DATE=5/12/2000 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=FBI-STATE/ESPIONAGE (L-UPDATE) NUMBER=2-262300 BYLINE=NICK SIMEONE DATELINE=STATE DEPARTMENT CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: The U-S State Department says it has no information to support claims by an official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F-B-I) that spies are roaming the headquarters of the nation's foreign policy establishment disguised as reporters. The controversy is the latest episode in what Secretary of State Madeleine Albright calls serious security problems at the State Department - where, over the past few months, a laptop computer with top secret information has disappeared and a bugging device was found in a conference room. Correspondent Nick Simeone has the latest. TEXT: The issue of whether spies are posing as reporters in what is supposed to be one of Washington's most secure buildings is coming up as the State Department conducts a comprehensive investigation into these recent security lapses. On Thursday, a senior F-B-I official told Congress that the law enforcement agency could tell the State Department which reporters who cover it are really -- as the official put it -- hostile intelligence officers. The clear implication was that spies are currently roaming the State Department's halls posing as reporters. Later through, the F-B-I seemed to backtrack, issuing a statement saying that if it had such information, it would share it with the State Department, where spokesman Richard Boucher told reporters nobody has brought any such evidence to the department's attention. /// BOUCHER ACT /// If there are spies in the State Department press corps, we would expect to be told. We have not been told and therefore one would be surprised at such reports. /// END ACT /// /// REST OPT /// So all of this is leaving a lot of reporters who cover the State Department worried that even without evidence of espionage, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright might move to further limit reporters' freedom to move about the building to speak to sources and gather news. One of her senior security advisors is suggesting the State Department become off limits entirely to reporters, making it more like Central Intelligence Agency. (SIGNED) NEB/NJS/JP 12-May-2000 16:30 PM EDT (12-May-2000 2030 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .