U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE DAILY PRESS BRIEFING Briefer: Richard Boucher, Spokesman TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2000, 1:15 P.M. (ON THE RECORD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) QUESTION: Another subject. The Lockerbie trial. A couple of weeks back, you said you were worried that the Libyans might try to intimidate one ill star witness, or the prosecution's star witness, Mr. Kiyaka. Are you confident that Mr. Kiyaka will appear this week, and are you aware whether he was subject to any Libyan pressure? MR. BOUCHER: As far as whether he will appear this week, I really have to leave that to the people involved in the trial. I think I would just reiterate that we do not have information that Libya is not cooperating or intimidating witnesses. At the same time, we would make clear, as we have in the past, the need for full cooperation, and the fact that full cooperation includes not interfering with the trial or with the witnesses in any way. QUESTION: Is this guy, is he actually in the witness protection program? MR. BOUCHER: I am not able to speak to you about this guy, so I am afraid I cannot do that. QUESTION: Not able to speak about this witness? MR. BOUCHER: Yes. When a witness appears in the court, that will be the time for them to talk about it there. I mean, that is the details of the trial. QUESTION: On the same subject - QUESTION: But it is a US witness protection program that he's in, right? MR. BOUCHER: I mean, I am not able to say if he's wearing a blue hat or not, because I'm not allowed to use the word "he" in a sentence. It's not for me to discuss witnesses in the Lockerbie trial. QUESTION: Okay. The prosecution of the trial said today they needed the CIA to release some additional information to tighten their case. Is the State Department acting as a conduit in this? Are you - MR. BOUCHER: I think we do have people out at the trial, and certainly when - I'm not aware of whether we've gotten a specific request. We've seen the report clearly, but I just made clear that we do cooperate with the judges, with the trial. We do try to respond as fully as possible at any requests they might give us, and I am sure we try to do that in this case. QUESTION: Will this be another case where you have to urge the CIA to release this information? MR. BOUCHER: I think we have a very good record of cooperation with a trial, and we will continue that record without any problems. (The briefing was concluded at 2:00 p.m.)