DATE=1/3/2000 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=U-S TERRORISM ARREST (S-L) NUMBER=2-257746 BYLINE=ALISHA RYU DATELINE=LOS ANGELES CONTENT= Intro: Authorities in (the Western U-S city of) Seattle are holding another Algerian national in connection with last month's attempt to smuggle explosives into the United States. V-O-A's Alisha Ryu has the latest from our West Coast Bureau. Text: Federal authorities say they arrested Abdel Hakim Tizegha (pronounced tee-zah'-ga) on December 24th somewhere in western Washington state. He has been in the custody of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the FBI, suspected of having ties to Ahmed Ressam. Mr. Ressam was arrested last month at the U-S Canadian border town of Port Angeles, Washington in a car laden with bomb-making materials. He has been charged with attempting to illegally transport explosives. Mr. Ressam's arrest triggered an intense international investigation as officials tried to determine his role in a feared terrorist plot to plant bombs at New Year's Eve celebrations. Federal prosecutors in Seattle say Mr. Tizegha will be charged with illegally entering the United States. If he is found to have ties to Mr. Ressam, he may face additional conspiracy and bomb-related charges. /// REST OPT FOR LONG VERSION /// Last Thursday in New York, anti-terrorism agents arrested a third Algerian national -- Abdel Ghani -- who is alleged to have traveled to Seattle on December 11th to meet Mr. Ressam. Lucy Garafalo, picked up by authorities as she entered the United States a few days after Mr. Ressam's arrest, has already been linked to Mr. Ressam. Prosecutors in Vermont say they belonged to the same cell of the Armed Islamic Group, an extremist faction thought to be responsible for attacks in Algeria and France during the 1990s. An arrest warrant is still out for Abdelmajed Dahoumane, who is alleged to have been Mr. Ressam's accomplice. (Signed) NEB/ar/gm 03-Jan-2000 20:02 PM EDT (04-Jan-2000 0102 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .