may be able to offer.
I will expect NASA and the other responsible departments and agencies to keep this report under continuing review, and to keep me currently advised of the progress being made with the Soviet Academy under the current agreement, and also of any Soviet response to our initiatives at the United Nations on cooperation in outer space.
By the first of May, the Soviet Union should have had ample opportunity to make its intentions with respect to cooperation clear to us. I will expect you to assume the initiative in preparing appropriate recommendations for my attention to deal with the situation as it appears to be at that time.
The Executive Secretary of the Space Council has suggested that the report be used as the basis for a briefing at some appropriate time for members of the Space Council. By copy of this memorandum I request him to work with you in developing this briefing and setting a time therefor.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Source: Department of State, S/P Files: Lot 70 D 199. Confidential (declassified).