DATE=8/22/1999 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=U-S-BRAZIL DRUGS (L-ONLY) NUMBER=2-253017 BYLINE=BILL RODGERS DATELINE=BRASILIA CONTENT= VOICE AT: /// re-running w/correct number /// ///Eds: Portuguese Act in Bubble with Audio Feed/// INTRO: U-S drug policy director Barry McCaffrey meets with top Brazilian officials Monday for talks aimed at expanding joint cooperation in the fight against drugs - especially narcotics trafficking from Colombia. VOA's Bill Rodgers reports from the Brazilian capital. Text: Monday's visit to Brasilia by White House drug policy director Barry McCaffrey comes as the Brazilian government is becoming more concerned over the rise of drug trafficking through its Amazon basin. Increasing amounts of cocaine, and even heroin, are being smuggled through the sparsely populated region - much of it coming from Colombia. Mr. McCaffrey, who meets Monday with Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and other top officials, will discuss expanding U-S-Brazilian cooperation in halting this trafficking. The u-s drug policcy director also is expected to discuss U-S concerns over the deteriorating situation in Colombia, where leftist guerrillas are being paid to protect the drug cartels and then use the money to finance their war against the government. Mr. McCaffrey, who was in Bogota last month, said the ties between the guerrillas and drug traffickers in Colombia threaten the stability of the region. Mr. McCaffrey's Brazilian counterpart, Walter Maierovitch, says Monday's discussions will concentrate on developing a coordinated strategy against drug trafficking. ///Maierovitch Portuguese Act/// Mr. Maierovitch - who heads the National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Eds: Secretaria Nacional Antidrogas, SENAD) - says he expects the visit will lead to a new phase of international cooperation, which will be much more active and more efficient. Brazil will be Mr. McCaffrey's first stop in a five-day trip through South America. He also will visit Boliva, Peru, and Argentina. His trip comes as the Clinton Administration examines various proposals for increasing the amount of anti-narcotics assistance to Colombia and other nations in the hemisphere. (Signed) NEB/WFR/PT 22-Aug-1999 22:20 PM LOC (23-Aug-1999 0220 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .