Governmental Systems Abbr. Changing Internal Culture ************************************************************* Creating Quality Leadership and Management QUAL Streamlining ManagementControl SMC Transforming OrganizationalStructures ORG Improving Customer Service ICS ************************************************************* Reinventing Processes and Systems Mission-Driven, Results-Oriented Budgeting BGT Improving Financial Management FM Reinventing Human Resource Management HRM Reinventing Federal Procurement PROC Reinventing Support Services SUP Reengineering ThroughInformation Technology IT Rethinking Program Design DES Restructuring the Federal RoleStrengthening the Partnership in Intergovernmental Service Delivery FSL Reinventing Environmental Management ENV Improving Regulatory Systems REG ************************************************************* Agencies and Departments Abbr. ************************************************************* Agency for International Development AID Department of Agriculture USDA Department of Commerce DOC Department of Defense DOD Department of Education ED Department of Energy DOE Environmental Protection Agency EPA Executive Office of the President EOP Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA General Services Administration GSA Department of Health and Human Services HHS Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Intelligence Community INTEL Department of the Interior DOI Department of Justice DOJ Department of Labor DOL National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA National Science Foundation/Office of Science and Technology Policy NSF Office of Personnel Management OPM Small Business Administration SBA Department of State/ U.S. Information Agency DOS Department of Transportation DOT Department of the Treasury/ Resolution Trust Corporation TRE Department of Veterans Affairs DVA