DATE=1/19/2000 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=TERRORIST INDICTMENTS (L ONLY) NUMBER=2-258206 BYLINE=MARTIN BUSH DATELINE=NEW YORK CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: A Federal grand jury in New York has indicted two Algerian men on charges of planning a terrorist bomb attack somewhere in the United States. V-O-A's Martin Bush has further details in New York. TEXT: Federal prosecutors have charged Mokhtar Haouari (Mokh `tahr Hah oo `ah ree) with conspiring with Abdel Ghani Meskini (Ab `dool `Ghah nee Mes `kee nee) to commit terrorist acts. The two Algerian men are suspected of planning a bomb attack in the United States at an unspecified location. In an indictment unsealed in New York, Mr. Haouari is charged with overseeing the smuggling of explosives and bomb parts from Canada into the United States at a border crossing near the city of Seattle, Washington. The indictment also accuses the 31-year-old Algerian with supplying false identification documents, such as foreign passports and U-S Immigration identity cards. Mr. Haouari is in a Canadian prison in Montreal, pending extradition to the United States. His alleged co-conspirator, Abdel Ghani Meskini, is being held without bail in a federal jail in New York City. Mr. Meskini - who was living as an illegal immigrant in Brooklyn, New York - was arrested on December 30th and is charged with providing "material support" in the alleged bomb plot. According to the indictment, Mr. Meskini, as ordered by Mokhtar Haouari, traveled to the Seattle area to meet with Ahmed Ressam (Ahkh med Reh `sahm) Mr. Ressam, a 32-year-old Algerian, was arrested on December 14th at Port Angeles in Washington state for allegedly using an automobile to smuggle bomb materials from Canada to the United States. Another individual who may be tied to the alleged plot is Lucia Garofalo (Loo `see ah Gah `roaf ah lo). She is a Canadian woman who was arrested in mid-December for allegedly trying to smuggle an Algerian man from Canada into the American state of Vermont. Federal authorities say if Mokhtar Haouari is found guilty of the conspiracy charges against him, he may be imprisoned for up to 25 years. (SIGNED) NEB/NY/LSF/MAB/JP 19-Jan-2000 11:04 AM EDT (19-Jan-2000 1604 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .