DATE=8/26/2000 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=OLYMPICS TERRORISM (L ONLY) NUMBER=2-265872 BYLINE=ANNE BARKER DATELINE=ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA INTERNET=YES CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: New Zealand police have uncovered and foiled a possible terrorist plot to blow up a nuclear reactor in Sydney during next month's Olympic games. Anne Barker reports there is speculation the plot may be the work of sympathizers of the Saudi born terror suspect Osama Bin Laden. TEXT: New Zealand police have revealed they raided houses in the countries largest city, Auckland, in March, and found evidence of a conspiracy to blow up the nuclear research reactor at Lucas Heights in Sydney's south. The houses were home to Afghan refugees and the raids were part of an investigation into a people smuggling racket to get illegal immigrants from Afghanistan into New Zealand. The New Zealand Herald says about 20 refugees from Afghanistan and possibly Iran were involved. The living room of one house had been converted into a virtual command center. Complete with a conference center and maps. Police say material found included a map of Sydney highlighting the nuclear reactor and detailing its access and exit routes. Entries in a note book outlined police security tactics for the Commonwealth Games held in Auckland in 1990. Police arrested three people during the raids but they were only charged with minor offenses. News of the possible conspiracy has sent a shock wave through Sydney, although Australian authorities say the risk of a terrorist attack is low. Residents living near the nuclear plant have demanded it be shut down immediately as was a similar nuclear facility in Atlanta before the start of the 1996 Olympics. Sydney police say they are treating the threat seriously but say they have no plans to shut down the reactor. Sydney has a population has a population of about four and one-half million, with up to a million visitors expected during the games. The New Zealand Herald has speculated the plot may have been hatched by sympathizers of Saudi born Osama Bin Laden, the man the United States accuses of masterminding the deadly 1998 bombings of two embassies in Africa. The Australian foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer last week said Bin Laden was an example of the sort of people Australian authorities were monitoring in the lead-up to the games. But Mr. Downer said at this stage there was no indication that there was any direct threat to the Olympics. The New Zealand Herald says security forces in the United States, Canada and Britain are looking into the plot. (signed) NEB/AB/KBK 26-Aug-2000 05:03 AM EDT (26-Aug-2000 0903 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .