
SLUG: 2-268144 Central Asia stability DATE: NOTE NUMBER:




TITLE=Central Asia Stability

BYLINE=Ali Jalali




INTRO: Participants at an international conference in Tashkent are calling for a comprehensive approach to promote security and stability in Central Asia. V-O-A's Ali Jalali attended the meeting and has this report.

TEXT: The two-day conference (October 19-20) is co-sponsored by the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (O-S-C-E). It aims at promoting cooperation among the five Central Asian states -- Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan -- to enhance security and stability in the region.

Increased flow of illicit drug from neighboring Afghanistan, the spread of violent extremism, the presence of criminal groups and proliferation of firearms are seen by the governments in the region as potential threats to their stability.

Foreign ministers of the five Central Asian states linked the threats with the ongoing civil war in Afghanistan. They urged stronger international commitment to restoring peace in the war-ravaged county.

The delegates also stressed the need for addressing domestic problems that contribute to social unrest, economic degradation and political instability. Austrian Foreign Minister and O-S-C-E Chairperson Benito Ferrero-Waldner told V-O-A that her organization is promoting a comprehensive approach in dealing with issues that can fuel instability in Central Asia.

/// Ferrero-Waldner Act///

There is no inner (domestic) security without the rule of law and protection of minorities; there is no inner security without economic stability and security; there is no inner security without foreign security; there is no foreign security without inner security; there is no economic security without environmental protection; and finally there is no economic investment without security.

// End Act //

The conference is attended by high-ranking representatives from 67 countries and 44 international organizations. The meeting will discuss ways of creating joint mechanisms for fighting illicit drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism. (Signed)