DATE=1/14/2000 TYPE=ENGLISH PROGRAMS FEATURE TITLE=KING ASSASSINATION CONSPIRACY (CORRECTED AGAIN) NUMBER=7-33295 BYLINE=JOSHUA LEVS DATELINE=ATLANTA, GEORGIA EDITOR=FAITH LAPIDUS TELEPHONE=619-0720 (EDITOR) CONTENT= _ EDITORS: Updated text; CORRECTION IN CUT FOUR; actualities will be available in Audio Services on 12/14 INTRO: On the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth (1/15, observed 1/17 this year), Americans remember the civil rights leader who was assassinated while trying to achieve equality for African-Americans. For members of Dr. King's family, this year's celebration is different from any other, because for the first time they feel the truth about his murder has been exposed. From the King family's hometown of Atlanta, Joshua Levs reports. TEXT: In December, a jury in Memphis, Tennessee ruled that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s death was the result of a conspiracy. The original investigation in 1969 had determined that Dr. King was assassinated by a racist named James Earl Ray, who had acted on his own. Ray pled guilty as part of a plea bargain, and was sentenced to life in prison. But he soon claimed he was actually innocent and had been forced into his plea - a position he maintained until his death two years ago. Although Ray never had a trial, the King family believed him, and felt the real killers had not been brought to justice. Then, after Ray's death, the Kings launched a civil lawsuit against a man named Lloyd Jowers, who once told a television news crew that he was part of a plot to kill Dr. King. The Memphis jury ruled that a conspiracy involving Jowers and others, including some U-S government officials, led to the assassination. At a news conference, Dr. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, called it the moment she had waited for. TAPE: CUT 1 - KING "This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America and a great victory for truth itself." TEXT: Mrs. King said the verdict validated what her family has long believed. TAPE: CUT 2 - KING "The Jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, a conspiracy of the mafia, local, state and federal government agencies was deeply involved in the assassination of my husband." TEXT: The family's attorney, William Pepper, spoke about some of that evidence -- photographs of the shooting that he says the government concealed, witnesses who said the fatal shots were fired from the bushes rather than from a motel room across the street, and people who identified a man that they believe framed James Earl Ray. Witnesses also testified that many groups, including U-S government agencies, were threatened by Dr. King's attempts to change the status quo. The FBI has admitted that it harassed him and his family, and federal agents allegedly threatened his life. Attorney William Pepper insists a complex web of conspiracy led to the assassination and authorities could have found out about all of it in their original investigation. TAPE: CUT 3 - PEPPER "All this evidence was there. They could have solved it in 7 days if they had wanted to. And it's taken 32 years." TEXT: However, not everyone is convinced that there was such a broad conspiracy. Many historians believe James Earl Ray was the assassin, and that if he had help, it came from a small group of private citizens, not from the FBI or other law enforcement agencies. Congress said as much when it looked into the assassination in the 1970's. The Memphis District Attorney's office insists there's plenty of evidence suggesting that the King family's conspiracy theory is wrong. Assistant D.A. John Campbell says the ideas William Pepper laid out in civil court will not lead to any criminal trials. TAPE: CUT 4 - CAMPBELL "There is just nothing credible there to base a prosecution on. And quite frankly it appears from our investigation that he's making the whole thing up. We're not going to prosecute someone if HE CLAIMS they're involved - and in fact we believe they're not. So that's in a nutshell why we don't intend to go forward with a prosecution on it." TEXT: Mr. Campbell says the Memphis decision will not change the historical record. But for the King family, it changes everything. Dexter Scott King says now that everything the family believes about his father's murder is on an official government record and 12 jurors have deemed it truthful, the family's long struggle has reached a bittersweet conclusion. TAPE: CUT 5 - KING "Sweet because finally we know what happened. Sweet because this family has been vindicated. Sweet because we can say that we are truly free at last." TEXT: Dexter King said his family will no longer ask the government to open a full-scale investigation into the assassination. Instead, they will begin the long-awaited process of putting the events of 1968 behind them and focus on healing. For VOA News Now, I'm Joshua Levs in Atlanta. NEB/JL/FIL 14-Jan-2000 15:33 PM EDT (14-Jan-2000 2033 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .