DATE=8/7/2000 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=KENYA / BOMB ANNIVERSARY (L ONLY) NUMBER=2-265205 BYLINE=KATY SALMON DATELINE=NAIROBI CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: Kenya and Tanzania are marking the second anniversary of the twin U-S embassy bombings in their capitals. On August 7, 1998, Nairobi and Dar-es- Salaam were rocked by nearly simultaneous bomb blasts that blew up the American embassies. Katy Salmon in Nairobi reports that Kenyans are commemorating what they call Black Friday - one of Africa's bloodiest terrorist attacks. TEXT: /// SINGING. EVERYBODY COME WE ARE GOING TO SING A SONG TO REMEMBER DEPARTED FRIENDS. ESTABLISH AND FADE UNDER /// Hundreds of Kenyans - some on crutches, others in wheelchairs - gathered at the site of the former U-S Embassy to lay wreaths and to observe a minute's silence in memory of those who died two-years ago. Two-hundred-thirteen people were killed and more than five-thousand injured when a car bomb exploded at the U-S Embassy in the center of Nairobi on a busy Friday. At a ceremony Monday at the bombing site, United States Ambassador Johnnie Carson called the attack an act of terrorism against democracy and promised justice for the victims. /// ACT CARSON /// We will redouble our efforts to ensure that those who were responsible will be brought to justice, will be caught, prosecuted and judged. Terrorism should never be allowed to triumph over justice and evil should not be allowed to triumph over right. ///ACT ENDS/// No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but the United States has accused suspected terrorist Osama Bin Laden of planning and funding the East- African bombings. At the bombsite in Kenya, survivors recalled their experiences. Julie Ogoye lost her left eye. /// ACT OGOYE /// It was a day of pain, bloodshed; it was a time when, it is like life was coming to an end. /// ACT ENDS /// Julie Ogoye says she was in her office when the bomb exploded. /// ACT OGOYE /// So I was blown out, taken over. I went and landed over the other side of the building. So after some time, somebody tried to come and help me out. I could not see straight away. I found my eyes blinded. /// ACT ENDS /// Julie Ogoye says she was taken to the hospital where doctors worked to save her sight. /// ACT OGOYE /// That is when I was told my left eye was out of the socket. So they had two operations and even went to Germany to try to revive it, but it was not possible. /// ACT ENDS /// Douglas Sidialo was also blinded by the Kenya bomb blast. As chairman of the survivors' association, which is called Visual Seventh August, he is asking for more aid from the United States government to extend support programs, which are due to end next year. /// ACT SIDIALO /// We will kindly ask, humbly, the American government to consider extending these programs for as long as people need medical attention, school-fees support. /// ACT ENDS /// More than three-thousand Kenyans are suing the U-S government for 500-million dollars of compensation. (SIGNED) NEB/KS/GE/RAE 07-Aug-2000 10:45 AM EDT (07-Aug-2000 1445 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .