DATE=12/18/1999 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=U-S TERRORISM (L-ONLY) NUMBER=2-257271 BYLINE=MICHAEL O'SULLIVAN DATELINE=LOS ANGELES CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: U-S authorities have charged a man with bringing explosive materials into the United States. Authorities in the northwestern U-S city of Seattle are trying to determine if the man -- who is said to be of Algerian descent -- was planning a millennium terrorist attack. Mike O'Sullivan has details from our West Coast bureau. TEXT: Officials say the man carried two jars of explosive nitroglycerin and more than 50 kilograms of other potentially explosive material in his rented car, which authorities seized several days ago at the U-S-Canadian border. The man, who is identified as Ahmed Ressam, was also charged with having false identification and making false statements to U-S customs officials. Friday, a judge ordered the destruction of the liquid nitroglycerin near the town of Port Angeles, where the man entered the United States on a ferry from Victoria, Canada. The judge rejected a request from defense lawyers that the material be tested, citing safety concerns. Officials say the suspect had reserved a motel room in downtown Seattle, near the site of a planned New Year's Eve millennium celebration. According to court papers, he had an airline reservation from Seattle to New York and a ticket for a connecting flight to London. /// REST OPT Authorities say Mr. Ressam carried a Canadian passport and two driver's licenses, each in a different name. They say he became nervous when questioned about the roundabout route he took from Vancouver to Seattle by way of the island city of Victoria. When customs inspectors searched his rented car, he fled on foot but was caught a few blocks from the scene. Officials say in addition to liquid nitroglycerin, they found more than 50 kilograms of urea, a substance used to make fertilizer and explosives. They say they also found another crystalline power, batteries and timing devices. The judge scheduled a hearing in the case for next Wednesday. (Signed) 18-Dec-1999 00:45 AM EDT (18-Dec-1999 0545 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .