DATE=8/22/2000 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=ISRAEL / BIN LADEN (L-ONLY) NUMBER=2-265741 BYLINE=JENNY BADNER DATELINE=JERUSALEM CONTENT= VOICE AT: INTRO: Israeli and Palestinian security forces have arrested Islamic extremists, some of whom may be linked to Saudi terror suspect Osama bin Laden. Jenny Badner reports from Jerusalem. TEXT: Israel said it averted a possible terror attack on Israelis with the arrest of members of militant Islamic groups in the past few weeks. Security officials say some of the 23 people taken into custody are linked to Saudi militant Osama bin Laden. According to Israel radio, one of the ring leaders arrested is Nabil Okal, a resident of the Gaza strip who was sent by the extremist Hamas group to Pakistan three years ago to study terror techniques with Mr. bin Laden's organization. Israeli security forces say they have been working on the operation with their Palestinian counterparts since April. 20 of the suspects are said to be Palestinian members of radical Islamic movements, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda, a movement led by Mr. bin Laden's organization. Three Israeli Arabs were also arrested. Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin reportedly denied that the group has any links to Mr. bin Laden and his movement. Information on the arrests comes just days after the United States issued a travel warning, saying it believed there was an increased possibility of terrorist attacks in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Israeli officials say security forces would remain on alert. (OPT) Hundreds of Israelis have been killed in attacks by Islamic militants, which in the past have become more frequent during the peak of peace negotiations. (END OPT) Osama bin Laden, who is believed to be in Afghanistan, is wanted by the United States on suspicion of planning the 1998 bombings of the U-S embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed more than 200 people. (SIGNED) NEB/JB/GE/KL 22-Aug-2000 11:32 AM EDT (22-Aug-2000 1532 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .