FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2004
(202) 514-2008
TDD (202) 514-1888
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Attorney General John Ashcroft today announced the launch of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP), an initiative designed to link federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies so that they can share intelligence information to prevent terrorism and crime. He was joined in the announcement by Robert Mueller, Director of the FBI; Deborah Daniels, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs; General Frank Libutti, Undersecretary for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection at the Department of Homeland Security; Chief Joe Polisar, President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police; Melvin Carraway, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police and Chairman of the Global Intelligence Working Group; and Carl Peed, Director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. The NCISP is built around three guiding reforms: prioritization, with the emphasis on prevention, mobilization of resources, and coordination of intelligence gathering and integration.
“The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan is the first of its kind in the nation, uniting law enforcement agencies of all sizes and geographic locations in a truly national effort to prevent terrorism and criminal activity,” said Attorney General John Ashcroft. “By raising cooperation and communication among local, state and federal partners to an unprecedented level, this groundbreaking effort will strengthen the abilities of the justice community to detect threats and protect American lives and liberties.”
The NCISP was developed as the direct result of recommendations made at the 2002 Intelligence Sharing Summit hosted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The Office of Justice Programs at the Department of Justice asked the Global Intelligence Working Group-whose members are law enforcement representatives from the federal, state, local, and tribal levels-to formulate a plan that would provide law enforcement agencies with the ability to gather, analyze, and share information and intelligence in order to prevent, deter, and defeat criminal and terrorist activities. The Global group identified more than 25 recommendations and action items, which have since been implemented in the NCISP.
"This initiative is important to all of us, not just for the safety of our nation, but for the safety of our citizens and the communities that we've sworn to protect,” said Melvin Carraway, Chairman of the Global Intelligence Working Group. “I believe that implementing the NCISP will be the catalyst for real change in our country, and I encourage all of law enforcement-local, federal, state, and tribal-to become involved with this initiative.”
Information on the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan and its supporting documents can be obtained from the Global working group’s website at www.it.ojp.gov/global.